blob: 0c6dcfec126450b35b77c140ef4f4fbec5b32e84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/acpi_lite/structures.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
namespace acpi_lite {
class PhysMemReader;
// Abstract interface for reading ACPI tables.
class AcpiParserInterface {
virtual ~AcpiParserInterface() = default;
// Get the number of tables.
virtual size_t num_tables() const = 0;
// Return the i'th table. Return nullptr if the index is out of range.
// If the return value is non-null, it is guaranteed that the returned
// pointer |p| points to memory at least |p->length| bytes long.
virtual const AcpiSdtHeader* GetTableAtIndex(size_t index) const = 0;
// Functionality for reading ACPI tables.
class AcpiParser final : public AcpiParserInterface {
AcpiParser(const AcpiParser&) = default;
AcpiParser& operator=(const AcpiParser&) = default;
// Create a new AcpiParser, using the given PhysMemReader object.
// PhysMemReader must outlive this object. Caller retains ownership of the PhysMemReader.
static zx::status<AcpiParser> Init(PhysMemReader& physmem_reader, zx_paddr_t rsdp_pa);
// Print tables to debug output.
void DumpTables() const;
// |AcpiParserInterface| implementation.
inline size_t num_tables() const final { return num_tables_; }
const AcpiSdtHeader* GetTableAtIndex(size_t index) const final;
// Create a new AcpiParser.
// |reader| and |sdt| must outlive the created instance.
AcpiParser(PhysMemReader& reader, const AcpiRsdt* rsdt, const AcpiXsdt* xsdt, size_t num_tables,
zx_paddr_t root_table_addr)
: reader_(&reader),
root_table_addr_(root_table_addr) {}
// Get the physical address of the given table, or return 0 if the table does not exist.
zx_paddr_t GetTablePhysAddr(size_t index) const;
PhysMemReader* reader_; // Owned elsewhere. Non-null.
const AcpiRsdt* rsdt_; // Owned elsewhere. May be null.
const AcpiXsdt* xsdt_; // Owned elsewhere. May be null.
size_t num_tables_; // Number of top level tables
zx_paddr_t root_table_addr_; // Physical address of the root table.
// Get the first table matching the given signature. Return nullptr if no table found.
const AcpiSdtHeader* GetTableBySignature(const AcpiParserInterface& parser, AcpiSignature sig);
// Get the first table of the given type. Return nullptr if no table found, or the
// table is invalid.,
template <typename T>
const T* GetTableByType(const AcpiParserInterface& parser) {
const AcpiSdtHeader* header = GetTableBySignature(parser, T::kSignature);
if (header == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (header->length < sizeof(T)) {
return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(header);
// A PhysMemReader translates physical addresses (such as those in the ACPI tables and the RSDT
// itself) into pointers directly readable by the acpi_lite library.
class PhysMemReader {
virtual ~PhysMemReader() = default;
virtual zx::status<const void*> PhysToPtr(uintptr_t phys, size_t length) = 0;
// Functions below exposed for testing.
// Ensure the checksum of the given block of code is valid.
bool AcpiChecksumValid(const void* buf, size_t len);
// Calculate a checksum of the given range of memory.
uint8_t AcpiChecksum(const void* _buf, size_t len);
// Validate the RSDT / XSDT tables.
zx::status<const AcpiRsdt*> ValidateRsdt(PhysMemReader& reader, uint32_t rsdt_pa,
size_t* num_tables);
zx::status<const AcpiXsdt*> ValidateXsdt(PhysMemReader& reader, uint32_t rsdt_pa,
size_t* num_tables);
} // namespace acpi_lite