blob: e788eac6bca58edeb5970443dbd0a2c1ad07eaa9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <elf-search.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "dso-list-impl.h"
#include "inspector/inspector.h"
#include "utils-impl.h"
#define rdebug_off_lmap offsetof(struct r_debug, r_map)
#define lmap_off_next offsetof(struct link_map, l_next)
#define lmap_off_name offsetof(struct link_map, l_name)
#define lmap_off_addr offsetof(struct link_map, l_addr)
using inspector::fetch_build_id;
using inspector::fetch_string;
using inspector::read_mem;
const char kDebugDirectory[] = "/boot/debug";
const char kDebugSuffix[] = ".debug";
static inspector_dsoinfo_t* dsolist_add(inspector_dsoinfo_t** list, const char* name,
uintptr_t base) {
if (!strncmp(name, "app:driver_host:", 12)) {
// driver_host processes use their name field to describe
// the root of their device sub-tree.
name = "app:/boot/bin/driver_host";
size_t len = strlen(name);
auto dso =
reinterpret_cast<inspector_dsoinfo_t*>(calloc(1, sizeof(inspector_dsoinfo_t) + len + 1));
if (dso == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
memcpy(dso->name, name, len + 1);
memset(dso->buildid, 'x', sizeof(dso->buildid) - 1);
dso->base = base;
dso->debug_file_tried = false;
dso->debug_file_status = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
while (*list != nullptr) {
if ((*list)->base < dso->base) {
dso->next = *list;
*list = dso;
return dso;
list = &((*list)->next);
*list = dso;
dso->next = nullptr;
return dso;
__EXPORT inspector_dsoinfo_t* inspector_dso_fetch_list(zx_handle_t h) {
// Prepend "app:" to the name we print for the process binary to tell the
// reader (and the symbolize script!) that the name is the process's.
// The name property is only 32 characters which may be insufficient.
// N.B. The symbolize script looks for "app" and "app:".
#define PROCESS_NAME_PREFIX "app:"
strcpy(name, PROCESS_NAME_PREFIX);
auto status = zx_object_get_property(h, ZX_PROP_NAME, name + PROCESS_NAME_PREFIX_LEN,
sizeof(name) - PROCESS_NAME_PREFIX_LEN);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
print_zx_error("zx_object_get_property, falling back to \"app\" for program name", status);
strlcpy(name, "app", sizeof(name));
uintptr_t lmap, debug_addr;
status = zx_object_get_property(h, ZX_PROP_PROCESS_DEBUG_ADDR, &debug_addr, sizeof(debug_addr));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
print_zx_error("zx_object_get_property(ZX_PROP_PROCESS_DEBUG_ADDR), unable to fetch dso list",
return nullptr;
if (read_mem(h, debug_addr + rdebug_off_lmap, &lmap, sizeof(lmap))) {
return nullptr;
inspector_dsoinfo_t* dsolist = nullptr;
int iter = 0;
while (lmap != 0) {
if (iter++ > 500) {
print_error("dso_fetch_list detected too many entries, possible infinite loop");
return nullptr;
char dsoname[64];
zx_vaddr_t base;
uintptr_t next;
uintptr_t str;
if (read_mem(h, lmap + lmap_off_addr, &base, sizeof(base))) {
if (read_mem(h, lmap + lmap_off_next, &next, sizeof(next))) {
if (read_mem(h, lmap + lmap_off_name, &str, sizeof(str))) {
if (fetch_string(h, str, dsoname, sizeof(dsoname))) {
inspector_dsoinfo_t* dso = dsolist_add(&dsolist, dsoname[0] ? dsoname : name, base);
if (dso != nullptr) {
fetch_build_id(h, dso->base, dso->buildid, sizeof(dso->buildid));
lmap = next;
return dsolist;
__EXPORT void inspector_dso_free_list(inspector_dsoinfo_t* list) {
while (list != NULL) {
inspector_dsoinfo_t* next = list->next;
list = next;
__EXPORT inspector_dsoinfo_t* inspector_dso_lookup(inspector_dsoinfo_t* dso_list, zx_vaddr_t pc) {
for (inspector_dsoinfo_t* dso = dso_list; dso != NULL; dso = dso->next) {
if (pc >= dso->base) {
return dso;
return nullptr;
__EXPORT void inspector_print_markup_context(FILE* f, zx_handle_t process) {
fprintf(f, "{{{reset}}}\n");
*zx::unowned_process{process}, [f, count = 0u](const elf_search::ModuleInfo& info) mutable {
const size_t kPageSize = zx_system_get_page_size();
unsigned int module_id = count++;
// Print out the module first.
fprintf(f, "{{{module:%#x:%s:elf:", module_id,;
for (uint8_t byte : info.build_id) {
fprintf(f, "%02x", byte);
fprintf(f, "}}}\n");
// Now print out the various segments.
for (const auto& phdr : info.phdrs) {
if (phdr.p_type != PT_LOAD) {
uintptr_t start = phdr.p_vaddr & -kPageSize;
uintptr_t end = (phdr.p_vaddr + phdr.p_memsz + kPageSize - 1) & -kPageSize;
fprintf(f, "{{{mmap:%#" PRIxPTR ":%#" PRIxPTR ":load:%#x:", info.vaddr + start,
end - start, module_id);
if (phdr.p_flags & PF_R) {
fprintf(f, "%c", 'r');
if (phdr.p_flags & PF_W) {
fprintf(f, "%c", 'w');
if (phdr.p_flags & PF_X) {
fprintf(f, "%c", 'x');
fprintf(f, ":%#" PRIxPTR "}}}\n", start);
__EXPORT zx_status_t inspector_dso_find_debug_file(inspector_dsoinfo_t* dso,
const char** out_debug_file) {
// Have we already tried?
// Yeah, if we OOM it's possible it'll succeed next time, but
// it's not worth the extra complexity to avoid printing the debugging
// messages twice.
if (dso->debug_file_tried) {
switch (dso->debug_file_status) {
case ZX_OK:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(dso->debug_file != nullptr);
*out_debug_file = dso->debug_file;
debugf(2, "returning %d, already tried to find debug file for %s\n", dso->debug_file_status,
return dso->debug_file_status;
dso->debug_file_tried = true;
char* path;
if (asprintf(&path, "%s/%s%s", kDebugDirectory, dso->buildid, kDebugSuffix) < 0) {
debugf(1, "OOM building debug file path for dso %s\n", dso->name);
dso->debug_file_status = ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return dso->debug_file_status;
debugf(1, "looking for debug file %s\n", path);
int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
debugf(1, "debug file for dso %s not found: %s\n", dso->name, path);
dso->debug_file_status = ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
} else {
debugf(1, "found debug file for dso %s: %s\n", dso->name, path);
dso->debug_file = path;
*out_debug_file = path;
dso->debug_file_status = ZX_OK;
return dso->debug_file_status;