blob: 4732e4b6604a4eb3a37417bfd5fada822509ef21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/io/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/connect_service.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/service/llcpp/constants.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/string_view.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <utility>
namespace service {
// Opens the directory containing incoming services in the application's default
// incoming namespace. By default the path is "/svc". Users may specify a custom path.
::zx::status<::fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>> OpenServiceRoot(
const char* path = llcpp::sys::kServiceDirectory);
namespace internal {
// Implementation of |service::Connect| that is independent from the actual |Protocol|.
::zx::status<zx::channel> ConnectRaw(const char* path);
// Implementation of |service::ConnectAt| that is independent from the actual |Protocol|.
::zx::status<zx::channel> ConnectAtRaw(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> svc_dir,
const char* protocol_name);
// Implementation of |service::Clone| that is independent from the actual |Protocol|.
::zx::status<zx::channel> CloneRaw(::zx::unowned_channel&& node);
// Determines if |Protocol| contains a method named |Clone|.
// TODO( This template is coupled to LLCPP codegen details,
// and as such would need to be adapted when e.g. we change the LLCPP generated
// namespace and hierarchies.
template <typename Protocol, typename = void>
struct has_fidl_method_named_clone : public ::std::false_type {};
template <typename Protocol>
struct has_fidl_method_named_clone<
Protocol, std::void_t<decltype(fidl::WireRequest<typename Protocol::Clone>(
std::declval<zx_txid_t>() /* txid */, std::declval<uint32_t>() /* flags */,
std::declval<::fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_io::Node>&&>() /* object */))>>
: public std::true_type {};
template <typename Protocol>
constexpr inline auto has_fidl_method_named_clone_v = has_fidl_method_named_clone<Protocol>::value;
// Determines if |T| is fully defined i.e. |sizeof(T)| can be evaluated.
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_complete : public ::std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_complete<T, std::void_t<std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof(T)>>>
: public std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
constexpr inline auto is_complete_v = is_complete<T>::value;
enum class AssumeProtocolComposesNodeTag { kAssumeProtocolComposesNode };
template <typename Protocol>
void CheckProtocolForClone(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> node, std::nullptr_t tag) {
"|Protocol| must be fully defined in order to use |service::Clone|");
"|Protocol| should be or compose the || protocol");
template <typename Protocol>
void CheckProtocolForClone(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> node,
AssumeProtocolComposesNodeTag tag) {
"|Protocol| already appears to compose the || protocol. "
"There is no need to specify |AssumeProtocolComposesNode|.");
} // namespace internal
// Typed channel wrapper around |fdio_service_connect|.
// Connects to the |Protocol| protocol in the default namespace for the current
// process. |path| defaults to `/svc/{name}`, where `{name}` is the fully
// qualified name of the FIDL protocol. The path may be overridden to
// a custom value.
// See documentation on |fdio_service_connect| for details.
template <typename Protocol>
::zx::status<::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>> Connect(
const char* path = fidl::DiscoverableProtocolDefaultPath<Protocol>) {
auto channel = internal::ConnectRaw(path);
if (channel.is_error()) {
return channel.take_error();
return ::zx::ok(::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(channel.value())));
// Typed channel wrapper around |fdio_service_connect_at|.
// Connects to the |Protocol| protocol relative to the |svc_dir| directory.
// |protocol_name| defaults to the fully qualified name of the FIDL protocol,
// but may be overridden to a custom value.
// See documentation on |fdio_service_connect_at| for details.
template <typename Protocol>
::zx::status<::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>> ConnectAt(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> svc_dir,
const char* protocol_name = fidl::DiscoverableProtocolName<Protocol>) {
auto channel = internal::ConnectAtRaw(svc_dir, protocol_name);
if (channel.is_error()) {
return channel.take_error();
return ::zx::ok(::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(channel.value())));
// Passing this value to |service::Clone| implies opting out of any
// compile-time checks the the FIDL protocol supports ||.
// This option should be used with care. See documentation on |service::Clone|.
constexpr inline auto AssumeProtocolComposesNode =
// Typed channel wrapper around |fdio_service_clone| and |fdio_service_clone_to|.
// Given an unowned client end |node|, returns an owned clone as a new
// connection using protocol request pipelining.
// |node| must be a channel that implements the || protocol,
// or one that composes such a protocol.
// This function looks a little involved due to the template programming; here
// is an example how it could be used:
// // |node| could be |fidl::ClientEnd| or |fidl::UnownedClientEnd|.
// auto clone = service::Clone(node);
// By default, this function will verify that the protocol type supports cloning
// (i.e. it has a FIDL method named "Clone"), which is generally satisfied by
// composing ||. Under special circumstances, it is possible to
// explicitly state that the protocol actually composes || at
// run-time, even though it may not be defined this way in the FIDL schema. This
// could happen as a result of implicit or unsupported multiplexing of FIDL
// protocols. There will not be any compile-time validation that the cloning is
// supported, if the extra |service::AssumeProtocolComposeseNode| argument is
// provided. Note that if the channel does not implement ||,
// the remote endpoint of the cloned node will be asynchronously closed.
// As such, this override should be used sparingly, and with caution:
// // Assume that |node| supports the || method call.
// // If that is not the case, there will be runtime failures at a later
// // stage when |clone| is actually used.
