blob: 528446aa429d3f2b59c3cba5dddb27739282053d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "codec_adapter_h264.h"
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/clone.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/bti.h>
#include <optional>
#include "amlogic_codec_adapter.h"
#include "device_ctx.h"
#include "h264_decoder.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "pts_manager.h"
#include "src/media/lib/metrics/metrics.cb.h"
#include "vdec1.h"
namespace amlogic_decoder {
// TODO(dustingreen):
// * Split InitializeStream() into two parts, one to get the format info from
// the HW and send it to the Codec client, the other part to configure
// output buffers once the client has configured Codec output config based
// on the format info. Wire up so that
// onCoreCodecMidStreamOutputConstraintsChange() gets called and so that
// CoreCodecBuildNewOutputConstraints() will pick up the correct current
// format info (whether still mid-stream, or at the start of a new stream
// that's starting before the mid-stream format change was processed for the
// old stream).
// * Allocate output video buffers contig by setting relevant buffer
// constraints to indicate contig to BufferAllocator / BufferCollection.
// * On EndOfStream at input, push all remaining data through the HW decoder
// and detect when the EndOfStream is appropriate to generate at the output.
// * Split video_->Parse() into start/complete and/or switch to feeding the
// ring buffer directly, or whatever is wanted by multi-concurrent-stream
// mode.
// * Detect when there's sufficient space in the ring buffer, and feed in
// partial input packets to permit large input packets with many AUs in
// them.
// * At least when promise_separate_access_units_on_input is set, propagate
// timestamp_ish values from input AU to correct output video frame (using
// PtsManager).
// * Consider if there's a way to get AmlogicVideo to re-use buffers across
// a stream switch without over-writing buffers that are still in-use
// downstream.
namespace {
// avconv -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=42x52 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline
// -vframes 1 new_stream.h264
// (The "baseline" part of the above isn't really needed, but neither is a
// higher profile really needed for this purpose.)
// bless new_stream.h264, and manually delete the big SEI NAL that has lots of
// text in it (the exact encoder settings don't really matter for this purpose),
// including its start code, up to just before the next start code, save.
// xxd -i new_stream.h264
// We push this through the decoder as our "EndOfStream" marker, and detect it
// at the output (for now) by its unusual 42x52 resolution during
// InitializeStream() _and_ the fact that we've queued this marker. To force
// this frame to be handled by the decoder we queue kFlushThroughBytes of 0s
// after this data.
// TODO(dustingreen): We don't currently detect the EndOfStream via its stream
// offset in PtsManager (for h264), but that would be marginally more robust
// than detecting the special resolution. However, to detect via stream offset,
// we'd either need to avoid switching resolutions, or switch resolutions using
// the same output buffer set (including preserving the free/busy status of each
// buffer across the boundary), and delay notifying the client until we're sure
// a format change is real, not just the one immediately before a frame whose
// stream offset is >= the EndOfStream offset.
unsigned char new_stream_h264[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x67, 0x42, 0xc0, 0x0a, 0xd9, 0x0c, 0x9e, 0x49, 0xf0, 0x11, 0x00,
0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x32, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x26, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x01, 0x68, 0xcb, 0x83, 0xcb, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x65, 0x88, 0x84, 0x0a, 0xf2,
0x62, 0x80, 0x00, 0xa7, 0xbc, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x75, 0xd7, 0x5d, 0x75, 0xd7, 0x5d, 0x78};
unsigned int new_stream_h264_len = 59;
constexpr uint32_t kFlushThroughBytes = 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kEndOfStreamWidth = 42;
constexpr uint32_t kEndOfStreamHeight = 52;
static inline constexpr uint32_t make_fourcc(uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, uint8_t d) {
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(d) << 24) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(c) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(b) << 8) | static_cast<uint32_t>(a);
// A client using the min shouldn't necessarily expect performance to be
// acceptable when running higher bit-rates.
// TODO( Set this to ~8k or so. For now, we have to boost the
// per-packet buffer size up to fit the largest AUs we expect to decode, until
// is fixed, in case avcC format is used.
constexpr uint32_t kInputPerPacketBufferBytesMin = 512 * 1024;
// This is an arbitrary cap for now.
constexpr uint32_t kInputPerPacketBufferBytesMax = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kInputBufferCountForCodecMin = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kInputBufferCountForCodecMax = 64;
} // namespace
CodecAdapterH264::CodecAdapterH264(std::mutex& lock, CodecAdapterEvents* codec_adapter_events,
DeviceCtx* device)
: AmlogicCodecAdapter(lock, codec_adapter_events),
input_processing_loop_(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(secure_memory_mode_[kInputPort] == fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode::OFF);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(secure_memory_mode_[kOutputPort] == fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode::OFF);
CodecAdapterH264::~CodecAdapterH264() {
// nothing else to do here, at least not until we aren't calling PowerOff() in
// CoreCodecStopStream().
CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecMetricsImplementation() {
// Unspecified because we don't actually need metrics from h264-single, since we always use
// h264-multi outside of testing/debugging.
return media_metrics::StreamProcessorEvents2MetricDimensionImplementation_Unspecified;
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsCoreCodecRequiringOutputConfigForFormatDetection() { return false; }
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsCoreCodecMappedBufferUseful(CodecPort port) {
if (port == kInputPort) {
// Returning true here essentially means that we may be able to make use of mapped buffers if
// they're possible. However if is_secure true, we won't get a mapping and we don't really need
// a mapping, other than for avcC. If avcC shows up on input, we'll fail then.
