blob: 12a00cf870cb4dceb39ba0f4b462b9906363341d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/ui/scenic/cpp/resources.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using scenic::Image;
using scenic::Memory;
using scenic::Session;
namespace scenic_util {
// Provides access to data stored in a host-accessible shared memory region.
// The memory is unmapped once all references to this object have been released.
class HostData : public std::enable_shared_from_this<HostData> {
// Maps a range of an existing VMO into memory.
HostData(const zx::vmo& vmo, off_t offset, size_t size);
HostData(const HostData&) = delete;
HostData& operator=(const HostData&) = delete;
// Gets the size of the data in bytes.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Gets a pointer to the data.
void* ptr() const { return ptr_; }
size_t const size_;
void* ptr_;
// Represents a host-accessible shared memory backed memory resource in a
// session. The memory is mapped read/write into this process and transferred
// read-only to the scene manager. The shared memory region is retained until
// this object is destroyed.
// TODO( Don't inherit from Memory, so that Memory can have a public
// move constructor.
// TODO( The memory is currently not transferred read-only, as we may
// choose to map it as device-local memory on UMA platforms, and Vulkan requires
// a read/write vmo in order to successfully import the memory.
class HostMemory final : public Memory {
HostMemory(Session* session, size_t size);
HostMemory(HostMemory&& moved);
HostMemory(const HostMemory&) = delete;
HostMemory& operator=(const HostMemory&) = delete;
// Gets a reference to the underlying shared memory region.
const std::shared_ptr<HostData>& data() const { return data_; }
// Gets the size of the data in bytes.
size_t data_size() const { return data_->size(); }
// Gets a pointer to the data.
void* data_ptr() const { return data_->ptr(); }
explicit HostMemory(Session* session, std::pair<zx::vmo, std::shared_ptr<HostData>> init);
std::shared_ptr<HostData> data_;
// Represents an image resource backed by host-accessible shared memory bound to
// a session. The shared memory region is retained until this object is
// destroyed.
// TODO( Don't inherit from Image, so that Image can have a public move
// constructor.
class HostImage final : public Image {
HostImage(const HostMemory& memory, off_t memory_offset, fuchsia::images::ImageInfo info);
HostImage(Session* session, uint32_t memory_id, off_t memory_offset,
std::shared_ptr<HostData> data, fuchsia::images::ImageInfo info);
HostImage(HostImage&& moved);
HostImage(const HostImage&) = delete;
HostImage& operator=(const HostImage&) = delete;
// Gets a reference to the underlying shared memory region.
const std::shared_ptr<HostData>& data() const { return data_; }
// Gets a pointer to the image data.
void* image_ptr() const { return static_cast<uint8_t*>(data_->ptr()) + memory_offset(); }
std::shared_ptr<HostData> data_;
// Represents a pool of image resources backed by host-accessible shared memory
// bound to a session. All images in the pool must have the same layout.
class HostImagePool {
// Creates a pool which can supply up to |num_images| images on demand.
explicit HostImagePool(Session* session, uint32_t num_images);
HostImagePool(const HostImagePool&) = delete;
HostImagePool& operator=(const HostImagePool&) = delete;
// The number of images which this pool can manage.
uint32_t num_images() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(image_ptrs_.size()); }
// Gets information about the images in the pool, or nullptr if the
// pool is not configured.
const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo* image_info() const { return &image_info_; }
// Sets the image information for images in the pool.
// Previously created images are released but their memory may be reused.
// If |image_info| is nullptr, the pool reverts to an non-configured state;
// all images are released but the memory is retained for recycling.
// Returns true if the configuration changed.
bool Configure(const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo* image_info);
// Gets the image with the specified index.
// The |index| must be between 0 and |num_images() - 1|.
// The returned pointer is valid until the image is discarded or the
// pool is reconfigured. Returns nullptr if the pool is not configured.
const HostImage* GetImage(uint32_t index);
// Discards the image with the specified index but recycles its memory.
// The |index| must be between 0 and |num_images() - 1|.
void DiscardImage(uint32_t index);
Session* const session_;
bool configured_ = false;
fuchsia::images::ImageInfo image_info_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HostImage>> image_ptrs_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HostMemory>> memory_ptrs_;
} // namespace scenic_util