blob: 5b4ee2badd35f238ba72eac7bc74b2908f7a4dfc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Source directory for Fucshia libc.
libc = "//zircon/system/ulib/c"
# Root source directory for llvm-libc.
llvm_libc = "//third_party/llvm-libc/src"
libc_configs = [
# These configs are needed for the expectations of the source code,
# whether compiled into or into unit test code.
# When compiled for unit tests, add only those.
libc_testonly_configs = libc_configs + [ "$libc:testonly.config" ]
# These additional configs are needed when compiling for the real libc.
libc_configs += [
# libfuzzer also uses libc internally. By removing the fuzzing
# instrumentation we avoid it adding noise to the fuzzing coverage.
# TODO(25073): Once a cleaner solution is found, remove this.
# Define source_set() targets for some libc code.
# This defines two source_set() targets, one with the main target name and one
# called "$target_name.testonly". They differ in the configs applied to the
# code (before $configs is appended if set). The main target is compiled for
# libc proper and defines the public C entry points, while the testonly target
# is compiled for unit test code and does not define the public C entry points.
# A libc_test() target should have the corresponding ".testonly" target in its
# $deps while the main target rolls up into the deps of libc proper.
# Paramaters
# * configs
# - Optional: Extra configs to append. Unlike source_set(), configs
# is not pre-set so defaults cannot be removed and += isn't used.
# - Type: list(config)
# - Default: []
# * non_test_deps
# - Optional: Extra deps to append for the main target but
# not the testonly target.
# - Type: list(label)
# - Default: []
# * testonly_deps
# - Optional: Extra deps to append for the testonly target
# but not the main target.
# - Type: list(label)
# - Default: []
# * dir
# - Optional: Directory prefix for $sources file names.
# - Type: dir
# - Default: "."
# * public
# - Optional: As for source_set(), but $dir is prefixed if set.
# This should list the headers intended to be used for other parts
# of libc and for unit tests. Those targets will have deps on this one.
# - Type: list(file)
# * sources
# - Required: As for source_set(), but $dir is prefixed if set.
# - Type: list(file)
# * visibility
# - Optional: Additional label patterns that can use this target.
# All targets have visibility limited to libc code by default.
# This can add additional label patterns to expose libc internal
# pieces to other parts of the build, but minimal patterns should
# be used and never broad wildcards.
# - Type: list(label_pattern)
# - Default: []
# See source_set() for the rest.
template("libc_source_set") {
set_vars = {
visibility = [ "$libc/*" ]
if (defined(invoker.visibility)) {
visibility += invoker.visibility
if (defined(invoker.dir)) {
sources = []
foreach(file, invoker.sources) {
sources += [ "${invoker.dir}/$file" ]
} else {
sources = invoker.sources
if (defined(invoker.public)) {
if (defined(invoker.dir)) {
public = []
foreach(file, invoker.public) {
public += [ "${invoker.dir}/$file" ]
} else {
public = invoker.public
set_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
set_configs = invoker.configs
source_set(target_name) {
configs += libc_configs + set_configs
deps = []
forward_variables_from(set_vars, "*")
if (defined(invoker.non_test_deps)) {
deps += invoker.non_test_deps
source_set("$target_name.testonly") {
testonly = true
configs += libc_testonly_configs + set_configs
deps = []
forward_variables_from(set_vars, "*")
if (defined(invoker.testonly_deps)) {
deps += invoker.testonly_deps
# Define a source_set() of libc unit test code.
# This defines a source_set() that will roll up into the libc-unittests
# executable and the standalone Zircon core-tests executable. It's expected to
# use llvm-libc's unit test API, which acts as a wrapper for zxtest, or to use
# the zxtest API directly. Its $deps should include the "foo.testonly" target
# defined by libc_source_set("foo") for the code under test, which is tested
# via its C++ namespace-scoped entry points.
# Paramaters
# * configs
# - Optional: Extra configs to append. Unlike source_set(), configs
# is not pre-set so defaults cannot be removed and += isn't used.
# - Type: list(config)
# - Default: []
# * dir
# - Optional: Directory prefix for $sources file names.
# - Type: dir
# - Default: "."
# * sources
# - Required: As for source_set(), but $dir is prefixed if set.
# - Type: list(file)
# See source_set() for the rest.
template("libc_test") {
source_set(target_name) {
testonly = true
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.dir)) {
sources = []
foreach(file, invoker.sources) {
sources += [ "${invoker.dir}/$file" ]
} else {
sources = invoker.sources
configs += libc_testonly_configs
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
configs += invoker.configs
deps += [ "//zircon/system/ulib/zxtest" ]