// TODO( Add the failure when avcC shows up when is_secure, as described above.
return true;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(port == kOutputPort);
return false;
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsCoreCodecHwBased(CodecPort port) { return true; }
zx::unowned_bti CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecBti() { return zx::unowned_bti(video_->bti()); }
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecInit(
const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& initial_input_format_details) {
zx_status_t result = input_processing_loop_.StartThread(
"CodecAdapterH264::input_processing_thread_", &input_processing_thread_);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
"In CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecInit(), StartThread() failed (input)");
initial_input_format_details_ = fidl::Clone(initial_input_format_details);
latest_input_format_details_ = fidl::Clone(initial_input_format_details);
// TODO(dustingreen): We do most of the setup in CoreCodecStartStream()
// currently, but we should do more here and less there.
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecSetSecureMemoryMode(
CodecPort port, fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode secure_memory_mode) {
// TODO( Ideally a codec list from the main CodecFactory would avoid reporting
// support for secure output or input when !is_tee_available(), which likely will mean reporting
// that in list from driver's local codec factory up to main factory. The main CodecFactory could
// also avoid handing out a codec that can't do secure output / input when the TEE isn't
// available, so we wouldn't end up here.
if (secure_memory_mode != fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode::OFF &&
!video_->is_tee_available()) {
"BUG 40198 - Codec factory should catch earlier when secure requested without TEE.");
secure_memory_mode_[port] = secure_memory_mode;
void CodecAdapterH264::OnFrameReady(std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame> frame) {
TRACE_DURATION("media", "CodecAdapterH264::OnFrameReady", "index", frame->index);
// The Codec interface requires that emitted frames are cache clean
// at least for now. We invalidate without skipping over stride-width
// per line, at least partly because stride - width is small (possibly
// always 0) for this decoder. But we do invalidate the UV section
// separately in case uv_plane_offset happens to leave significant
// space after the Y section (regardless of whether there's actually
// ever much padding there).
// TODO(dustingreen): Probably there's not ever any significant
// padding between Y and UV for this decoder, so probably can make one
// invalidate call here instead of two with no downsides.
// TODO(dustingreen): Skip this when the buffer isn't map-able.
io_buffer_cache_flush_invalidate(&frame->buffer, 0, frame->stride * frame->coded_height);
io_buffer_cache_flush_invalidate(&frame->buffer, frame->uv_plane_offset,
frame->stride * frame->coded_height / 2);
const CodecBuffer* buffer = frame->codec_buffer;
// We intentionally _don't_ use the packet with same index as the buffer (in
// general - it's fine that they sometimes match), to avoid clients building
// up inappropriate dependency on buffer index being the same as packet
// index (as nice as that would be, VP9, and maybe others, don't get along
// with that in general, so ... force clients to treat packet index and
// buffer index as separate things).
CodecPacket* packet = GetFreePacket();
// With h.264, we know that an emitted buffer implies an available output
// packet, because h.264 doesn't put the same output buffer in flight more
// than once concurrently, and we have as many output packets as buffers.
// This contrasts with VP9 which has unbounded show_existing_frame.
// Associate the packet with the buffer while the packet is in-flight.
uint64_t total_size_bytes = frame->stride * frame->coded_height * 3 / 2;
if (frame->has_pts) {
} else {
events_->onCoreCodecOutputPacket(packet, false, false);
void CodecAdapterH264::OnError() {
LOG(ERROR, "OnError()");
// TODO(dustingreen): A lot of the stuff created in this method should be able
// to get re-used from stream to stream. We'll probably want to factor out
// create/init from stream init further down.
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecStartStream() {
zx_status_t status;
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
parsed_video_size_ = 0;
is_input_format_details_pending_ = true;
// At least until proven otherwise.
is_avcc_ = false;
is_input_end_of_stream_queued_ = false;
is_stream_failed_ = false;
} // ~lock
// The output port is the one we really care about for is_secure of the
// decoder, since the HW can read from secure or non-secure even when in
// secure mode, but can only write to secure memory when in secure mode.
auto decoder = std::make_unique<H264Decoder>(video_, this, IsOutputSecure());
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*video_->video_decoder_lock());
video_->SetDefaultInstance(std::move(decoder), false);
status = video_->InitializeStreamBuffer(/*use_parser=*/true, PAGE_SIZE, IsOutputSecure());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
events_->onCoreCodecFailCodec("InitializeStreamBuffer() failed");
status = video_->video_decoder()->Initialize();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
events_->onCoreCodecFailCodec("video_->video_decoder_->Initialize() failed");
} // ~lock
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
status = video_->InitializeEsParser();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
events_->onCoreCodecFailCodec("InitializeEsParser() failed");
} // ~lock
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecQueueInputFormatDetails(
const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& per_stream_override_format_details) {
// TODO(dustingreen): Consider letting the client specify profile/level info
// in the FormatDetails at least optionally, and possibly sizing input
// buffer constraints and/or other buffers based on that.
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecQueueInputPacket(CodecPacket* packet) {
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecQueueInputEndOfStream() {
// This queues a marker, but doesn't force the HW to necessarily decode all
// the way up to the marker, depending on whether the client closes the stream
// or switches to a different stream first - in those cases it's fine for the
// marker to never show up as output EndOfStream.
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
is_input_end_of_stream_queued_ = true;
} // ~lock
// TODO(dustingreen): See comment on CoreCodecStartStream() re. not deleting
// creating as much stuff for each stream.
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecStopStream() {
{ // scope lock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
// This helps any previously-queued ProcessInput() calls return faster, and
// is checked before calling WaitForParsingCompleted() in case
// TryStartCancelParsing() does nothing.
is_cancelling_input_processing_ = true;
// Try to cause WaitForParsingCompleted() to return early. This only cancels
// up to one WaitForParsingCompleted() (not queued, not sticky), so it's
// relevant that is_cancelling_input_processing_ == true set above is
// preventing us from starting another wait. Or if we didn't set
// is_cancelling_input_processing_ = true soon enough, then this call does
// make WaitForParsingCompleted() return faster.
