blob: 52a8b2e85e59b20f51df2928998f7d4076d7492d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
namespace coresight {
// Typically components are 4KiB in size; the spec permits them to be larger.
constexpr size_t kMinimumComponentSize = 4096;
// Device architecture constants for ARM-designed components.
namespace arm {
constexpr uint16_t kArchitect = 0x23b;
namespace archid {
constexpr uint16_t kCTI = 0x1a14;
constexpr uint16_t kETMv3 = 0x3a13;
constexpr uint16_t kETMv4 = 0x4a13;
constexpr uint16_t kPMUv2 = 0x1a16;
constexpr uint16_t kPMUv3 = 0x2a16;
constexpr uint16_t kROMTable = 0x0af7;
constexpr uint16_t kV8Dot0A = 0x6a15;
constexpr uint16_t kV8Dot1A = 0x7a15;
constexpr uint16_t kV8Dot2A = 0x8a15;
} // namespace archid
namespace partid {
constexpr uint16_t kCTI400 = 0x0906; // SoC400 generation
constexpr uint16_t kCTI600 = 0x09ed; // SoC600 generation
constexpr uint16_t kETB = 0x0907;
constexpr uint16_t kTimestampGenerator = 0x0101;
constexpr uint16_t kTMC = 0x0961;
constexpr uint16_t kTPIU = 0x0912;
constexpr uint16_t kTraceFunnel = 0x0908;
constexpr uint16_t kTraceReplicator = 0x0909;
} // namespace partid
} // namespace arm
// [CS] B2.2.1
// The first component identification register (CIDR1).
struct ComponentIDRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<ComponentIDRegister, uint32_t> {
enum class Class : uint8_t {
// clang-format off
kGenericVerification = 0x0,
k0x1ROMTable = 0x1,
kCoreSight = 0x9,
kPeripheralTestBlock = 0xB,
kGenericIP = 0xE,
kNonStandard = 0xF, // For older components without standardized registers.
// clang-format on
// Should conventionally be called |class| to match the spec, but that is C++
// keyword. We opt for the Germanized |classid| to match archid, powerid,
// etc.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(Class, 7, 4, classid);
// Not technically reserved, but is expected to be identically zero (and is
// currently unused in this codebase).
static auto GetAt(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<ComponentIDRegister>(offset + 0xff4);
static auto Get() { return GetAt(0u); }
// B.2.2
struct PeripheralID0Register : public hwreg::RegisterBase<PeripheralID0Register, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(7, 0, part0);
static auto GetAt(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<PeripheralID0Register>(offset + 0xfe0);
static auto Get() { return GetAt(0); }
struct PeripheralID1Register : public hwreg::RegisterBase<PeripheralID1Register, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(7, 4, des0);
DEF_FIELD(3, 0, part1);
static auto GetAt(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<PeripheralID1Register>(offset + 0xfe4);
static auto Get() { return GetAt(0); }
struct PeripheralID2Register : public hwreg::RegisterBase<PeripheralID2Register, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(7, 4, revision);
DEF_BIT(3, jedec);
DEF_FIELD(2, 0, des1);
static auto GetAt(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<PeripheralID2Register>(offset + 0xfe8);
static auto Get() { return GetAt(0); }
struct PeripheralID4Register : public hwreg::RegisterBase<PeripheralID4Register, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(7, 4, size);
DEF_FIELD(3, 0, des2);
static auto GetAt(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<PeripheralID4Register>(offset + 0xfd0);
static auto Get() { return GetAt(0); }
// [CS] B2.2.2
// JEDEC ID of the designer.
template <typename IoProvider>
inline uint16_t GetDesigner(IoProvider io) {
const auto des0 = static_cast<uint16_t>(PeripheralID1Register::Get().ReadFrom(&io).des0());
const auto des1 = static_cast<uint16_t>(PeripheralID2Register::Get().ReadFrom(&io).des1());
const auto des2 = static_cast<uint16_t>(PeripheralID4Register::Get().ReadFrom(&io).des2());
return static_cast<uint16_t>((des2 << 7) | (des1 << 4) | des0);
// [CS] B2.2.2
// This number is an ID chosen by the designer.
template <typename IoProvider>
inline uint16_t GetPartIDAt(IoProvider io, uint32_t offset) {
const auto part0 =
const auto part1 =
return static_cast<uint16_t>((part1 << 8) | part0);
template <typename IoProvider>
inline uint16_t GetPartID(IoProvider io) {
return GetPartIDAt(io, 0);
// B2.3.3
// Used to determine whether two components have an affinity with one another
// (e.g., if both correspond to the same CPU).
