blob: 4359d536991abb1659f961ec8057d2d8fc296809 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/arm64/feature-asm.h>
#include <lib/arch/asm.h>
#include <lib/arch/ticks.h>
#include <zircon/tls.h>
#include <phys/stack.h>
// This is the entry point from the boot loader or thereabouts.
// It receives one argument, in x0, usually a pointer (physical address).
// The caches and MMU are disabled.
// In a ZBI executable, this is where zbi_kernel_t::entry points and
// x0 holds the address of the data ZBI.
// In a boot shim, the header code jumps here after normalizing machine state
// and x0 holds what's usually a Device Tree address.
.function _start, global
// As early as possible collect the time stamp. x1 and x2 will be the
// second argument to PhysMain, the arch::EarlyTicks structure passed in
// two registers. The first argument is already in x0.
sample_ticks x1, x2, x9, x10, x11
// Clear return address and frame pointer: at the root of the call stack.
mov x29, xzr
mov x30, xzr
// Clear .bss. Note this assumes it's aligned to 16, which is ensured
// by BOOT_STACK_ALIGN (and other alignments in .bss) and the linker script.
adr_global x9, _edata
adr_global x10, _end
stp xzr, xzr, [x9], #16
cmp x9, x10
blt 0b
// Set up the stacks and the thread pointer area.
tp .req x9
adr_global tp, boot_thread_pointer
msr tpidr_el1, tp
// Stack guard canary value.
boot_stack_guard .req x10
// If hardware random numbers are available, use them.
.arch armv8.5-a+rng
mrs boot_stack_guard, ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1
tst boot_stack_guard, #ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1_RNDR
beq .Lno_rndr
// Reading this register sets the Z flag if no good randomness is delivered.
mrs boot_stack_guard, RNDRRS
bne .Lstack_guard_done
mrs boot_stack_guard, RNDR
bne .Lstack_guard_done
// The only "randomness" readily available is our own load address, so
// swizzle that in with some arbitrary bits.
movlit boot_stack_guard, 0xdeadbeef1ee2d00d
eor boot_stack_guard, tp, boot_stack_guard
#if __has_feature(safe_stack)
boot_unsafe_stack_ptr .req x11
adr_global boot_unsafe_stack_ptr, boot_unsafe_stack + BOOT_STACK_SIZE
boot_unsafe_stack_ptr .req xzr
#error "TLS ABI layout???"
stp boot_stack_guard, boot_unsafe_stack_ptr, [tp, #ZX_TLS_STACK_GUARD_OFFSET]
adr_global x12, boot_stack + BOOT_STACK_SIZE
mov sp, x12
#if __has_feature(shadow_call_stack)
// Shadow call stack grows up.
adr_global shadow_call_sp, boot_shadow_call_stack
// Now the full C++ ABI is available. This could theoretically be a tail
// call since it's obliged never to return, but it's nice to have the
// caller in a backtrace.
bl PhysMain
// Trap forever just in case it does return.
brk #1
b 0b
.object boot_thread_area, bss, local, align=8
.error "TLS ABI layout??"