LOG(DEBUG, "TryStartCancelParsing()...");
LOG(DEBUG, "TryStartCancelParsing() done.");
LOG(DEBUG, "stopping input processing thread and recycling input packets...");
{ // scope lock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
std::condition_variable stop_input_processing_condition;
// We know there won't be any new queuing of input, so once this posted work
// runs, we know all previously-queued ProcessInput() calls have returned.
PostToInputProcessingThread([this, &stop_input_processing_condition] {
std::list<CodecInputItem> leftover_input_items;
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
leftover_input_items = std::move(input_queue_);
is_cancelling_input_processing_ = false;
} // ~lock
for (auto& input_item : leftover_input_items) {
if (input_item.is_packet()) {
while (is_cancelling_input_processing_) {
} // ~lock
LOG(DEBUG, "stopping input processing thread and recycling input packets done.");
// Stop processing queued frames.
if (video_->core()) {
LOG(DEBUG, "StopDecoding()...");
LOG(DEBUG, "WaitForIdle()...");
// TODO(dustingreen): Currently, we have to tear down a few pieces of video_,
// to make it possible to run all the AmlogicVideo + DecoderCore +
// VideoDecoder code that seems necessary to run to ensure that a new stream
// will be entirely separate from an old stream, without deleting/creating
// AmlogicVideo itself. Probably we can tackle this layer-by-layer, fixing up
// AmlogicVideo to be more re-usable without the stuff in this method, then
// DecoderCore, then VideoDecoder.
LOG(DEBUG, "ClearDecoderInstance()...");
LOG(DEBUG, "ClearDecoderInstance() done.");
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecAddBuffer(CodecPort port, const CodecBuffer* buffer) {
if (port != kOutputPort) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(port == kOutputPort);
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecConfigureBuffers(
CodecPort port, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodecPacket>>& packets) {
if (port != kOutputPort) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(port == kOutputPort);
// output
// TODO(dustingreen): Remove this assert - this CodecAdapter needs to stop
// forcing this to be true. Or, set packet count based on buffer collection
// buffer_count, or enforce that packet count is >= buffer_count.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(all_output_buffers_.size() == packets.size());
for (auto& packet : packets) {
// This should prevent any inadvertent dependence by clients on the ordering
// of packet_index values in the output stream or any assumptions re. the
// relationship between packet_index and buffer_index.
std::shuffle(free_output_packets_.begin(), free_output_packets_.end(), not_for_security_prng_);
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecRecycleOutputPacket(CodecPacket* packet) {
if (packet->is_new()) {
// A recycled packet will have a buffer set because the packet is in-flight
// until put on the free list, and has a buffer associated while in-flight.
const CodecBuffer* buffer = packet->buffer();
// Getting the buffer is all we needed the packet for. The packet won't get
// re-used until it goes back on the free list below.
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
} // ~lock
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*video_->video_decoder_lock());
std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame> frame = buffer->video_frame().lock();
if (!frame) {
// EndOfStream seen at the output, or a new InitializeFrames(), can cause
// !frame, which is fine. In that case, any new stream will request
// allocation of new frames.
// Recycle can happen while stopped, but this CodecAdapater has no way yet
// to return frames while stopped, or to re-use buffers/frames across a
// stream switch. Any new stream will request allocation of new frames.
if (!video_->video_decoder()) {
} // ~lock
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecEnsureBuffersNotConfigured(CodecPort port) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
// This adapter should ensure that zero old CodecPacket* or CodecBuffer*
// remain in this adapter (or below).
if (port == kInputPort) {
// There shouldn't be any queued input at this point, but if there is any,
// fail here even in a release build.
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(port == kOutputPort);
// The old all_output_buffers_ are no longer valid.
buffer_settings_[port] = std::nullopt;
std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::media::StreamOutputConstraints>
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal, uint64_t new_output_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal,
bool buffer_constraints_action_required) {
// bear.h264 decodes into 320x192 YUV buffers, but the video display
// dimensions are 320x180. A the bottom of the buffer only .25 of the last
// 16 height macroblock row is meant to be displayed.
// TODO(dustingreen): Need to plumb video size separately from buffer size so
// we can display (for example) a video at 320x180 instead of the buffer's
// 320x192. The extra pixels look like don't-care pixels that just let
// themselves float essentially (re. past-the-boundary behavior of those
// pixels). Such pixels aren't meant to be displayed and look strange.
// Presumably the difference is the buffer needing to be a whole macroblock in
// width/height (%16==0) vs. the video dimensions being allowed to not use all
// of the last macroblock.
// This decoder produces NV12.
// Fairly arbitrary. The client should set a higher value if the client needs
// to camp on more frames than this.
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultPacketCountForClient = 2;
uint32_t per_packet_buffer_bytes = min_stride_ * height_ * 3 / 2;
auto config = std::make_unique<fuchsia::media::StreamOutputConstraints>();
auto* constraints = config->mutable_buffer_constraints();
auto* default_settings = constraints->mutable_default_settings();
// For the moment, there will be only one StreamOutputConstraints, and it'll
// need output buffers configured for it.
// 0 is intentionally invalid - the client must fill out this field.
// Packed NV12 (no extra padding, min UV offset, min stride).
// For the moment, let's tell the client to allocate this exact size.
// The hardware only needs min_buffer_count_ buffers - more aren't better.
// Ensure that if the client allocates its max + the server max that it won't go over the hardware
// limit (max_buffer_count).
if (max_buffer_count_[kOutputPort] <= min_buffer_count_[kOutputPort]) {
events_->onCoreCodecFailCodec("Impossible for client to satisfy buffer counts");
return nullptr;
(max_buffer_count_[kOutputPort] - min_buffer_count_[kOutputPort]) / 2);
// False because it's not required and not encouraged for a video decoder
// output to allow single buffer mode.
return config;
CodecPort port, const fuchsia::media::StreamBufferConstraints& stream_buffer_constraints,
const fuchsia::media::StreamBufferPartialSettings& partial_settings) {
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints result;
// For now, we didn't report support for single_buffer_mode, and CodecImpl
// will have failed the codec already by this point if the client tried to
// use single_buffer_mode.
