blob: b9cb126167dfc33074c0478e80ebde8771dd4c08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/tap_stage.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_clock.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/packet_queue.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/ring_buffer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/packet_factory.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/threading_model_fixture.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/clone_mono.h"
using testing::Each;
using testing::FloatEq;
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kChannels = 2;
const Format kDefaultFormat =
.sample_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT,
.channels = kChannels,
.frames_per_second = 48000,
constexpr uint32_t kRingBufferFrameCount = 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kPacketFrames = 480;
constexpr zx::duration kPacketDuration = zx::msec(10);
class TapStageTest : public testing::ThreadingModelFixture {
TapStageTest() : TapStageTest(0) {}
// tap_frame = source_frame + tap_frame_offset.
// This is used to test that TapStage can correctly convert between arbitrary timelines.
TapStageTest(uint32_t tap_frame_offset) : tap_frame_offset_(tap_frame_offset) {}
void SetUp() {
TimelineRate rate(Fixed(kDefaultFormat.frames_per_second()).raw_value(), zx::sec(1).to_nsecs());
auto source_timeline_function =
packet_queue_ = std::make_shared<PacketQueue>(
kDefaultFormat, source_timeline_function,
auto tap_timeline_function =
fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(0, 0, rate));
auto endpoints = BaseRingBuffer::AllocateSoftwareBuffer(
kDefaultFormat, tap_timeline_function, packet_queue_->reference_clock(),
kRingBufferFrameCount, [this] { return safe_write_frame_; });
ring_buffer_ = std::move(endpoints.reader);
tap_ = std::make_shared<TapStage>(packet_queue_, std::move(endpoints.writer));
template <typename T, size_t N>
std::array<T, N>& as_array(void* ptr, size_t offset = 0) {
return reinterpret_cast<std::array<T, N>&>(static_cast<T*>(ptr)[offset]);
void ClearRingBuffer(float value = 0.0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ring_buffer().size() / sizeof(float); ++i) {
reinterpret_cast<float*>(ring_buffer().virt())[i] = value;
void AdvanceTo(zx::duration d) {
auto ref_time = zx::time(0) + d;
auto pts_to_frac_frame = ring_buffer_->ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame().timeline_function;
safe_write_frame_ = Fixed::FromRaw(pts_to_frac_frame.Apply(ref_time.get())).Floor();
TapStage& tap() { return *tap_; }
PacketQueue& packet_queue() { return *packet_queue_; }
testing::PacketFactory& packet_factory() { return packet_factory_; }
ReadableRingBuffer& ring_buffer() { return *ring_buffer_; }
template <int64_t frame_count>
void CheckBuffer(const ReadableStream::Buffer& buffer, int64_t frame, float expected_sample) {
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.start(), Fixed(frame));
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.length(), Fixed(frame_count));
auto& arr = as_array<float, frame_count * kChannels>(buffer.payload());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(expected_sample)));
// Assert that |stream| contains a buffer that is exactly |frame_count| frames starting at |frame|
// with data that matches only |expected_sample| (that is all the samples in the buffer match
// |expected_sample|).
template <int64_t frame_count>
void CheckStream(ReadableStream* stream, int64_t frame, float expected_sample,
bool release = true) {
auto buffer = stream->ReadLock(Fixed(frame), frame_count);
CheckBuffer<frame_count>(*buffer, frame, expected_sample);
uint32_t tap_frame_offset_;
testing::PacketFactory packet_factory_{dispatcher(), kDefaultFormat, 4 * PAGE_SIZE};
std::shared_ptr<PacketQueue> packet_queue_;
std::shared_ptr<ReadableRingBuffer> ring_buffer_;
std::shared_ptr<TapStage> tap_;
int64_t safe_write_frame_ = 0;
TEST_F(TapStageTest, CopySinglePacket) {
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(1.0, kPacketDuration));
// We expect the tap and ring buffer to both be in sync for the first 480.
constexpr int64_t frame_count = kPacketFrames;
CheckStream<frame_count>(&tap(), 0, 1.0, true);
CheckStream<frame_count>(&ring_buffer(), 0, 1.0, true);
// Test that ReadLock returns a buffer correctly sized for whatever buffer was returned by
// the source streams |ReadLock|.
TEST_F(TapStageTest, TruncateToInputBuffer) {
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(1.0, kPacketDuration));
constexpr int64_t frame_count = kPacketFrames;
{ // Read from the tap, expect to get the same bytes from the packet.
auto buffer = tap().ReadLock(Fixed(0), frame_count * 2);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), Fixed(0));
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), Fixed(frame_count));
auto& arr = as_array<float, frame_count>(buffer->payload());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(1.0f)));
// Test the case where a single input buffer will require 2 writes to the ring buffer as the buffer
// will cross the end of the ring.
