blob: 2b4bc8c394783437b49fce6615da353bd18fbcd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_io::{SeekOrigin, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE},
log::{debug, info},
rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, rngs::SmallRng, Rng},
stress_test::actor::{Actor, ActorError},
// Performs operations on blobs expected to exist on disk
pub struct ReadActor {
// Random number generator used by the operator
pub rng: SmallRng,
// Blobfs root directory
pub root_dir: Directory,
impl ReadActor {
pub fn new(rng: SmallRng, root_dir: Directory) -> Self {
Self { rng, root_dir }
// Read a random amount of data at a random offset from a random blob
async fn read_blob(&mut self) -> Result<(), Status> {
// Decide how many blobs to create new handles for
let blob_list = self.root_dir.entries().await?;
if blob_list.is_empty() {
// No blobs to read!
return Ok(());
// Choose a random blob and open a handle to it
let blob = blob_list.choose(&mut self.rng).unwrap();
let file = self.root_dir.open_file(blob, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE).await?;
debug!("Reading from {}", blob);
let data_size_bytes = file.uncompressed_size().await?;
if data_size_bytes == 0 {
// Nothing to read, blob is empty!
return Ok(());
// Choose an offset
let offset = self.rng.gen_range(0, data_size_bytes - 1);
// Determine the length of this read
let end_pos = self.rng.gen_range(offset, data_size_bytes);
assert!(end_pos >= offset);
let length = end_pos - offset;
// Read the data from the handle and verify it, offset).await?;
let actual_data_bytes = file.read_num_bytes(length).await?;
assert_eq!(actual_data_bytes.len(), length as usize);
debug!("Read {} bytes from {}", length, blob);
impl Actor for ReadActor {
async fn perform(&mut self) -> Result<(), ActorError> {
match self.read_blob().await {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(Status::NOT_FOUND) => Ok(()),
// Any other error is assumed to come from an intentional crash.
// The environment verifies that an intentional crash occurred
// and will panic if that is not the case.
Err(s) => {
info!("Read actor got status: {}", s);