blob: a18e5902989c9e388f53d4fd6d91e1d2e1fef0fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <zxtest/base/observer.h>
#include <zxtest/base/test-info.h>
#include <zxtest/base/types.h>
namespace zxtest {
// Represents a collection of |TestInfo| with a unique name. Here all the logic for
// unique test definition per testcase exists. Also provides the mechanisms for
// |Test::SetUpTestCase| and |Test::TearDownTestCase|.
class TestCase {
// Alias for a Filter function. Parameter names are provided for clarity.
// This function returns true if |test| in |test_case| should be selected.
using FilterFn = fbl::Function<bool(const fbl::String& test_case, const fbl::String test)>;
TestCase() = delete;
TestCase(const fbl::String& name, internal::SetUpTestCaseFn set_up,
internal::TearDownTestCaseFn tear_down);
TestCase(const TestCase&) = delete;
TestCase& operator=(const TestCase&) = delete;
TestCase& operator=(TestCase&&) = delete;
// Returns the number of registered tests.
size_t TestCount() const;
// Returns the number of registered tests, matching a given filter.
size_t MatchingTestCount() const;
// Filters the tests from |test_infos_| that do
void Filter(FilterFn filter);
// Shuffles the test execution order |selected_indexes_|.
void Shuffle(std::uint32_t random_seed);
// Restores the test execution order to match registration order. This does
// not remove the effects of filter.
void UnShuffle();
// Returns true if registration of |test_info| into this testcase was successful.
bool RegisterTest(const fbl::String& name, const SourceLocation& location,
internal::TestFactory factory);
// Executes all registered tests with the provided |driver|.
void Run(LifecycleObserver* lifecycle_observer, internal::TestDriver* driver);
// Returns the name of test case.
const fbl::String& name() const { return name_; }
const TestInfo& GetTestInfo(size_t index) const { return test_infos_[index]; }
// Returns TestInfo of the registered test that matches the filter, at a given
// offset. If All tests match the filter, then it is equivalent to |TestCase::GetTestInfo|.
const TestInfo& GetMatchingTestInfo(size_t index) const {
return test_infos_[selected_indexes_[index]];
// Test case will return upon encountering the first test failure.
void SetReturnOnFailure(bool should_return_on_failure) {
return_on_failure_ = should_return_on_failure;
// Keeps track of the tests that were selected
fbl::Vector<unsigned long> selected_indexes_;
// Tests in registration order.
fbl::Vector<TestInfo> test_infos_;
// Test case name.
fbl::String name_;
// Called before any test in |test_infos_| is executed.
internal::SetUpTestCaseFn set_up_;
// Called after all tests in |test_infos_| are executed.
internal::TearDownTestCaseFn tear_down_;
// Finishes the test execution upon encountering the first failure.
bool return_on_failure_ = false;
} // namespace zxtest