// auto clone = service::Clone(node, service::AssumeProtocolComposesNode);
// See documentation on |fdio_service_clone| for details.
template <typename Protocol, typename Tag = std::nullptr_t,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Tag, std::nullptr_t>,
std::is_same<Tag, internal::AssumeProtocolComposesNodeTag>>>>
::zx::status<::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>> Clone(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> node,
Tag tag = nullptr) {
internal::CheckProtocolForClone(node, tag);
auto result = internal::CloneRaw(;
if (!result.is_ok()) {
return result.take_error();
return ::zx::ok(::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(*result)));
// Overload of |service::Clone| to emulate implicit conversion from a
// |const fidl::ClientEnd&| into |fidl::UnownedClientEnd|. C++ cannot consider
// actual implicit conversions when performing template argument deduction.
template <typename Protocol, typename Tag = std::nullptr_t>
::zx::status<::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>> Clone(const ::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>& node,
Tag tag = nullptr) {
return Clone(node.borrow(), tag);
// Typed channel wrapper around |fdio_service_clone| and |fdio_service_clone_to|.
// Different from |Clone|, this version swallows any synchronous error and will
// return an invalid client-end in those cases. As such, |service::Clone| should
// be preferred over this function.
template <typename Protocol, typename Tag = std::nullptr_t,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Tag, std::nullptr_t>,
std::is_same<Tag, internal::AssumeProtocolComposesNodeTag>>>>
::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol> MaybeClone(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> node, Tag tag = nullptr) {
auto result = Clone(node, tag);
if (!result.is_ok()) {
return {};
return std::move(*result);
// Overload of |service::MaybeClone| to emulate implicit conversion from a
// |const fidl::ClientEnd&| into |fidl::UnownedClientEnd|. C++ cannot consider
// actual implicit conversions when performing template argument deduction.
template <typename Protocol, typename Tag = std::nullptr_t>
::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol> MaybeClone(const ::fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>& node, Tag tag = nullptr) {
return MaybeClone(node.borrow(), tag);
} // namespace service
namespace llcpp::sys {
// Opens a connection to the default instance of a FIDL service of type `FidlService`, rooted at
// `dir`. The default instance is called 'default'. See
// `OpenServiceAt(zx::unowned_channel,fidl::StringView)` for details.
template <typename FidlService>
::zx::status<typename FidlService::ServiceClient> OpenServiceAt(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir);
// Opens a connection to the given instance of a FIDL service of type `FidlService`, rooted at
// `dir`. The result, if successful, is a `FidlService::ServiceClient` that exposes methods that
// connect to the various members of the FIDL service.
// If the service or instance does not exist, the resulting `FidlService::ServiceClient` will fail
// to connect to a member.
// Returns a zx::status of status Ok on success. In the event of failure, an error status variant
// is returned, set to an error value.
// Returns a zx::status of state Error set to ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS if `instance` is more than 255
// characters long.
// ## Example
// ```C++
// using Echo = fuchsia_echo::Echo;
// using EchoService = fuchsia_echo::EchoService;
// zx::status<EchoService::ServiceClient> open_result =
// sys::OpenServiceAt<EchoService>(std::move(svc_));
// ASSERT_TRUE(open_result.is_ok());
// EchoService::ServiceClient service = open_result.take_value();
// zx::status<fidl::ClientEnd<Echo>> connect_result = service.ConnectFoo();
// ASSERT_TRUE(connect_result.is_ok());
// fidl::WireSyncClient<Echo> client = fidl::BindSyncClient(connect_result.take_value());
// ```
template <typename FidlService>
::zx::status<typename FidlService::ServiceClient> OpenServiceAt(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir, cpp17::string_view instance);
// Opens a connection to the given instance of a FIDL service with the name `service_name`, rooted
// at `dir`. The `remote` channel is passed to the remote service, and its local twin can be used to
// issue FIDL protocol messages. Most callers will want to use `OpenServiceAt(...)`.
// If the service or instance does not exist, the `remote` channel will be closed.
// Returns ZX_OK on success. In the event of failure, an error value is returned.
// Returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS if `service_path` or `instance` are more than 255 characters long.
::zx::status<> OpenNamedServiceAt(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir,
cpp17::string_view service_path, cpp17::string_view instance,
::zx::channel remote);
namespace internal {
// The internal |DirectoryOpenFunc| needs to take raw Zircon channels,
// because the FIDL runtime that interfaces with it cannot depend on the
// || FIDL library. See <lib/fidl/llcpp/connect_service.h>.
::zx::status<> DirectoryOpenFunc(::zx::unowned_channel dir, ::fidl::StringView path,
::zx::channel remote);
} // namespace internal
template <typename FidlService>
::zx::status<typename FidlService::ServiceClient> OpenServiceAt(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir, cpp17::string_view instance) {
::zx::channel local, remote;
if (zx_status_t status = ::zx::channel::create(0, &local, &remote); status != ZX_OK) {
return ::zx::error(status);
::zx::status<> result = OpenNamedServiceAt(dir, FidlService::Name, instance, std::move(remote));
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
return ::zx::ok(
typename FidlService::ServiceClient(std::move(local), internal::DirectoryOpenFunc));
template <typename FidlService>
::zx::status<typename FidlService::ServiceClient> OpenServiceAt(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir) {
return OpenServiceAt<FidlService>(dir, kDefaultInstance);
} // namespace llcpp::sys