| // Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "subprocess.h" |
| |
| #include <lib/backtrace-request/backtrace-request.h> |
| |
| #include <mini-process/mini-process.h> |
| |
| // This file assumes that it's compiled with minimal optimization to avoid |
| // things like the compiler splitting the code into hot and code sections that |
| // are no longer contiguous. The use of minipr_thread_loop assumes that the |
| // function is one self-contained contiguous chunk of code. So it cannot be |
| // split up, and it cannot make any direct calls. |
| // |
| // This function is the entire program that the child process will execute. It |
| // gets directly mapped into the child process via zx_vmo_write() so it, |
| // |
| // 1. must not reference any addressable entity outside the function |
| // |
| // 2. must fit entirely within its containing VMO |
| // |
| // If you find that this program is crashing for no apparent reason, check to |
| // see if it has outgrown its VMO. See kSizeLimit in mini-process.c. |
| |
| // Specify an explicit section for the function defeats hot/cold section |
| // splitting optimizations. |
| __attribute__((section(".text.not-split"))) void minipr_thread_loop(zx_handle_t channel, |
| uintptr_t fnptr) { |
| if (fnptr == 0) { |
| // In this mode we don't have a VDSO so we don't care what the handle is |
| // and therefore we busy-loop. Unless external steps are taken this will |
| // saturate one core. |
| volatile uint32_t val = 1; |
| while (val) { |
| val += 2u; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // In this mode we do have a VDSO but we are not a real ELF program so |
| // we need to receive from the parent the address of the syscalls we can |
| // use. So we can bootstrap, kernel has already transferred the address of |
| // zx_channel_read() and the handle to one end of the channel which already |
| // contains a message with the rest of the syscall addresses. |
| __typeof(zx_channel_read)* read_fn = (__typeof(zx_channel_read)*)fnptr; |
| |
| uint32_t actual = 0u; |
| uint32_t actual_handles = 0u; |
| zx_handle_t original_handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| minip_ctx_t ctx = {0}; |
| |
| zx_status_t status = |
| (*read_fn)(channel, 0u, &ctx, &original_handle, sizeof(ctx), 1, &actual, &actual_handles); |
| if ((status != ZX_OK) || (actual != sizeof(ctx))) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| |
| // The received handle in the |ctx| message does not have any use other than |
| // keeping it alive until the process ends. We basically leak it. |
| |
| // Acknowledge the initial message. |
| uint32_t ack[2] = {actual, actual_handles}; |
| status = ctx.channel_write(channel, 0u, ack, sizeof(uint32_t) * 2, NULL, 0u); |
| if (status != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| |
| do { |
| // wait for the next message. |
| status = ctx.object_wait_one(channel, ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &actual); |
| if (status != ZX_OK) |
| break; |
| |
| minip_cmd_t cmd = {0}; |
| status = ctx.channel_read(channel, 0u, &cmd, NULL, sizeof(cmd), 0u, &actual, &actual_handles); |
| |
| if (status != ZX_OK) |
| break; |
| |
| // Execute one or more commands. After each we send a reply with the |
| // result. If the command does not cause to crash or exit. |
| uint32_t what = cmd.what; |
| |
| do { |
| // This loop is convoluted. A simpler switch() statement |
| // has the risk of being generated as a table lookup which |
| // makes it likely it will reference the data section which |
| // is outside the memory copied to the child. |
| |
| zx_handle_t handle[2] = {ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID}; |
| |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_ECHO_MSG) { |
| what &= ~MINIP_CMD_ECHO_MSG; |
| cmd.status = ZX_OK; |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_CREATE_EVENT) { |
| cmd.status = ctx.event_create(0u, &handle[0]); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_CREATE_PROFILE) { |
| |
| // zx_profile_create() needs a handle to the root job, but we don't have one so |
| // we're passing ZX_HANDLE_INVALID. It is expected that this call will fail. |
| // |
| // Note, we're passing NULL instead of a pointer to a properly initialized |
| // zx_profile_info_t. That's to prevent the compiler from getting smart and |
| // using a pre-computed structure in the data segment. This function is |
| // "injected" into the mini-process so there can be no external dependencies. |
| cmd.status = ctx.profile_create(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, 0u, NULL, &handle[0]); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_CREATE_CHANNEL) { |
| cmd.status = ctx.channel_create(0u, &handle[0], &handle[1]); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| // Test one case of using an invalid handle. This |
| // tests a double-close of an event handle. |
| zx_handle_t handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| if (ctx.event_create(0u, &handle) != ZX_OK || ctx.handle_close(handle) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| cmd.status = ctx.handle_close(handle); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| // Test another case of using an invalid handle. This |