TEST_F(TapStageTest, WrapAroundRingBuffer) {
// The ring is 1024 frames. So we write:
// 0 - 479 = 1.0 samples
// 480 - 959 = 2.0 samples
// 960 - 1023 = 3.0 samples
// 0 - 415 = 3.0 samples (3rd packet wrapped around.
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(1.0, kPacketDuration));
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(2.0, kPacketDuration));
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(3.0, kPacketDuration));
{ // With the first packet, we'll be fully in sync between the tap and the ring buffer.
constexpr int64_t frame_count = kPacketFrames;
SCOPED_TRACE("first packet in tap");
CheckStream<frame_count>(&tap(), 0, 1.0, true);
SCOPED_TRACE("first packet in ring buffer");
CheckStream<frame_count>(&ring_buffer(), 0, 1.0, true);
{ // The second packet is still fully in sync between the tap and the ring buffer.
constexpr int64_t frame_count = kPacketFrames;
SCOPED_TRACE("second packet in tap");
CheckStream<frame_count>(&tap(), frame_count, 2.0, true);
SCOPED_TRACE("second packet in ring buffer");
CheckStream<frame_count>(&ring_buffer(), frame_count, 2.0, true);
{ // For the final packet, we expect the Tap to return one buffer with the entire contents (this
// is the packet buffer.
constexpr int64_t frame_count = kPacketFrames;
SCOPED_TRACE("final packet in tap");
CheckStream<frame_count>(&tap(), 2 * frame_count, 3.0, true);
// The ring buffer needs to be read in 2 portions, since this packet will wrap around the end of
// the ring.
// The ring buffer should return the first 64 frames for the first ReadLock (the only
// remaining space before the buffer wraps around). A subsequent ReadLock should return the
// remaining frames.
constexpr uint32_t expected_frames_region_1 = kRingBufferFrameCount - (2 * kPacketFrames);
constexpr uint32_t expected_frames_region_2 = kPacketFrames - expected_frames_region_1;
uint32_t requested_frames = kPacketFrames;
constexpr uint32_t expected_frames = expected_frames_region_1;
int64_t frame = 2 * kPacketFrames;
auto buffer = ring_buffer().ReadLock(Fixed(frame), requested_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), Fixed(frame));
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), Fixed(expected_frames));
auto& arr = as_array<float, expected_frames>(buffer->payload());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(3.0f)));
constexpr uint32_t requested_frames = kPacketFrames;
constexpr uint32_t expected_frames = expected_frames_region_2;
int64_t frame = kRingBufferFrameCount;
auto buffer = ring_buffer().ReadLock(Fixed(frame), requested_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), Fixed(frame));
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), Fixed(expected_frames));
auto& arr = as_array<float, expected_frames>(buffer->payload());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(3.0f)));
constexpr uint32_t len = requested_frames - expected_frames;
auto& arr = as_array<float, len>(buffer->payload(),
expected_frames * ring_buffer().format().channels());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(1.0f)));
TEST_F(TapStageTest, PartialTapBuffer) {
constexpr float kInitialRingBufferColor = 5.0;
// Test the case where part of a tap buffer is unavailable because of the safe write pointer has
// moved beyond that frame.
// Seek the tap buffer so that the first half packet is not available in the ring buffer. We
// expect these frames to be untouched in the underlying buffer.
AdvanceTo(kPacketDuration / 2);
// Pull a full packet through the the tap stage.
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(1.0, kPacketDuration));
// Expect the full packet to be read out of the tap stage.
SCOPED_TRACE("first packet in tap");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames>(&tap(), 0, 1.0, true);
// Expect the first half of the packet to be untouched in the ring buffer.
SCOPED_TRACE("unmodified ring buffer region");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 2>(&ring_buffer(), 0, kInitialRingBufferColor, true);
// But the second half should match the input.
SCOPED_TRACE("modified ring buffer region");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 2>(&ring_buffer(), kPacketFrames / 2, 1.0, true);
// And anything after that should also be unmodified.
SCOPED_TRACE("silence after tap");
AdvanceTo(kPacketDuration * 2);
CheckStream<kPacketFrames>(&ring_buffer(), kPacketFrames, kInitialRingBufferColor, true);
TEST_F(TapStageTest, ShortSourceBuffer) {
constexpr float kSourceBufferColor = 3.0;
constexpr float kInitialRingBufferColor = 5.0;
// Clear the buffer with a defined bit-pattern. This is so that we may detect if any frames have
// or have not been modified by the TapStage.
