blob: cea4bd5b004d59100dbc7935c6d1bdc7788c25bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace hid {
namespace usage {
constexpr uint16_t UsageToUsagePage(uint32_t usage) { return static_cast<uint16_t>(usage >> 16); }
constexpr uint16_t UsageToUsageId(uint32_t usage) { return static_cast<uint16_t>(usage); }
enum class Page : uint16_t {
kUndefined = 0x00,
kGenericDesktop = 0x01,
kSimulationCtrls = 0x02,
kVRCtrls = 0x03,
kSportsCtrls = 0x04,
kGameCtrls = 0x05,
kGenericDeviceCtrls = 0x06,
kKeyboardKeypad = 0x07,
kLEDs = 0x08,
kButton = 0x09,
kOrdinal = 0x0a,
kTelephony = 0x0b,
kConsumer = 0x0c,
kDigitizer = 0x0d,
kPhysicalInterface = 0x0f,
kUnicode = 0x10,
kAlphanumericDisplay = 0x14,
kSensor = 0x20,
kMedicalInstrument = 0x40,
kMonitor = 0x80,
kMonitorEnumerated = 0x81,
kVESACtrls = 0x82,
kVESACommand = 0x83,
kPowerDevice = 0x84,
kBatterySystem = 0x85,
kBarcodeScanner = 0x8c,
kScale = 0x8d,
kMagneticStripeReader = 0x8e,
kPointOfSaleDevice = 0x8f,
kCameraControl = 0x90,
kArcadeControl = 0x91,
kVendorDefinedStart = 0xff00,
kVendorDefinedEnd = 0xffff
enum class GenericDesktop : uint32_t {
kUndefined = 0x00,
kPointer = 0x01,
kMouse = 0x02,
kJoystick = 0x04,
kGamePad = 0x05,
kKeyboard = 0x06,
kKeypad = 0x07,
kMultiAxisController = 0x08,
kX = 0x30,
kY = 0x31,
kZ = 0x32,
kRx = 0x33,
kRy = 0x34,
kRz = 0x35,
kSlider = 0x36,
kDial = 0x37,
kWheel = 0x38,
kHatSwitch = 0x39,
kCountedBuffer = 0x3a,
kByteCount = 0x3b,
kMotionWakeup = 0x3c,
kVx = 0x40,
kVy = 0x41,
kVz = 0x42,
kVbrx = 0x43,
kVbry = 0x44,
kVbrz = 0x45,
kVno = 0x46,
kSystemControl = 0x80,
kSystemPowerDown = 0x81,
kSystemSleep = 0x82,
kSystemWakeUp = 0x83,
kSystemContextMenu = 0x84,
kSystemMainMenu = 0x85,
kSystemAppMenu = 0x86,
kSystemMenuHelp = 0x87,
kSystemMenuExit = 0x88,
kSystemMenuSelect = 0x89,
kSystemMenuRight = 0x8a,
kSystemMenuLeft = 0x8b,
kSystemMenuUp = 0x8c,
kSystemMenuDown = 0x8d,
kDpadUp = 0x90,
kDpadDown = 0x9a,
kDpadRight = 0x9b,
kDpadLeft = 0x9c
enum class LEDs : uint32_t {
kUndefined = 0x00,
kNumLock = 0x01,
kCapsLock = 0x02,
kScrollLock = 0x03,
kCompose = 0x04,
kKana = 0x05,
kPower = 0x06,
kShift = 0x07,
kDoNotDisturb = 0x08,
kMute = 0x09,
kToneEnable = 0x0a,
kHighCutFilter = 0x0b,
kLowCutFilter = 0x0c,
kEqualizerEnable = 0x0d,
kSoundFieldOn = 0x0e,
kSurroundFieldOn = 0x0f,
kRepeat = 0x10,
kStereo = 0x11,
kSamplingRateDetect = 0x12,
kSpinning = 0x13,
kCAV = 0x14,
kCLV = 0x15,
kRecordingFormatDetect = 0x16,
kOffHook = 0x17,
kRing = 0x18,
kMessageWaiting = 0x19,
kDataMode = 0x1a,
kBatteryOperation = 0x1b,
kBatteryOK = 0x1c,
kBatteryLow = 0x1d,
kSpeaker = 0x1e,
kHeadSet = 0x1f,
kHold = 0x20,
kMicrophone = 0x21,
kCoverage = 0x22,
kNightMode = 0x23,
kSendCalls = 0x24,
