blob: ba86657a03725c09fe74446765bef792d4eb4c6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FFL_STRING_H_
#define FFL_STRING_H_
#ifndef _KERNEL
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <ffl/fixed.h>
#include <ffl/saturating_arithmetic.h>
namespace ffl {
// String builds and stores a null-terminated string representation of a fixed-
// point value. A constant-size string buffer is maintained internally in each
// instance to permit temporaries in calls to printing/logging functions.
class String {
constexpr String() = default;
constexpr String(const String&) = default;
constexpr String& operator=(const String&) = default;
enum Mode {
// The value is rendered as an ordinary decimal number. The fraction is
// limited to max_fractional_digits (which is capped internally so that
// the resulting string is never longer than 31 characters).
// The value is rendered as two unsigned hexidecimal numbers separated by a
// decimal point, with FractionalBits after the decimal point. For example,
// Fixed<int8_t,2>::FromRaw(0x0f) is rendered as "3.C".
// The value is rendered as an rational expression of the form:
// [optional sign][integer][sign][numerator]/[denominator]
// Each number is rendered in base 10. The fraction is not reduced, meaning
// the denominator is always 2^FractionalBits. Examples:
// Fixed<int8_t,2>::FromRaw(0x0f) => "3+3/4"
// Fixed<int8_t,2>::FromRaw(0xee) => "-4-2/4"
// Constructs a String containing a string representation of the given fixed-
// point value. See Mode for a description of the available modes.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr String(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value, Mode mode = Dec,
size_t max_fractional_digits = 10) {
if (mode == Dec) {
WriteDec(value, max_fractional_digits);
} else if (mode == Hex) {
} else if (mode == DecRational) {
} else {
// Returns a pointer to the internal string. The string is guaranteed to be
// null-terminated.
constexpr const char* c_str() const { return buffer_; }
// Returns a pointer to the first element of the internal string buffer.
constexpr const char* data() const { return buffer_; }
// Returns the length of the string.
constexpr size_t size() const { return length_; }
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void WriteDec(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value, size_t max_fractional_digits);
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void WriteDecRational(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value);
constexpr void WriteDecInteger(uint64_t value);
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void WriteHex(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value);
enum ZeroMode {
constexpr void WriteHexInteger(uint64_t value, size_t digits, ZeroMode zero_mode);
// For mode=Dec, we may need an arbitrary number of digits to format the
// number with full precision. However, in order to format the number with
// enough precision such that it can be reconstructed into the same exact
// fixed-point value, the maximum buffer size needed is:
// kBufferSize
// = ceil(log10(2^IntegralBits))
// + ceil(log10(2^FractionalBits))
// + 1 /* sign */
// + 1 /* decimal point */
// + 1 /* trailing '\0' */
// = 24
// For mode=Hex, the maximum buffer size needed is:
// kBufferSize
// = log16(sizeof(uint64)*8)
// + 1 /* decimal point */
// + 1 /* trailing '\0' */
// + 2 /* '0x' prefix, for std::showbase */
// = 17
// For mode=DecRational, the maximum buffer size needed is:
// kBufferSize
// = ceil(log10(2^IntegralBits))
// + ceil(log10(2^FractionalBits))
// + ceil(log10(2^FractionalBits))
// + 1 /* sign before integer */
// + 1 /* sign before fraction */
// + 1 /* slash */
// + 1 /* trailing '\0' */
// = 43
// We round sizeof(String) up to the nearest multiple of 8.
static constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 47;
// Default-initialize the buffer to encourage constexpr evaluation.
char buffer_[kBufferSize]{};
// String length.
uint8_t length_ = 0;
// Utility that returns a String for the given Fixed value. This function may
// be looked up by ADL to reduce namespace clutter at call sites. The noinline
// attribute avoids unnecessary expansion around logging/printing calls.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
[[gnu::noinline]] constexpr String Format(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value,
String::Mode mode = String::Dec,
size_t max_fractional_digits = 10) {
return {value, mode, max_fractional_digits};
// Renders the given fixed-point value in decimal
// Output starts at buffer[length_].
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void String::WriteDec(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value,
size_t max_fractional_digits) {
using Format = typename Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits>::Format;
// Record the sign before converting the intermediate values to positive.
if (value.raw_value() < 0) {
buffer_[length_++] = '-';
// Below, we upcast to __uint128_t so we can elide overflow checking.
static_assert(sizeof(Integer) * 8 <= 64);
// Convert the intermediate values to positive for string conversion.
const Integer mask = static_cast<Integer>(-(value.raw_value() < 0));
const uint64_t one = static_cast<uint64_t>(mask & 1);
// This operation cannot overflow:
// When value.raw_value() >= 0, then mask == 0 and one == 0
// When value.raw_value() < 0, then mask == ~0 and one == 1
// and value.raw_value() ^ mask < 2^63
const uint64_t absolute_value = static_cast<uint64_t>(value.raw_value() ^ mask) + one;
const uint64_t integral_value =
Format::FractionalBits == 64 ? 0 : absolute_value >> Format::FractionalBits;
// Write the integral part.