// Enqueue a single buffer that is half as long as the packet we will read out of the TapStage,
// and also offset by a quarter packet of implicit silence:
// ---------------------------
// | 1 |
// |---------------------------|
// | 2 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
// |---------------------------|
// |~~~~~~| 3 |~~~~~~|
// |---------------------------|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| 4 |
// ---------------------------
// ^ ^
// 0 kPacketFrames
// Where
// Region 1 -- The requested frames from the TapStage, which spans frames 0 to kPacketFrames.
// Region 2 -- The region before the first frame in source. This should be replicated into the
// tap stage as silence.
// Region 3 -- Frames available in source that need to be copied into the tap stream.
// Region 4 -- Frames that are beyond the end of the source stream packet. We expect the buffer
// returned from TapStage to end before this region, and we expect the corresponding
// frames in the ring buffer to be unmodified.
// Create region '2' in the source stream by seeking past these frames. The next 'CreatePacket'
// will occur after this.
packet_factory().SeekToFrame(kPacketFrames / 4);
// Create region '3' in the source stream.
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(kSourceBufferColor, kPacketDuration / 2));
// Request 'region 1'
auto buffer = tap().ReadLock(Fixed(0), kPacketFrames);
// But expect 'region 3', which corresponds to what is available in source.
CheckBuffer<kPacketFrames / 2>(*buffer, kPacketFrames / 4, 3.0);
// Verify the silence from 'region 2' is available in the tap stream.
SCOPED_TRACE("silence in ring buffer");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 4>(&ring_buffer(), 0, 0.0, true);
// Followed by 'region 3'
SCOPED_TRACE("frames from source in ring buffer");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 2>(&ring_buffer(), kPacketFrames / 4, kSourceBufferColor, true);
// Ensure that frames in 'region 4' were not modified in the ring buffer.
SCOPED_TRACE("unmodified frames");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 4>(&ring_buffer(), 3 * kPacketFrames / 4, kInitialRingBufferColor,
TEST_F(TapStageTest, SilentSourceStream) {
// Initialize the buffer to something that is not silence.
// Read from the ring buffer.
auto buffer = tap().ReadLock(Fixed(0), kPacketFrames);
// Our packet queue source is empty so we expect no data here.
// But we do expect the frames in our tap to have been written silence.
CheckStream<kPacketFrames>(&ring_buffer(), 0, 0.0, true);
TEST_F(TapStageTest, ShortTapBuffer) {
constexpr float kSourceBufferColor = 3.0;
constexpr float kInitialRingBufferColor = 5.0;
// Clear the buffer with a defined bit-pattern. This is so that we may detect if any frames have
// or have not been modified by the TapStage.
// Create region '2' in the source stream by seeking past these frames. The next 'CreatePacket'
// will occur after this.
packet_factory().SeekToFrame(kPacketFrames / 4);
// Create region '3' in the source stream.
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(kSourceBufferColor, kPacketDuration / 2));
// Request 'region 1'
auto buffer = tap().ReadLock(Fixed(0), kPacketFrames);
// But expect 'region 3', which corresponds to what is available in source.
CheckBuffer<kPacketFrames / 2>(*buffer, kPacketFrames / 4, 3.0);
// Verify the silence from 'region 2' is available in the tap stream.
SCOPED_TRACE("silence in ring buffer");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 4>(&ring_buffer(), 0, 0.0, true);
// Followed by 'region 3'
SCOPED_TRACE("frames from source in ring buffer");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 2>(&ring_buffer(), kPacketFrames / 4, kSourceBufferColor, true);
// Ensure that frames in 'region 4' were not modified in the ring buffer.
SCOPED_TRACE("unmodified frames");
CheckStream<kPacketFrames / 4>(&ring_buffer(), 3 * kPacketFrames / 4, kInitialRingBufferColor,
class TapStageFrameConversionTest : public TapStageTest {
TapStageFrameConversionTest() : TapStageTest(12345) {}
// Test that we can properly copy a packet when the source and tap streams are using different
// TimelineFunctions.
TEST_F(TapStageFrameConversionTest, CopySinglePacket) {
packet_queue().PushPacket(packet_factory().CreatePacket(1.0, kPacketDuration));
// We expect the tap and ring buffer to both be in sync for the first 480.
constexpr int64_t frame_count = kPacketFrames;
CheckStream<frame_count>(&tap(), 0, 1.0, true);
CheckStream<frame_count>(&ring_buffer(), 0, 1.0, true);
} // namespace
} // namespace media::audio