// TODO(dustingreen): Support single_buffer_mode on input (only).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!partial_settings.has_single_buffer_mode() ||
// The CodecImpl won't hand us the sysmem token, so we shouldn't expect to
// have the token here.
if (port == kInputPort) {
// We don't override CoreCodecBuildNewInputConstraints() for now, so use same values as set by
// default implementation of CoreCodecBuildNewInputConstraints().
min_buffer_count_[kInputPort] = kInputBufferCountForCodecMin;
max_buffer_count_[kInputPort] = kInputBufferCountForCodecMax;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(min_buffer_count_[port] != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_buffer_count_[port] != 0);
result.min_buffer_count_for_camping = min_buffer_count_[port];
// Some slack is nice overall, but avoid having each participant ask for
// dedicated slack. Using sysmem the client will ask for it's own buffers for
// camping and any slack, so the codec doesn't need to ask for any extra on
// behalf of the client.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(result.min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(result.min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack == 0);
result.max_buffer_count = max_buffer_count_[port];
uint32_t per_packet_buffer_bytes_min;
uint32_t per_packet_buffer_bytes_max;
if (port == kInputPort) {
per_packet_buffer_bytes_min = kInputPerPacketBufferBytesMin;
per_packet_buffer_bytes_max = kInputPerPacketBufferBytesMax;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(port == kOutputPort);
// NV12, based on min stride.
per_packet_buffer_bytes_min = min_stride_ * height_ * 3 / 2;
// At least for now, don't cap the per-packet buffer size for output. The
// HW only cares about the portion we set up for output anyway, and the
// client has no way to force output to occur into portions of the output
// buffer beyond what's implied by the max supported image dimensions.
per_packet_buffer_bytes_max = 0xFFFFFFFF;
result.has_buffer_memory_constraints = true;
result.buffer_memory_constraints.min_size_bytes = per_packet_buffer_bytes_min;
result.buffer_memory_constraints.max_size_bytes = per_packet_buffer_bytes_max;
// amlogic requires physically contiguous on both input and output
result.buffer_memory_constraints.physically_contiguous_required = true;
result.buffer_memory_constraints.secure_required = IsPortSecureRequired(port);
result.buffer_memory_constraints.cpu_domain_supported = !IsPortSecureRequired(port);
result.buffer_memory_constraints.ram_domain_supported =
!IsPortSecureRequired(port) && (port == kOutputPort);
if (IsPortSecurePermitted(port)) {
result.buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported = true;
fuchsia::sysmem::HeapType secure_heap = (port == kInputPort)
? fuchsia::sysmem::HeapType::AMLOGIC_SECURE_VDEC
: fuchsia::sysmem::HeapType::AMLOGIC_SECURE;
.heap_permitted[result.buffer_memory_constraints.heap_permitted_count++] = secure_heap;
if (!IsPortSecureRequired(port)) {
.heap_permitted[result.buffer_memory_constraints.heap_permitted_count++] =
if (port == kOutputPort) {
result.image_format_constraints_count = 1;
fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints& image_constraints = result.image_format_constraints[0];
image_constraints.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::NV12;
image_constraints.pixel_format.has_format_modifier = true;
image_constraints.pixel_format.format_modifier.value = fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR;
// TODO( confirm that REC709 is always what we want here, or plumb
// actual YUV color space if it can ever be REC601_*. Since 2020 and 2100
// are minimum 10 bits per Y sample and we're outputting NV12, 601 is the
// only other potential possibility here.
image_constraints.color_spaces_count = 1;
image_constraints.color_space[0].type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::REC709;
// The non-"required_" fields indicate the decoder's ability to potentially
// output frames at various dimensions as coded in the stream. Aside from
// the current stream being somewhere in these bounds, these have nothing to
// do with the current stream in particular.
image_constraints.min_coded_width = 16;
image_constraints.max_coded_width = 4096;
image_constraints.min_coded_height = 16;
// This intentionally isn't the _height_ of a 4096x2176 frame, it's
// intentionally the _width_ of a 4096x2176 frame assigned to
// max_coded_height.
// See max_coded_width_times_coded_height. We intentionally constrain the
// max dimension in width or height to the width of a 4096x2176 frame.
// While the HW might be able to go bigger than that as long as the other
// dimension is smaller to compensate, we don't really need to enable any
// larger than 4096x2176's width in either dimension, so we don't.
image_constraints.max_coded_height = 4096;
image_constraints.min_bytes_per_row = 16;
// no hard-coded max stride, at least for now
image_constraints.max_bytes_per_row = 0xFFFFFFFF;
image_constraints.max_coded_width_times_coded_height = 4096 * 2176;
image_constraints.layers = 1;
image_constraints.coded_width_divisor = 16;
image_constraints.coded_height_divisor = 16;
image_constraints.bytes_per_row_divisor = 16;
// TODO(dustingreen): Since this is a producer that will always produce at
// offset 0 of a physical page, we don't really care if this field is
// consistent with any constraints re. what the HW can do.
image_constraints.start_offset_divisor = 1;
// Odd display dimensions are permitted, but these don't imply odd NV12
// dimensions - those are constrainted by coded_width_divisor and
// coded_height_divisor which are both 16.
