blob: fb7b83b0c01c15966349e49a9a8d7d3a8e915dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
directory::{Directory, ObjectDescriptor},
HandleOptions, ObjectStore,
server::{directory::FxDirectory, file::FxFile, node::FxNode},
anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Error},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
filesystem::{Filesystem, FilesystemRename},
struct NodeCache(HashMap<u64, Weak<dyn FxNode>>);
impl NodeCache {
fn add(&mut self, object_id: u64, node: Weak<dyn FxNode>) {
// This is a programming error, so panic here.
assert!(!self.0.contains_key(&object_id), "Duplicate node for {}", object_id);
self.0.insert(object_id, node);
fn get(&mut self, object_id: u64) -> Result<Arc<dyn FxNode>, Error> {
if let Some(node) = self.0.get(&object_id) {
if let Some(node) = node.upgrade() {
} else {
// TODO(jfsulliv): This should be done in FxNode::drop (or FxDirectory/FxFile).
Err(anyhow!(FxfsError::NotFound).context("Node was closed"))
} else {
Err(anyhow!(FxfsError::NotFound).context(format!("No node with id {}", object_id)))
/// FxVolume represents an opened volume. It is also a (weak) cache for all opened Nodes within the
/// volume.
pub struct FxVolume {
// We need a futures-aware mutex here to make open_or_load_node atomic, since it might require
// asynchronously loading the node and then inserting it into the cache.
// TODO(jfsulliv): This is horribly inefficient. Fix this by inserting a placeholder object that
// we then go update in place.
nodes: futures::lock::Mutex<NodeCache>,
store: Arc<ObjectStore>,
_graveyard: Directory,
impl FxVolume {
pub fn store(&self) -> &ObjectStore {
pub async fn add_node(&self, object_id: u64, node: Weak<dyn FxNode>) {
self.nodes.lock().await.add(object_id, node)
pub async fn open_node(&self, object_id: u64) -> Result<Arc<dyn FxNode>, Error> {
/// Attempts to open a node in the node cache. If the node wasn't present in the cache, loads
/// the object from the object store, installing the returned node into the cache and returns
/// the newly created FxNode backed by the loaded object.
pub async fn open_or_load_node(
self: &Arc<Self>,
object_id: u64,
object_descriptor: ObjectDescriptor,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn FxNode>, Error> {
let mut nodes = self.nodes.lock().await;
match nodes.get(object_id) {
Ok(node) => Ok(node),
Err(e) if FxfsError::NotFound.matches(&e) => {
let node = match object_descriptor {
ObjectDescriptor::File => {
let file =, HandleOptions::default()).await?;
Arc::new(FxFile::new(file)) as Arc<dyn FxNode>
ObjectDescriptor::Directory => {
let directory =;
Arc::new(FxDirectory::new(self.clone(), directory)) as Arc<dyn FxNode>
_ => bail!(FxfsError::Inconsistent),
nodes.add(object_id, Arc::downgrade(&node));
Err(e) => return Err(e),
impl FilesystemRename for FxVolume {
fn rename(
_src_dir: Arc<dyn Any + Sync + Send + 'static>,
_src_name: Path,
_dst_dir: Arc<dyn Any + Sync + Send + 'static>,
_dst_name: Path,
) -> Result<(), Status> {
impl Filesystem for FxVolume {}
pub struct FxVolumeAndRoot {
volume: Arc<FxVolume>,
root: Arc<dyn FxNode>,
impl FxVolumeAndRoot {
pub async fn new(volume: Volume) -> Self {
let (store, root_directory, graveyard) = volume.into();
let root_object_id = root_directory.object_id();
let volume = Arc::new(FxVolume {
nodes: futures::lock::Mutex::new(NodeCache(HashMap::new())),
_graveyard: graveyard,
let root: Arc<dyn FxNode> = Arc::new(FxDirectory::new(volume.clone(), root_directory));
volume.add_node(root_object_id, Arc::downgrade(&root)).await;
Self { volume, root }
pub fn volume(&self) -> &Arc<FxVolume> {
pub fn root(&self) -> Arc<FxDirectory> {
self.root.clone().into_any().downcast::<FxDirectory>().expect("Invalid type for root")
pub(super) fn into_volume(self) -> Arc<FxVolume> {