blob: 7d980fc38fbddef9aa491b63b652db19b5685a11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HWREG_I2C_H_
#define HWREG_I2C_H_
#include <endian.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/i2c/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/device-protocol/i2c.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
namespace hwreg {
struct LittleEndian;
struct BigEndian;
// An instance of I2cRegisterBase represents a staging copy of a register,
// which can be written to the device's register using i2c protocol. It knows the register's
// address and stores a value for the register. The actual write/read is done upon calling
// ReadFrom()/WriteTo() methods.
// All usage rules of RegisterBase applies here with the following exceptions
// - AddrIntSize should match the exact number of bytes used for register addressing.
// - ReadFrom()/WriteTo() methods will return zx_status_t instead of the class object and hence
// cannot be used in method chaining.
template <class DerivedType, class IntType, size_t AddrIntSize, class ByteOrder = void,
class PrinterState = void>
class I2cRegisterBase : public RegisterBase<DerivedType, IntType, PrinterState> {
// Register address size limited to reg_addr() type
static_assert(AddrIntSize <= sizeof(uint32_t), "unsupported register address width");
static_assert(std::is_same<ByteOrder, void>::value ||
std::is_same<ByteOrder, LittleEndian>::value ||
std::is_same<ByteOrder, BigEndian>::value,
"unsupported byte order");
// Byte order must be specified if register address/value is more than one byte
static_assert(!((AddrIntSize > 1 || sizeof(IntType) > 1) && std::is_same<ByteOrder, void>::value),
"Byte order must be specified");
using I2cByteOrder = ByteOrder;
static constexpr int AddrSize = AddrIntSize;
// Delete base class ReadFrom() and WriteTo() methods and define new ones
// which return zx_status_t in case of i2c read/write failure
template <typename T>
DerivedType& ReadFrom(T* reg_io) = delete;
template <typename T>
DerivedType& WriteTo(T* mmio) = delete;
using RegisterBaseType = RegisterBase<DerivedType, IntType, PrinterState>;
zx_status_t ReadFrom(ddk::I2cProtocolClient& i2c) {
uint32_t addr = RegisterBaseType::reg_addr();
addr = ConvertToI2cByteOrder(addr, AddrIntSize);
uint8_t* buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&addr);
IntType value = 0;
i2c_protocol_t proto = {};
auto status = i2c_write_read_sync(&proto, buf, AddrIntSize, &value, sizeof(IntType));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
value = ConvertFromI2cByteOrder(value);
return status;
zx_status_t WriteTo(ddk::I2cProtocolClient& i2c) {
uint32_t addr = RegisterBaseType::reg_addr();
IntType value = RegisterBaseType::reg_value();
addr = ConvertToI2cByteOrder(addr, AddrIntSize);
value = ConvertToI2cByteOrder(value, sizeof(IntType));
uint8_t buf[AddrIntSize + sizeof(IntType)] = {};
std::memcpy(buf, &addr, AddrIntSize);
std::memcpy(buf + AddrIntSize, &value, sizeof(IntType));
i2c_protocol_t proto = {};
auto status = i2c_write_read_sync(&proto, &buf, AddrIntSize + sizeof(IntType), nullptr, 0);
return status;
// Convert 'bytes' number of bytes in value to I2c byte order.
// 'bytes' is neccesary as reg_addr is uint32_t irrespective of 'AddrIntSize'.
template <typename T>
static T ConvertToI2cByteOrder(T value, const size_t bytes) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(T) >= bytes);
if (std::is_same<ByteOrder, BigEndian>::value) {
// Big Endian
T output = HostToBigEndian(value);
// Shift right to flush extra MSB i.e. keep only 'AddrIntSize' bytes
output = static_cast<T>(output >> (sizeof(T) - bytes) * 8);
return output;
} else {
// Little Endian / default (for 1 byte)
return HostToLittleEndian(value);
// Convert from I2c Byte order to host.
template <typename T>
static T ConvertFromI2cByteOrder(T value) {
if (std::is_same<ByteOrder, BigEndian>::value) {
// Big Endian
return BigEndianToHost(value);
} else {
// Little Endian / default (for 1 byte)
return LittleEndianToHost(value);
// Methods to convert between host and big/little endian for the I2C bus.
static inline uint32_t HostToBigEndian(uint32_t val) { return htobe32(val); }
static inline uint16_t HostToBigEndian(uint16_t val) { return htobe16(val); }
static inline uint8_t HostToBigEndian(uint8_t val) { return val; }
static inline uint32_t BigEndianToHost(uint32_t val) { return betoh32(val); }
static inline uint16_t BigEndianToHost(uint16_t val) { return betoh16(val); }
static inline uint8_t BigEndianToHost(uint8_t val) { return val; }
static inline uint32_t HostToLittleEndian(uint32_t val) { return htole32(val); }
static inline uint16_t HostToLittleEndian(uint16_t val) { return htole16(val); }
static inline uint8_t HostToLittleEndian(uint8_t val) { return val; }
static inline uint32_t LittleEndianToHost(uint32_t val) { return letoh32(val); }
static inline uint16_t LittleEndianToHost(uint16_t val) { return letoh16(val); }
static inline uint8_t LittleEndianToHost(uint8_t val) { return val; }
// An instance of I2cRegisterAddr represents a typed register address: It
// holds the address of the register in the i2c device and
// the type of its contents, RegType. RegType represents the register's
// bitfields. RegType should be a subclass of I2cRegisterBase.
// All usage rules of RegisterAddr applies here with the following exceptions
// - FromValue() is the only valid method for creating RegType.
// - reg_addr is stored in uint32_t and will be casted to the exact length in I2cRegisterBase.
template <class RegType>
class I2cRegisterAddr : public RegisterAddr<RegType> {
std::is_base_of<I2cRegisterBase<RegType, typename RegType::ValueType, RegType::AddrSize,
typename RegType::I2cByteOrder>,
RegType>::value ||
std::is_base_of<I2cRegisterBase<RegType, typename RegType::ValueType, RegType::AddrSize,
typename RegType::I2cByteOrder, EnablePrinter>,
"Parameter of I2cRegisterAddr<> should derive from I2cRegisterBase");
// Delete base class ReadFrom() as read from i2c can fail and
// cannot be used for constructing RegType.
template <typename T>
RegType ReadFrom(T* reg_io) = delete;
I2cRegisterAddr(uint32_t reg_addr) : RegisterAddr<RegType>(reg_addr) {}
} // namespace hwreg
#endif // HWREG_I2C_H_