image_constraints.display_width_divisor = 1;
image_constraints.display_height_divisor = 1;
// The decoder is producing frames and the decoder has no choice but to
// produce frames at their coded size. The decoder wants to potentially be
// able to support a stream with dynamic resolution, potentially including
// dimensions both less than and greater than the dimensions that led to the
// current need to allocate a BufferCollection. For this reason, the
// required_ fields are set to the exact current dimensions, and the
// permitted (non-required_) fields is set to the full potential range that
// the decoder could potentially output. If an initiator wants to require a
// larger range of dimensions that includes the required range indicated
// here (via a-priori knowledge of the potential stream dimensions), an
// initiator is free to do so.
image_constraints.required_min_coded_width = width_;
image_constraints.required_max_coded_width = width_;
image_constraints.required_min_coded_height = height_;
image_constraints.required_max_coded_height = height_;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(result.image_format_constraints_count == 0);
// We don't have to fill out usage - CodecImpl takes care of that.
return result;
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecSetBufferCollectionInfo(
CodecPort port, const fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2& buffer_collection_info) {
if (port == kOutputPort) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(buffer_collection_info.settings.image_format_constraints.pixel_format.type ==
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(IsPortSecure(port) || !IsPortSecureRequired(port));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!IsPortSecure(port) || IsPortSecurePermitted(port));
// TODO(dustingreen): Remove after secure video decode works e2e.
LOG(DEBUG, "CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecSetBufferCollectionInfo() - IsPortSecure(): %u port: %u",
IsPortSecure(port), port);
fuchsia::media::StreamOutputFormat CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecGetOutputFormat(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal, uint64_t new_output_format_details_version_ordinal) {
fuchsia::media::StreamOutputFormat result;
// For the moment, we'll memcpy to NV12 without any extra padding.
fuchsia::media::VideoUncompressedFormat video_uncompressed;
video_uncompressed.fourcc = make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2');
video_uncompressed.primary_width_pixels = width_;
video_uncompressed.primary_height_pixels = height_;
video_uncompressed.secondary_width_pixels = width_ / 2;
video_uncompressed.secondary_height_pixels = height_ / 2;
// TODO(dustingreen): remove this field from the VideoUncompressedFormat or
// specify separately for primary / secondary.
video_uncompressed.planar = true;
video_uncompressed.swizzled = false;
video_uncompressed.primary_line_stride_bytes = min_stride_;
video_uncompressed.secondary_line_stride_bytes = min_stride_;
video_uncompressed.primary_start_offset = 0;
video_uncompressed.secondary_start_offset = min_stride_ * height_;
video_uncompressed.tertiary_start_offset = min_stride_ * height_ + 1;
video_uncompressed.primary_pixel_stride = 1;
video_uncompressed.secondary_pixel_stride = 2;
video_uncompressed.primary_display_width_pixels = display_width_;
video_uncompressed.primary_display_height_pixels = display_height_;
video_uncompressed.has_pixel_aspect_ratio = has_sar_;
video_uncompressed.pixel_aspect_ratio_width = sar_width_;
video_uncompressed.pixel_aspect_ratio_height = sar_height_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::NV12;
video_uncompressed.image_format.coded_width = width_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.coded_height = height_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.bytes_per_row = min_stride_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.display_width = display_width_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.display_height = display_height_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.layers = 1;
video_uncompressed.image_format.color_space.type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::REC709;
video_uncompressed.image_format.has_pixel_aspect_ratio = has_sar_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.pixel_aspect_ratio_width = sar_width_;
video_uncompressed.image_format.pixel_aspect_ratio_height = sar_height_;
fuchsia::media::VideoFormat video_format;
return result;
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigPrepare() {
// For this adapter, the core codec just needs us to get new frame buffers
// set up, so nothing to do here.
// CoreCodecEnsureBuffersNotConfigured() will run soon.
void CodecAdapterH264::CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish() {
// Now that the client has configured output buffers, we need to hand those
// back to the core codec via InitializedFrames.
std::vector<CodecFrame> frames;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t stride;
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
// Now we need to populate the frames_out vector.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < all_output_buffers_.size(); i++) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(all_output_buffers_[i]->index() == i);
width = width_;
height = height_;
stride = min_stride_;
} // ~lock
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*video_->video_decoder_lock());
video_->video_decoder()->InitializedFrames(std::move(frames), width, height, stride);
} // ~lock
void CodecAdapterH264::PostSerial(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fit::closure to_run) {
zx_status_t post_result = async::PostTask(dispatcher, std::move(to_run));
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(post_result == ZX_OK, "async::PostTask() failed - result: %d\n", post_result);
void CodecAdapterH264::PostToInputProcessingThread(fit::closure to_run) {
PostSerial(input_processing_loop_.dispatcher(), std::move(to_run));
void CodecAdapterH264::QueueInputItem(CodecInputItem input_item) {
bool is_trigger_needed = false;
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
// For now we don't worry about avoiding a trigger if we happen to queue
// when ProcessInput() has removed the last item but ProcessInput() is still
// running.
if (!is_process_input_queued_) {
is_trigger_needed = input_queue_.empty();
is_process_input_queued_ = is_trigger_needed;
} // ~lock
if (is_trigger_needed) {
PostToInputProcessingThread(fit::bind_member(this, &CodecAdapterH264::ProcessInput));
CodecInputItem CodecAdapterH264::DequeueInputItem() {
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
if (is_stream_failed_ || is_cancelling_input_processing_ || input_queue_.empty()) {
return CodecInputItem::Invalid();
CodecInputItem to_ret = std::move(input_queue_.front());
return to_ret;
} // ~lock
void CodecAdapterH264::ProcessInput() {
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
is_process_input_queued_ = false;
} // ~lock
while (true) {
CodecInputItem item = DequeueInputItem();
if (!item.is_valid()) {
if (item.is_format_details()) {
// TODO(dustingreen): Be more strict about what the input format actually
// is, and less strict about it matching the initial format.