// Write the fractional part.
if (max_fractional_digits > 0) {
buffer_[length_] = '.';
size_t pos = length_ + 1;
size_t last_nonzero = pos;
// Stop when requested or when the buffer ends, whichever comes first.
const size_t requested_stop = pos + max_fractional_digits;
const size_t stop = requested_stop < (kBufferSize - 1) ? requested_stop : (kBufferSize - 1);
__uint128_t remaining_value = absolute_value;
do {
remaining_value &= Format::FractionalMask;
remaining_value *= 10;
const char digit = static_cast<char>('0' + (remaining_value >> Format::FractionalBits));
if (digit != '0') {
last_nonzero = pos;
buffer_[pos++] = digit;
} while (remaining_value != 0 && pos < stop);
// End the string after the last non-zero trailing digit.
length_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(last_nonzero + 1);
buffer_[length_] = '\0';
// Renders the given fixed-point value as a decimal fraction.
// Output starts at buffer[length_].
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void String::WriteDecRational(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value) {
using Format = typename Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits>::Format;
// Record the sign before converting the intermediate values to positive.
const char sign = (value.raw_value() < 0) ? '-' : '+';
if (value.raw_value() < 0) {
buffer_[length_++] = '-';
// Convert the intermediate values to positive for string conversion.
const Integer mask = static_cast<Integer>(-(value.raw_value() < 0));
const uint64_t one = static_cast<uint64_t>(mask & 1);
// This operation cannot overflow:
// When value.raw_value() >= 0, then mask == 0 and one == 0
// When value.raw_value() < 0, then mask == ~0 and one == 1
// and value.raw_value() ^ mask < 2^63
const uint64_t absolute_value = static_cast<uint64_t>(value.raw_value() ^ mask) + one;
const uint64_t integral_value =
Format::FractionalBits == 64 ? 0 : absolute_value >> Format::FractionalBits;
// Write the integral part.
// Write the fractional part.
buffer_[length_++] = sign;
WriteDecInteger(absolute_value & Format::FractionalMask);
buffer_[length_++] = '/';
// Write out 2^64 manually, since that doesn't fit in a 64-bit number.
if (Format::FractionalBits == 64) {
const char str[] = "18446744073709551616";
memcpy(&buffer_[length_], "18446744073709551616", sizeof(str));
length_ += sizeof(str) - 1;
} else {
buffer_[length_] = '\0';
// Renders the given integer as a decimal number.
// Output starts at buffer[length_].
constexpr void String::WriteDecInteger(uint64_t value) {
// Reserve space in the buffer for the integral digits, including when the
// integral component is zero.
uint64_t remaining_value = value;
do {
remaining_value /= 10;
} while (remaining_value > 0);
// String convert the integral component into the reserved region.
size_t pos = length_ - 1;
remaining_value = value;
do {
buffer_[pos--] = static_cast<char>('0' + remaining_value % 10);
remaining_value /= 10;
} while (remaining_value > 0);
// Renders the given fixed-point value as a hexadecimal fraction.
// Output starts at buffer[length_].
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void String::WriteHex(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value) {
using Format = typename Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits>::Format;
// Cast the raw_value to a uint64_t without sign extension.
const uint64_t raw_value_mask =
(Format::Bits == 64) ? uint64_t(-1) : (uint64_t(1) << Format::Bits) - 1;
const uint64_t raw_value = static_cast<uint64_t>(value.raw_value()) & raw_value_mask;
// Integral portion.
if constexpr (Format::FractionalBits == Format::Bits) {
buffer_[length_++] = '0';
} else {
// Integral digits includes everything not covered by FractionalBits.
// Shift the first integral hex digit into the MSB.
const uint64_t integral_value = (raw_value & Format::IntegralMask) >> FractionalBits;
const uint64_t integral_hex_digits = (Format::Bits - FractionalBits + 3) / 4;
const uint64_t integral_shifted = integral_value << ((16 - integral_hex_digits) * 4);
WriteHexInteger(integral_shifted, integral_hex_digits, NoLeadingZeros);
// Fractional portion.
buffer_[length_++] = '.';
if constexpr (Format::FractionalBits == 0) {
buffer_[length_++] = '0';
} else {
// Shift the first fractional bit into the MSB.
const uint64_t fractional_value = raw_value & Format::FractionalMask;
const uint64_t fractional_shifted = fractional_value << (64 - Format::FractionalBits);
const uint64_t fractional_hex_digits = (FractionalBits + 3) / 4;
WriteHexInteger(fractional_shifted, fractional_hex_digits, NoTrailingZeros);
buffer_[length_] = '\0';
// Renders the given integer as a hexadecimal number.
// Output starts at buffer[length_].
constexpr void String::WriteHexInteger(uint64_t value, size_t digits, ZeroMode zero_mode) {
if (!value) {
buffer_[length_++] = '0';
bool had_nonzero = false;
uint8_t last_nonzero = length_;
for (size_t k = 0; k < digits; k++, value <<= 4) {
auto digit = value >> 60;
if (digit == 0) {
if (zero_mode == NoLeadingZeros && !had_nonzero) {
} else {
had_nonzero = true;
last_nonzero = length_;
if (digit < 10) {
buffer_[length_++] = static_cast<char>('0' + digit);
} else {
buffer_[length_++] = static_cast<char>('a' + (digit - 10));
if (zero_mode == NoTrailingZeros) {
length_ = last_nonzero + 1;
#ifndef _KERNEL
namespace internal {
extern const int kIosModeIndex;
// A stream manipulator for setting the current mode.
// Defaults to String::Dec.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, String::Mode mode);
// Operator to write a Fixed value into an ostream.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value) {
auto mode = static_cast<String::Mode>(out.iword(internal::kIosModeIndex));
if (mode == String::Hex && (out.flags() & std::ios_base::showbase)) {
out << "0x";
out << String(value, mode, out.precision()).c_str();
return out;
} // namespace ffl
#endif // FFL_STRING_H_