// This 64-bit register is actually an amalgamation of the two device affinity
// registers, DEVAFF0 and DEVAFF1. We combine them as, in practice, the
// resulting value is typically that of the 64-bit MPIDR register of the
// associated CPU.
struct DeviceAffinityRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<DeviceAffinityRegister, uint64_t> {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<ComponentIDRegister>(0xfa8); }
// [CS] B2.3.4
// Identifies the architect and architecture of a CoreSight component
struct DeviceArchRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<DeviceArchRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(31, 21, architect);
DEF_BIT(20, present);
DEF_FIELD(19, 16, revision);
DEF_FIELD(15, 0, archid);
static auto GetAt(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<DeviceArchRegister>(offset + 0xfbc);
static auto Get() { return GetAt(0u); }
// [CS] B2.3.8
// Gives a high-level information about the type of a CoreSight component.
struct DeviceTypeRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<DeviceTypeRegister, uint32_t> {
enum class MajorType : uint8_t {
// clang-format off
kMiscellaneous = 0x0,
kTraceSink = 0x1,
kTraceLink = 0x2,
kTraceSource = 0x3,
kDebugControl = 0x4,
kDebugLogic = 0x5,
kPerformanceMonitor = 0x6,
// clang-format on
// The identifiable type is parametrized by the bottom byte, which is
// comprised of the MAJOR and SUB fields. The following is not exhaustive;
// new entries should be added as they are encountered.
#define TYPE(major, sub) ((sub << 4) | static_cast<uint8_t>(major))
enum class Type : uint8_t {
// clang-format off
kTracePort = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceSink, 0x1),
kTraceBuffer = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceSink, 0x2),
kTraceRouter = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceSink, 0x3),
kTraceFunnel = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceLink, 0x1),
kTraceFilter = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceLink, 0x2),
kTraceFIFO = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceLink, 0x3),
kCPUTraceSource = TYPE(MajorType::kTraceSource, 0x1),
kTriggerMatrix = TYPE(MajorType::kDebugControl, 0x1),
kCPUDebugLogic = TYPE(MajorType::kDebugLogic, 0x1),
kCPUPerformanceMonitor = TYPE(MajorType::kPerformanceMonitor, 0x1),
// clang-format on
Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(TYPE(major(), sub())); }
#undef TYPE
DEF_FIELD(7, 4, sub); // Subtype.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MajorType, 3, 0, major);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<DeviceTypeRegister>(0xfcc); }
inline std::string_view ToString(ComponentIDRegister::Class classid) {
switch (classid) {
case ComponentIDRegister::Class::kGenericVerification:
return "generic verification";
case ComponentIDRegister::Class::k0x1ROMTable:
return "0x1 ROM table";
case ComponentIDRegister::Class::kCoreSight:
return "CoreSight";
case ComponentIDRegister::Class::kPeripheralTestBlock:
return "peripheral test block";
case ComponentIDRegister::Class::kGenericIP:
return "generic IP";
case ComponentIDRegister::Class::kNonStandard:
return "non-standard";
printf("unrecognized component class: %#x\n", static_cast<uint8_t>(classid));
return "unknown";
inline std::string_view ToString(DeviceTypeRegister::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTracePort:
return "trace port";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTraceBuffer:
return "trace buffer";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTraceRouter:
return "trace router";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTraceFunnel:
return "trace funnel";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTraceFilter:
return "trace filter";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTraceFIFO:
return "trace FIFO";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kCPUTraceSource:
return "CPU trace source";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kTriggerMatrix:
return "trigger matrix";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kCPUDebugLogic:
return "CPU debug logic";
case DeviceTypeRegister::Type::kCPUPerformanceMonitor:
return "CPU performance monitor";
default: {
// See DeviceTypeRegister::Type documentation.
uint8_t sub = (0b11110000 & static_cast<uint8_t>(type)) >> 4;
uint8_t major = 0b00001111 & static_cast<uint8_t>(type);
printf("unrecognized device type: (major, sub) = (%#x, %#x)\n", major, sub);
return "unknown";
} // namespace coresight