kCallPickup = 0x25,
kConference = 0x26,
kStandby = 0x27,
kCameraOn = 0x28,
kCameraOff = 0x29,
kOnLine = 0x2a,
kOffLine = 0x2b,
kBusy = 0x2c,
kReady = 0x2d,
kPaperOut = 0x2e,
kPaperJam = 0x2f,
kRemote = 0x30,
kForward = 0x31,
kReverse = 0x32,
kStop = 0x33,
kRewind = 0x34,
kFastForward = 0x35,
kPlay = 0x36,
kPause = 0x37,
kRecord = 0x38,
kError = 0x39,
kUsageSelectedIndicator = 0x3a,
kUsageInUseIndicator = 0x3b,
kUsageMultiModeIndicator = 0x3c,
kIndicatorOn = 0x3d,
kIndicatorFlash = 0x3e,
kIndicatorSlowBlink = 0x3f,
kIndicatorFastBlink = 0x40,
kIndicatorOff = 0x41,
kFlashOnTime = 0x42,
kSlowBlinkOnTime = 0x43,
kSlowBlinkOffTime = 0x44,
kFastBlinkOnTime = 0x45,
kFastBlinkOffTime = 0x46,
kUsageIndicatorColor = 0x47,
kRed = 0x48,
kGreen = 0x49,
kAmber = 0x4a,
kGenericIndicator = 0x4b,
kSystemSuspend = 0x4c,
kExternalPowerConnected = 0x4d
enum class Consumer : uint32_t {
kUnassigned = 0x00,
kConsumerControl = 0x01,
kNumericKeyPad = 0x02,
kProgrammableButtons = 0x03,
kPlus10 = 0x20,
kPlus100 = 0x21,
kAM_PM = 0x22,
kPower = 0x30,
kReset = 0x31,
kSleep = 0x32,
kSleepAfter = 0x33,
kSleepMode = 0x34,
kIllumination = 0x35,
kFunctionButtons = 0x36,
kMenu = 0x40,
kMenuPick = 0x41,
kMenuUp = 0x42,
kMenuDown = 0x43,
kMenuLeft = 0x44,
kMenuRight = 0x45,
kMenuEscape = 0x46,
kMenuValueIncrease = 0x47,
kMenuValueDecrease = 0x48,
kDataOnScreen = 0x60,
kClosedCaption = 0x61,
kClosedCaptionSelect = 0x62,
kVCR_TV = 0x63,
kBroadcastMode = 0x64,
kSnapshot = 0x65,
kStill = 0x66,
kCameraAccessEnabled = 0x76,
kCameraAccessDisabled = 0x77,
kCameraAccessToggle = 0x78,
kSelection = 0x80,
kAssignSelection = 0x81,
kModeStep = 0x82,
kRecallLast = 0x83,
kEnterChannel = 0x84,
kOrderMovie = 0x85,
kChannel = 0x86,
kMediaSelection = 0x87,
kMediaSelectComputer = 0x88,
kMediaSelectTV = 0x89,
kMediaSelectWWW = 0x8a,
kMediaSelectDVD = 0x8b,
kMediaSelectTelephone = 0x8c,
kMediaSelectProgramGuide = 0x8d,
kMediaSelectVideoPhone = 0x8e,
kMediaSelectGames = 0x8f,
kMediaSelectMessages = 0x90,
kMediaSelectCD = 0x91,
kMediaSelectVCR = 0x92,
kMediaSelectTuner = 0x93,
kQuit = 0x94,
kHelp = 0x95,
kMediaSelectTape = 0x96,
kMediaSelectCable = 0x97,
kMediaSelectSatellite = 0x98,
kMediaSelectSecurity = 0x99,
kMediaSelectHome = 0x9a,
kMediaSelectCall = 0x9b,
kChannelIncrement = 0x9c,
kChannelDecrement = 0x9d,
kMediaSelectSAP = 0x9e,
kVCRPlus = 0xa0,
kOnce = 0xa1,
kDaily = 0xa2,
kWeekly = 0xa3,
kMonthly = 0xa4,
kPlay = 0xb0,
kPause = 0xb1,
kRecord = 0xb2,
kFastForward = 0xb3,
kRewind = 0xb4,
kScanNextTrack = 0xb5,
kScanPreviousTrack = 0xb6,
kStop = 0xb7,
kEject = 0xb8,
kRandomPlay = 0xb9,
kSelectDisC = 0xba,
kEnterDisc = 0xbb,
kRepeat = 0xbc,
kTracking = 0xbd,
kTrackNormal = 0xbe,
kSlowTracking = 0xbf,
