blob: 481f7beaf4f0e28274581e3daf6119479a528de4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.media2;
using fuchsia.mediastreams;
using zx;
/// Represents an audio capturer.
protocol Capturer {
/// Connects a stream sink for the capturer with the indicate properties. Multiple stream sinks
/// may be used sequentially for a given capturer. This method responds when the connection is
/// ready or the connect attempt fails.
zx.handle:EVENTPAIR buffer_collection_token,
fuchsia.mediastreams.AudioFormat format,
fuchsia.media2.StreamTimeline stream_timeline,
fuchsia.media2.StreamSink stream_sink)
-> () error fuchsia.media2.ConnectionError;
/// Disconnects the output stream.
/// Indicates that the current output stream has been disconnected unexpectedly.
-> OnOutputStreamDisconnected(zx.status status);
/// Indicates that the stream sink previously created is invalid,
/// and the client should create another one if it wishes to
/// continue sending packets.
-> OnOutputStreamSinkInvalid();
/// Starts the capturer's presentation timeline.
/// + request `reference_time` the reference time at which the presentation timeline should
/// start. A value of `fuchsia.media2.TIME_UNSPECIFIED` indicates it should start as soon as
/// possible.
/// + request `presentation_time` the value of the capturer's presentation clock when
/// presentation timeline starts. A value of `fuchsia.media2.TIME_UNSPECIFIED` indicates the\
/// presentation timeline should start at its current value.
/// * response `reference_time` the reference time at which the presentation timeline actually
/// started.
/// * response `presentation_time` the value of the capturer's presentation clock when the
/// presentation timeline actually started.
/// If the capturer is currently running, this method does nothing except return the same values
/// returned by the previous `Start` call. If a start or stop transition is currently scheduled
/// when this method is called, that scheduled transition is first cancelled.
Start(zx.time reference_time, zx.time presentation_time)
-> (zx.time reference_time, zx.time presentation_time);
/// Stops the capturer's presentation timeline.
/// + request `presentation_time` the value of the capturer's presentation clock when
/// presentation timeline should stop. A value of `fuchsia.media2.TIME_UNSPECIFIED` indicates
/// the presentation timeline should stop as soon as possible.
/// * response `reference_time` the reference time at which the presentation timeline actually
/// stopped.
/// * response `presentation_time` the value of the capturer's presentation clock when the
/// presentation timeline actually stopped. This is the current presentation time until
/// a subsequent call to `Start`.
/// If the capturer is currently stopped, this method does nothing except return the same values
/// returned by the previous `Stop` call or 0,0 if this capturer has never been started. If a
/// start or stop transition is currently scheduled when this method is called, that scheduled
/// transition is first cancelled.
Stop(zx.time presentation_time)
-> (zx.time reference_time, zx.time presentation_time);
/// Sets the reference clock to use for this capturer. All
/// ‘reference time’ values for this capturer are interpreted
/// with respect to this clock. If this method is never called,
/// the reference clock is the system’s monotonic clock.
SetReferenceClock(zx.handle:CLOCK reference_clock);
// Binds the volume control for the capturer.
//BindVolumeControl(request<VolumeControl> request);
// Binds the gain control for the capturer.
//BindGainControl(request<GainControl> request);