| // tests closing a handle after it has been transferred |
| // out of the process (by writing it to a channel). In |
| // this case, the Handle object still exists inside the |
| // kernel. |
| zx_handle_t handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| zx_handle_t channel1 = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| zx_handle_t channel2 = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| if (ctx.event_create(0u, &handle) != ZX_OK || |
| ctx.channel_create(0u, &channel1, &channel2) != ZX_OK || |
| ctx.channel_write(channel1, 0, NULL, 0, &handle, 1) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| // This should produce an error and/or exception. |
| cmd.status = ctx.handle_close(handle); |
| // Clean up. |
| if (ctx.handle_close(channel1) != ZX_OK || ctx.handle_close(channel2) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| zx_handle_t event = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| if (ctx.event_create(0u, &event) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| ctx.handle_close(event); |
| cmd.status = ctx.object_get_info(event, ZX_INFO_HANDLE_VALID, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_CREATE_PAGER_VMO) { |
| |
| zx_handle_t pager = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| if (ctx.pager_create(0u, &pager) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| zx_handle_t port = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| if (ctx.port_create(0u, &port) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| cmd.status = ctx.pager_create_vmo(pager, 0u, port, 0u, 0u, &handle[0]); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| // This call will fail because we don't have a bti handle, but that's OK because |
| // we only care about *how* it fails. |
| cmd.status = ctx.vmo_contiguous_create(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, ctx.system_get_page_size(), 0u, |
| &handle[0]); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| // This call will fail because we don't have a mmio resource, but that's OK |
| // because we only care about *how* it fails. |
| cmd.status = ctx.vmo_physical_create(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, 0u, 0u, &handle[0]); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_CHANNEL_WRITE) { |
| |
| uint8_t val = 0; |
| cmd.status = ctx.channel_write(original_handle, 0, &val, 1, NULL, 0u); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| backtrace_request(); |
| cmd.status = ZX_OK; |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| zx_handle_t vmo = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| zx_handle_t pager = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| zx_handle_t port = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| |
| // We use builtin_trap to kill off the process in a way |
| // that distinguishes a failure in these calls from an |
| // intended failure. |
| if (ctx.pager_create(0u, &pager) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| if (ctx.port_create(0u, &port) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| if (ctx.pager_create_vmo(pager, 0u, port, 0u, 0u, &vmo) != ZX_OK) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| |
| cmd.status = ctx.vmo_replace_as_executable(vmo, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, &vmo); |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| uintptr_t value; |
| #ifdef __x86_64__ |
| __asm__ volatile("mov %%fs:0, %0" : "=r"(value)); |
| #else |
| value = *(uintptr_t*)__builtin_thread_pointer(); |
| #endif |
| cmd.status = ZX_OK; |
| } else { |
| cmd.status = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE; |
| } |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| zx_handle_t port = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; |
| if (ctx.port_create(0u, &port) != ZX_OK) { |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| } |
| while (1) { |
| if (ctx.object_wait_async(original_handle, port, 42, ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0, 0) != ZX_OK) { |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| } |
| if (ctx.port_cancel(port, original_handle, 42) != ZX_OK) { |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| } |
| } |
| cmd.status = ZX_OK; |
| goto reply; |
| } |
| |
| // The following don't send a message so the client will get ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED. |
| |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_BUILTIN_TRAP) |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_EXIT_NORMAL) |
| ctx.process_exit(0); |
| |
| if (what & MINIP_CMD_THREAD_EXIT) |
| ctx.thread_exit(); |
| |
| // Did not match any known message. |
| cmd.status = ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE; |
| reply: |
| actual_handles = (handle[0] == ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) ? 0u : 1u; |
| status = ctx.channel_write(channel, 0u, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), handle, actual_handles); |
| |
| // Loop if there are more commands packed in |what|. |
| } while (what); |
| |
| } while (status == ZX_OK); |
| } |
| |
| __builtin_trap(); |
| } |