kFrameForward = 0xc0,
kFrameBack = 0xc1,
kMark = 0xc2,
kClearMark = 0xc3,
kRepeatFromMark = 0xc4,
kReturnToMark = 0xc5,
kSearchMarkForward = 0xc6,
kSearchMarkBackwards = 0xc7,
kCounterReset = 0xc8,
kShowCounter = 0xc9,
kTrackingIncrement = 0xca,
kTrackingDecrement = 0xcb,
kVolume = 0xe0,
kBalance = 0xe1,
kMute = 0xe2,
kBass = 0xe3,
kTreble = 0xe4,
kBassBoost = 0xe5,
kSurroundMode = 0xe6,
kLoudness = 0xe7,
kMPX = 0xe8,
kVolumeUp = 0xe9,
kVolumeDown = 0xea,
kSpeedSelect = 0xf0,
kPlaybackSpeed = 0xf1,
kStandardPlay = 0xf2,
kLongPlay = 0xf3,
kExtendedPlay = 0xf4,
kSlow = 0xf5,
kBalanceRight = 0x150,
kBalanceLeft = 0x151,
kBassIncrement = 0x152,
kBassDecrement = 0x153,
kTrebleIncrement = 0x154,
kTrebleDecrement = 0x155,
kSpeakerSystem = 0x160,
kChannelLeft = 0x161,
kChannelRight = 0x162,
kChannelCenter = 0x163,
kChannelFront = 0x164,
kChannelCenterFront = 0x165,
kChannelSide = 0x166,
kChannelSurround = 0x167,
kChannelLowFreqEnhance = 0x168,
kChannelTop = 0x169,
kChannelUnknown = 0x16a,
kAppLaunchButtons = 0x180,
kGenericGUIAppControls = 0x200
// These are the values that Digitizer::kTouchscreenInputMode can
// take and their respective meanings.
enum class TouchScreenInputMode : uint32_t {
kMouse = 0x00,
kSingleInput = 0x01,
kMultipleInput = 0x02,
enum class Digitizer : uint32_t {
kUndefined = 0x00,
kDigitizer = 0x01,
kPen = 0x02,
kLightPen = 0x03,
kTouchScreen = 0x04,
kTouchPad = 0x05,
kWhiteBoard = 0x06,
kCoordinateMeasuringMachine = 0x07,
k3DDigitizer = 0x08,
kStereoPlotter = 0x09,
kArticulatedArm = 0x0a,
kArmature = 0x0b,
kMultiplePointDigitizer = 0x0c,
kFreeSpaceWand = 0x0d,
kTouchScreenConfiguration = 0x0E,
kStylus = 0x20,
kFinger = 0x22,
kTouchScreenDeviceSettings = 0x23,
kTipPressure = 0x30,
kBarrelPressure = 0x31,
kInRange = 0x32,
kTouch = 0x33,
kUntouch = 0x34,
kTap = 0x35,
kQuality = 0x36,
kDataValid = 0x37,
kTransducerIndex = 0x38,
kTabletFunctionKeys = 0x39,
kProgramChangeKeys = 0x3a,
kBatteryStrength = 0x3b,
kInvert = 0x3c,
kXTilt = 0x3d,
kYTilt = 0x3e,
kAzimuth = 0x3f,
kAltitude = 0x40,
kTwist = 0x41,
kTipSwitch = 0x42,
kSecondaryTipSwitch = 0x43,
kBarrelSwitch = 0x44,
kEraser = 0x45,
kTabletPick = 0x46,
kConfidence = 0x47,
kWidth = 0x48,
kHeight = 0x49,
kContactID = 0x51,
kTouchScreenInputMode = 0x52,
kContactCount = 0x54,
kScanTime = 0x56,
enum class Sensor : uint32_t {
kUndefined = 0x00,
kAmbientLight = 0x41,
kAccelerometer3D = 0x73,
kGyrometer3D = 0x76,
kMagnetometer = 0xC2,
kSensorState = 0x201,
kSensorStateUndefined = 0x801,
kSensorStateReady = 0x802,
kSensorStateNotAvailable = 0x803,
kSensorStateNoData = 0x804,
kSensorStateInitializing = 0x805,
kSensorStateAccessDenied = 0x806,
kSensorStateError = 0x807,
kSensorEvent = 0x202,