ZX_ASSERT(fidl::Equals(item.format_details(), initial_input_format_details_));
latest_input_format_details_ = fidl::Clone(item.format_details());
// Even if the new item.format_details() are the same as
// initial_input_format_details_, this CodecAdapter doesn't notice any
// in-band SPS/PPS info, so the new oob_bytes still need to be
// (converted and) re-delivered to the core codec in case any in-band
// SPS/PPS changes have been seen by the core codec since the previous
// time.
// Or maybe we have no oob_bytes in which case this is irrelevant
// but harmless.
// Or maybe the oob_bytes changed. Either way, the core codec will
// want that info, but in-band. We delay sending the info to the core
// codec until we see the first input data, to more consistently handle
// the oob_bytes that we get initially during Codec creation.
is_input_format_details_pending_ = true;
if (item.is_end_of_stream()) {
if (!ParseVideoAnnexB(nullptr, &new_stream_h264[0], new_stream_h264_len)) {
// This can happen when switching streams.
LOG(DEBUG, "!ParseVideoAnnexB(new_stream_h264)");
auto bytes = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(kFlushThroughBytes);
memset(bytes.get(), 0, kFlushThroughBytes);
if (!ParseVideoAnnexB(nullptr, bytes.get(), kFlushThroughBytes)) {
// This can happen when switching streams.
LOG(DEBUG, "!ParseVideoAnnexB(kFlushThroughBytes)");
auto return_input_packet =
fit::defer([this, &item] { events_->onCoreCodecInputPacketDone(item.packet()); });
if (is_input_format_details_pending_) {
is_input_format_details_pending_ = false;
if (!ParseAndDeliverCodecOobBytes()) {
uint8_t* data = item.packet()->buffer()->base() + item.packet()->start_offset();
uint32_t len = item.packet()->valid_length_bytes();
video_->pts_manager()->InsertPts(parsed_video_size_, item.packet()->has_timestamp_ish(),
// This call is the main reason the current thread exists, as this call can
// wait synchronously until there are empty output frames available to
// decode into, which can require the shared_fidl_thread() to get those free
// frames to the Codec server.
// TODO(dustingreen): This call could be split into a start and complete.
// TODO(dustingreen): The current wait duration within ParseVideo() assumes
// that free output frames will become free on an ongoing basis, which isn't
// really what'll happen when video output is paused.
if (!ParseVideo(item.packet()->buffer(), data, len)) {
// At this point CodecInputItem is holding a packet pointer which may get
// re-used in a new CodecInputItem, but that's ok since CodecInputItem is
// going away here.
// ~return_input_packet, ~item
bool CodecAdapterH264::ParseAndDeliverCodecOobBytes() {
// Our latest oob_bytes may contain SPS/PPS info. If we have any
// such info, the core codec needs it (possibly converted first).
// If there's no OOB info, then there's nothing to do, as all such info will
// be in-band in normal packet-based AnnexB NALs (including start codes and
// start code emulation prevention bytes).
if (!latest_input_format_details_.has_oob_bytes() ||
latest_input_format_details_.oob_bytes().empty()) {
// success
return true;
const std::vector<uint8_t>* oob = &latest_input_format_details_.oob_bytes();
// We need to deliver Annex B style SPS/PPS to this core codec, regardless of
// what format the oob_bytes is in.
// The oob_bytes can be in two different forms, which can be detected by
// the value of the first byte:
// 0 - Annex B form already. The 0 is the first byte of a start code.
// 1 - AVCC form, which we'll convert to Annex B form. AVCC version 1. There
// is no AVCC version 0.
// anything else - fail.
// In addition, we need to know if AVCC or not since we need to know whether
// to add start code emulation prevention bytes or not. And if it's AVCC,
// how many bytes long the pseudo_nal_length field is - that field is before
// each input NAL.
// We already checked empty() above.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(oob->size() >= 1);
switch ((*oob)[0]) {
case 0:
is_avcc_ = false;
// This ParseVideo() consumes AnnexB oob data directly. We don't
// presently check if the oob data has only SPS/PPS. This data is just
// logically pre-pended to the stream.
if (!ParseVideo(nullptr, oob->data(), oob->size())) {
return false;
return true;
case 1: {
// This applies to both the oob data and the input packet payload data.
// Both are AVCC, or both are AnnexB.
is_avcc_ = true;
AVCC OOB data layout (bits):
[0] (8) - version 1
[1] (8) - h264 profile #
[2] (8) - compatible profile bits
[3] (8) - h264 level (eg. 31 == "3.1")
[4] (6) - reserved, can be set to all 1s
(2) - pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ - 1
[5] (3) - reserved, can be set to all 1s
(5) - sps_count
(16) - sps_bytes
(8*sps_bytes) - SPS nal_unit_type (that byte) + SPS data as RBSP.
(8) - pps_count
(16) - pps_bytes
(8*pps_bytes) - PPS nal_unit_type (that byte) + PPS data as RBSP.
// We accept 0 SPS and/or 0 PPS, but typically there's one of each. At
// minimum the oob buffer needs to be large enough to contain both the
// sps_count and pps_count fields, which is a min of 7 bytes.
if (oob->size() < 7) {
LOG(ERROR, "oob->size() < 7");
return false;
uint32_t stashed_pseudo_nal_length_bytes = ((*oob)[4] & 0x3) + 1;
// Temporarily, the pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ is 2 so we can
// ParseVideo() directly out of "oob".
pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ = 2;
uint32_t sps_count = (*oob)[5] & 0x1F;
uint32_t offset = 6;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sps_count; ++i) {
if (offset + 2 > oob->size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 > oob->size()");
return false;
uint32_t sps_length = (*oob)[offset] * 256 + (*oob)[offset + 1];
if (offset + 2 + sps_length > oob->size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 + sps_length > oob->size()");
return false;
if (!ParseVideo(nullptr, &oob->data()[offset], 2 + sps_length)) {
return false;
offset += 2 + sps_length;
if (offset + 1 > oob->size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 1 > oob->size()");
return false;
uint32_t pps_count = (*oob)[offset++];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pps_count; ++i) {
if (offset + 2 > oob->size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 > oob->size()");
return false;
uint32_t pps_length = (*oob)[offset] * 256 + (*oob)[offset + 1];
if (offset + 2 + pps_length > oob->size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 + pps_length > oob->size()");
return false;
if (!ParseVideo(nullptr, &oob->data()[offset], 2 + pps_length)) {
return false;
offset += 2 + pps_length;
// All pseudo-NALs in input packet payloads will use the
// parsed count of bytes of the length field.
pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ = stashed_pseudo_nal_length_bytes;
return true;
LOG(ERROR, "unexpected first oob byte");
return false;
bool CodecAdapterH264::ParseVideo(const CodecBuffer* buffer, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t length) {
if (is_avcc_) {
return ParseVideoAvcc(data, length);
} else {
return ParseVideoAnnexB(buffer, data, length);
bool CodecAdapterH264::ParseVideoAvcc(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t length) {
// We don't necessarily know that is_avcc_ is true on entry to this method.
// We use this method to send the decoder a bunch of 0x00 sometimes, which
// will call this method regardless of is_avcc_ or not.
// So far, the "avcC"/"AVCC" we've seen has emulation prevention bytes on it
// already. So we don't add those here. But if we did need to add them, we'd
// add them here.
// For now we assume the heap is pretty fast and doesn't mind the size thrash,
// but maybe we'll want to keep a buffer around (we'll optimize only if/when
// we determine this is actually a problem). We only actually use this buffer
// if is_avcc_ (which is not uncommon).
// We do parse more than one pseudo_nal per input packet.
// No splitting NALs across input packets, for now.
// TODO(dustingreen): Allow splitting NALs across input packets (not a small
// change). Probably also move into a source_set for sharing with other
// CodecAdapter(s).
// Count the input pseudo_nal(s)
uint32_t pseudo_nal_count = 0;
uint32_t i = 0;
while (i < length) {
if (i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length");
return false;
// Read pseudo_nal_length field, which is a field which can be 1-4 bytes
// long because AVCC/avcC.
uint32_t pseudo_nal_length = 0;
for (uint32_t length_byte = 0; length_byte < pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_; ++length_byte) {
pseudo_nal_length = pseudo_nal_length * 256 + data[i + length_byte];
i += pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_;
if (i + pseudo_nal_length > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length > length");
return false;
i += pseudo_nal_length;
static constexpr uint32_t kStartCodeBytes = 4;
uint32_t local_length = length - pseudo_nal_count * pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ +
pseudo_nal_count * kStartCodeBytes;
auto local_buffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(local_length);
uint8_t* local_data = local_buffer.get();
i = 0;
uint32_t o = 0;
while (i < length) {
if (i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length");
return false;
uint32_t pseudo_nal_length = 0;
for (uint32_t length_byte = 0; length_byte < pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_; ++length_byte) {
pseudo_nal_length = pseudo_nal_length * 256 + data[i + length_byte];
i += pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_;
if (i + pseudo_nal_length > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length > length");
return false;
local_data[o++] = 0;
local_data[o++] = 0;
local_data[o++] = 0;
local_data[o++] = 1;
memcpy(&local_data[o], &data[i], pseudo_nal_length);
o += pseudo_nal_length;
i += pseudo_nal_length;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(o == local_length);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(i == length);
return ParseVideoAnnexB(nullptr, local_data, local_length);
bool CodecAdapterH264::ParseVideoAnnexB(const CodecBuffer* buffer, const uint8_t* data,
uint32_t length) {
// We don't need to check is_cancelling_input_processing_ here, because we
// check further down before waiting (see comment there re. why the check
// there after video_->ParseVideo() is important), and because returning false
// from this method for the first time will prevent further calls to this
// method thanks to propagation of false returns under ProcessInput() and a
// check of is_cancelling_input_processing_ in DequeueInputItem() relevant to
// any subsequent ProcessInput() while we're still stopping. So checking here
// would only be redundant.
// Parse AnnexB data, with start codes and start code emulation prevention
// bytes present.
// The data won't be modified by ParseVideo() or ParseVideoPhysical().
zx_status_t status;
if (buffer) {
// CodecImpl will Pin() the buffer if the CodecAdapter is HW-based and
// provides a BTI; CodecAdapterH264 does.
// Convert data from vaddr to paddr. All the input buffers are pinned
// continuously.
zx_paddr_t data_paddr = buffer->physical_base() + (data - buffer->base());
status = video_->parser()->ParseVideoPhysical(data_paddr, length);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "ParseVideoPhysical() failed - status: %d", status);
return false;
} else {
status = video_->parser()->ParseVideo(static_cast<void*>(const_cast<uint8_t*>(data)), length);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "ParseVideo() failed - status: %d", status);
return false;
parsed_video_size_ += length;
// Once we're cancelling, we're cancelling until we're done stopping. This
// snap of is_cancelling_input_processing_ either notices the transition to
// cancelling or doesn't, but doesn't have to worry about
// is_cancelling_input_processing_ becoming false again too soon because that
// doesn't happen until after this method has returned.
// If is_cancelling does notice is_cancelling_input_processing_ true:
// It's important that we snap after calling video_->ParseVideo() above so
// that this check occurs after parser_running_ becomes true, in case
// is_cancelling_input_processing_ became true and TryStartCancelParsing() ran
// before parser_running_ became true. In that case TryStartCancelParsing()
// did nothing - this cancelation check avoids calling
// WaitForParsingCompleted() at all in that case, which avoids waiting for 10
// seconds.
