blob: 9f20e06de7b0e6a31dfe11dd2d357bb247737202 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub mod actor;
pub mod environment;
mod actor_runner;
mod counter;
use {
crate::{actor_runner::ActorRunner, counter::start_counter, environment::Environment},
fuchsia_async::{Task, TimeoutExt},
futures::future::{select, select_all, Either},
log::{error, info, set_logger, set_max_level, LevelFilter},
rand::{rngs::SmallRng, FromEntropy, Rng},
io::{stdout, Write},
// A simple logger that prints to stdout
pub struct StdoutLogger;
impl StdoutLogger {
pub fn init(filter: LevelFilter) {
set_logger(&StdoutLogger).expect("Failed to set StdoutLogger as global logger");
impl log::Log for StdoutLogger {
fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
fn log(&self, record: &log::Record<'_>) {
if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
match record.level() {
log::Level::Info => {
println!("{}", record.args());
log::Level::Error => {
eprintln!("{}: {}", record.level(), record.args());
_ => {
println!("{}: {}", record.level(), record.args());
fn flush(&self) {
/// Use entropy to generate a random seed
pub fn random_seed() -> u128 {
let mut temp_rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
/// Runs the test loop for the given environment to completion.
pub async fn run_test<E: 'static + Environment>(mut env: E) {
let env_string = format!("{:#?}", env);
info!("--------------------- stressor is starting -----------------------");
info!("{}", env_string);
// Setup a panic handler that prints out details of this invocation on crash
let default_panic_hook = std::panic::take_hook();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| {
error!("--------------------- stressor has crashed -----------------------");
error!("{}", env_string);
// Extract the data from the environment
let target_operations = env.target_operations().unwrap_or(u64::MAX);
let timeout_secs = env.timeout_seconds();
// Start the counter thread
// The counter thread keeps track of the global operation count.
// Each actor will send a message to the counter thread when an operation is completed.
// When the target operation count is hit, the counter task exits.
let (mut counter_task, counter_tx) = start_counter(target_operations);
// A monotonically increasing counter representing the current generation.
// On every environment reset, the generation is incremented.
let mut generation: u64 = 0;
// Start all the runners
let mut runner_tasks: Vec<Task<(ActorRunner, u64)>> =
env.actor_runners().into_iter().map(|r|, generation)).collect();
let test_loop = async move {
loop {
let joined_runners = select_all(runner_tasks.drain(..));
// Wait for one of the runners or the counter task to return
let either = select(counter_task, joined_runners).await;
match either {
Either::Left(_) => {
// The counter task returned.
// The target operation count was hit.
// The test has completed.
info!("Test completed {} operations!", target_operations);
Either::Right((((runner, runner_generation), _, mut other_runner_tasks), task)) => {
// Normally, actor runners run indefinitely.
// However, one of the actor runners has returned.
// This is because an actor has requested an environment reset.
// Move the counter task back
counter_task = task;
// Did the runner request a reset at the current generation?
if runner_generation == generation {
// Reset the environment
info!("Resetting environment");
// Advance the generation
generation += 1;
// Restart this runner with the current generation
let task =, generation);
// Move the runner tasks back
runner_tasks = other_runner_tasks;
if let Some(timeout_secs) = timeout_secs {
// Put a timeout on the test loop.
// Users can ask a stress test to run as many operations as it can within
// a certain time limit. Hence it is not an error for this timeout to be hit.
.on_timeout(Duration::from_secs(timeout_secs), move || {
info!("Test completed after {} seconds!", timeout_secs);
} else {