kSensorEventUnknown = 0x810,
kSensorEventStateChanged = 0x811,
kSensorEventPropertyChanged = 0x812,
kSensorEventDataUpdated = 0x813,
kSensorEventPollResponse = 0x814,
kSensorEventChangeSensitivity = 0x815,
kSensorEventRangeMaxReached = 0x816,
kSensorEventRangeMinReached = 0x817,
kSensorEventHighThresholdCrossUpward = 0x818,
kSensorEventHighThresholdCrossDownward = 0x819,
kSensorEventLowThresholdCrossUpward = 0x81A,
kSensorEventLowThresholdCrossDownward = 0x81B,
kSensorEventZeroThresholdCrossUpward = 0x81C,
kSensorEventZeroThresholdCrossDownward = 0x81D,
kAccelerationAxisX = 0x453,
kAccelerationAxisY = 0x454,
kAccelerationAxisZ = 0x455,
kAngularVelocityX = 0x457,
kAngularVelocityY = 0x458,
kAngularVelocityZ = 0x459,
kDistanceAxisX = 0x47A,
kDistanceAxisY = 0x47B,
kDistanceAxisZ = 0x47C,
kTiltAxisX = 0x47F,
kTiltAxisY = 0x480,
kTiltAxisZ = 0x481,
kMagneticFluxAxisX = 0x485,
kMagneticFluxAxisY = 0x486,
kMagneticFluxAxisZ = 0x487,
kLightIlluminance = 0x4D1,
kLightColorTemperature = 0x4D2,
kLightChromaticity = 0x4D3,
kLightChromaticityX = 0x4D4,
kLightChromaticityY = 0x4D5,
kLightConsumerIrSentenceReceive = 0x4D6,
kLightInfraredLight = 0x4D7,
kLightRedLight = 0x4D8,
kLightGreenLight = 0x4D9,
kLightBlueLight = 0x4DA,
kLightUltravioletALight = 0x4DB,
kLightUltravioletBLight = 0x4DC,
kLightUltravioletIndex = 0x4DD,
enum class Telephony : uint32_t {
kUndefined = 0x00,
kPhoneMute = 0x2F,
} // namespace usage
} // namespace hid
inline bool operator==(uint16_t e, hid::usage::Page up) { return (static_cast<uint16_t>(up) == e); }
inline bool operator==(hid::usage::Page up, uint16_t e) { return (static_cast<uint16_t>(up) == e); }
inline bool operator==(uint32_t e, hid::usage::GenericDesktop gd) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(gd) == e);
inline bool operator==(hid::usage::GenericDesktop gd, uint32_t e) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(gd) == e);
inline bool operator==(uint32_t e, hid::usage::Digitizer d) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(d) == e);
inline bool operator==(hid::usage::Digitizer d, uint32_t e) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(d) == e);
inline bool operator==(uint32_t e, hid::usage::LEDs gd) { return (static_cast<uint32_t>(gd) == e); }
inline bool operator==(uint32_t e, hid::usage::Consumer gd) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(gd) == e);
inline bool operator==(hid::usage::Consumer gd, uint32_t e) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(gd) == e);
inline bool operator==(uint32_t e, hid::usage::Sensor s) { return (static_cast<uint32_t>(s) == e); }
inline bool operator==(hid::usage::Sensor s, uint32_t e) { return (static_cast<uint32_t>(s) == e); }