// If is_cancelling doesn't notice is_cancelling_input_processing_ true:
// If on the other hand we miss is_cancelling_input_processing_ changing to
// true, then that means TryStartCancelParsing() will take care of canceling
// WaitForParsingCompleted(), which avoids waiting for 10 seconds.
bool is_cancelling;
{ // scope lock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
is_cancelling = is_cancelling_input_processing_;
} // ~lock
if (is_cancelling || ZX_OK != (status = video_->parser()->WaitForParsingCompleted(ZX_SEC(10)))) {
DLOG("is_cancelling: %u status: %d", is_cancelling, status);
if (is_cancelling || status == ZX_ERR_CANCELED) {
LOG(DEBUG, "Parsing was cancelled - is_cancelling: %d status: %d", is_cancelling, status);
// Don't fail the current stream in this case. The current stream is already obsolete. While
// CodecImpl will tolerate this without causing the codec to fail or an extraneous
// OnStreamFailed(), it's better for the core codec to not fail a stream that's being stopped
// via CoreCodecStopStream().
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!is_cancelling && status != ZX_ERR_CANCELED);
LOG(ERROR, "WaitForParsingCompleted() failed - status: %d", status);
return false;
return true;
zx_status_t CodecAdapterH264::InitializeFrames(uint32_t min_frame_count, uint32_t max_frame_count,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t stride,
uint32_t display_width, uint32_t display_height,
bool has_sar, uint32_t sar_width,
uint32_t sar_height) {
// First handle the special case of EndOfStream marker showing up at the output.
if (display_width == kEndOfStreamWidth && display_height == kEndOfStreamHeight) {
bool is_output_end_of_stream = false;
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
if (is_input_end_of_stream_queued_) {
is_output_end_of_stream = true;
} // ~lock
if (is_output_end_of_stream) {
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
// This is called on a core codec thread, ordered with respect to emitted
// output frames. This method needs to block until either:
// * Format details have been delivered to the Codec client and the Codec
// client has configured corresponding output buffers.
// * The client has moved on by closing the current stream, in which case
// this method needs to fail quickly so the core codec can be stopped.
// The video_decoder_lock_ is held during this method. We don't release the
// video_decoder_lock_ while waiting for the client, because we want close of
// the current stream to wait for this method to return before starting the
// portion of stream close protected by video_decoder_lock_.
// The signalling to un-block this thread uses lock_.
// TODO(dustingreen): It can happen that the current set of buffers is already
// suitable for use under the new buffer constraints. However, some of the
// buffers can still be populated with data and used by other parts of the
// system, so to re-use buffers, we'll need a way to communicate which buffers
// are not presently available to decode into, even for what
// sees as a totally new set of buffers. The doesn't seem to
// separate configuration of a buffer from marking that buffer ready to fill.
// It seems like "new" buffers are immediately ready to fill. At the moment,
// the AmlogicVideo code doesn't appear to show any way to tell the HW which
// frames are presently still in use (not yet available to decode into),
// during InitializeStream(). Maybe delaying configuring of a canvas would
// work, but in that case would the delayed configuring adversely impact
// decoding performance consistency? If we can do this, detect when we can,
// and call onCoreCodecMidStreamOutputConstraintsChange() but pass false
// instead of true, and don't expect a response or block in here. Still have
// to return the vector of buffers, and will need to indicate which are
// actually available to decode into. The rest will get indicated via
// CoreCodecRecycleOutputPacket(), despite not necessarily getting signalled
// to the HW by H264Decoder::ReturnFrame further down. For now, we always
// re-allocate buffers. Old buffers still active elsewhere in the system can
// continue to be referenced by those parts of the system - the important
// thing for now is we avoid overwriting the content of those buffers by using
// an entirely new set of buffers for each stream for now.
// First stash some format and buffer count info needed to initialize frames
// before triggering mid-stream format change. Later, frames satisfying these
// stashed parameters will be handed to the decoder via InitializedFrames(),
// unless CoreCodecStopStream() happens first.
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
min_buffer_count_[kOutputPort] = min_frame_count;
max_buffer_count_[kOutputPort] = max_frame_count;
width_ = width;
height_ = height;
min_stride_ = stride;
display_width_ = display_width;
display_height_ = display_height;
has_sar_ = has_sar;
sar_width_ = sar_width;
sar_height_ = sar_height;
} // ~lock
// This will snap the current stream_lifetime_ordinal_, and call
// CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigPrepare() and
// CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish() from the StreamControl
// thread, _iff_ the client hasn't already moved on to a new stream by then.
return ZX_OK;
void CodecAdapterH264::OnCoreCodecFailStream(fuchsia::media::StreamError error) {
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
is_stream_failed_ = true;
LOG(ERROR, "calling events_->onCoreCodecFailStream()");
CodecPacket* CodecAdapterH264::GetFreePacket() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
// The h264 decoder won't repeatedly output a buffer multiple times
// concurrently, so a free buffer (for which the caller needs a packet)
// implies a free packet.
uint32_t free_index = free_output_packets_.back();
return all_output_packets_[free_index];
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsPortSecureRequired(CodecPort port) {
return secure_memory_mode_[port] == fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode::ON;
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsPortSecurePermitted(CodecPort port) {
return secure_memory_mode_[port] != fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode::OFF;
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsPortSecure(CodecPort port) {
return buffer_settings_[port]->buffer_settings.is_secure;
bool CodecAdapterH264::IsOutputSecure() {
// We need to know whether output is secure or not before we start accepting input, which means
// we need to know before output buffers are allocated, which means we can't rely on the result
// of sysmem BufferCollection allocation is_secure for output.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(IsPortSecurePermitted(kOutputPort) == IsPortSecureRequired(kOutputPort));
return IsPortSecureRequired(kOutputPort);
} // namespace amlogic_decoder