blob: dcbbcf2adc0d9a6dd8a90df1ff471d153c7f921d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{
geometry::{IntPoint, IntSize},
use {
std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque},
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct ContactDetails {
event_time: u64,
location: IntPoint,
size: IntSize,
struct DownContact {
last: ContactDetails,
next: ContactDetails,
struct TouchDevice {
down_contacts: BTreeMap<touch::ContactId, DownContact>,
buttons: ButtonSet,
pub struct TouchEventResampler {
events: VecDeque<Event>,
touch_devices: BTreeMap<DeviceId, TouchDevice>,
impl TouchEventResampler {
/// Create new touch event resampler.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { events: VecDeque::new(), touch_devices: BTreeMap::new() }
/// Enqueue any type of event.
pub fn enqueue(&mut self, event: Event) {;
/// Dequeue non-moved events older than |sample_time| and sample touch
/// contacts at |sample_time|.
pub fn dequeue_and_sample(&mut self, sample_time: Time) -> Vec<Event> {
let sample_time_ns = sample_time.into_nanos() as u64;
// Process events until sample time.
// Dequeue events older than sample time.
let mut events = self.dequeue_events_until(sample_time_ns);
// Add resampled move events for all tracked touch contacts.
events.extend(self.touch_devices.iter().filter_map(|(device_id, device)| {
if device.down_contacts.is_empty() {
} else {
let contacts = device.down_contacts.iter().map(|(contact_id, contact)| {
let p = contact.last;
let n =;
touch::Contact {
contact_id: *contact_id,
// Resample location and size if the next contact details are passed
// sample time. Otherwise, use the latest contact details we have.
phase: if n.event_time > sample_time_ns && n.event_time > p.event_time {
let interval = (n.event_time - p.event_time) as f32;
let scalar = (sample_time_ns - p.event_time) as f32 / interval;
let location =
p.location.to_f32() + (n.location - p.location).to_f32() * scalar;
let size = p.size.to_f32() + (n.size - p.size).to_f32() * scalar;
touch::Phase::Moved(location.to_i32(), size.to_i32())
} else {
touch::Phase::Moved(n.location, n.size)
let touch_event =
touch::Event { contacts: contacts.collect(), buttons: device.buttons.clone() };
Some(Event {
event_time: sample_time_ns,
device_id: device_id.clone(),
event_type: EventType::Touch(touch_event),
fn process_events(&mut self, sample_time_ns: u64) {
for Event { event_time, device_id, event_type } in & {
if let EventType::Touch(touch_event) = event_type {
// Update contact details if event time is more recent than sample time. Otherwise,
// add/remove contact from currently tracked down contacts.
if *event_time > sample_time_ns {
if let Some(device) = self.touch_devices.get_mut(&device_id.clone()) {
for touch::Contact { contact_id, phase } in &touch_event.contacts {
if let touch::Phase::Moved(location, size) = phase {
if let Some(down_contact) =
// Update contact details if current details are not already more
// recent than sample time.
if < sample_time_ns { = ContactDetails {
event_time: *event_time,
location: *location,
size: *size,
} else {
// Insert device if it doesn't already exist.
let device = self.touch_devices.entry(device_id.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
TouchDevice {
down_contacts: BTreeMap::new(),
buttons: touch_event.buttons.clone(),
// Update buttons state.
device.buttons = touch_event.buttons.clone();
for contact in &touch_event.contacts {
match contact.phase {
touch::Phase::Down(location, size)
| touch::Phase::Moved(location, size) => {
let details =
ContactDetails { event_time: *event_time, location, size };
DownContact { last: details, next: details },
touch::Phase::Up | touch::Phase::Remove | touch::Phase::Cancel => {
fn dequeue_events_until(&mut self, sample_time_ns: u64) -> Vec<Event> {
let mut events = vec![];
while let Some(event) = {
// Stop dequeuing events if more recent than sample time.
if event.event_time > sample_time_ns {
let event =;
if let EventType::Touch(touch_event) = &event.event_type {
if let Some(device) = self.touch_devices.get(&event.device_id.clone()) {
let contacts = touch_event.contacts.iter().filter_map(|contact| {
match contact.phase {
touch::Phase::Moved(_, _) => {
// Skip moved phase if we're tracking contact.
if device.down_contacts.contains_key(&contact.contact_id) {
} else {
_ => Some(contact.clone()),
let touch_event = touch::Event {
contacts: contacts.collect(),
buttons: device.buttons.clone(),
if !touch_event.contacts.is_empty() {
events.push(Event {
event_time: event.event_time,
device_id: event.device_id.clone(),
event_type: EventType::Touch(touch_event),
} else {
mod touch_event_resampling_tests {
use super::*;
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn create_test_down_phase(x: i32, y: i32) -> touch::Phase {
touch::Phase::Down(euclid::point2(x, y), IntSize::zero())
fn create_test_moved_phase(x: i32, y: i32) -> touch::Phase {
touch::Phase::Moved(euclid::point2(x, y), IntSize::zero())
fn create_test_event(phase: touch::Phase, event_time: u64) -> Event {
let touch_event = touch::Event {
contacts: vec![touch::Contact { contact_id: touch::ContactId(100), phase }],
buttons: ButtonSet::new(&HashSet::new()),
Event {
event_time: event_time,
device_id: DeviceId("test-device-id-1".to_string()),
event_type: EventType::Touch(touch_event),
fn test_resampling() {
let mut resampler = TouchEventResampler::new();
resampler.enqueue(create_test_event(create_test_down_phase(0, 0), 1000));
resampler.enqueue(create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(10, 0), 2000));
resampler.enqueue(create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(20, 0), 3000));
resampler.enqueue(create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(30, 0), 4000));
resampler.enqueue(create_test_event(touch::Phase::Up, 4000));
// No events should be dequeue at time 0.
assert_eq!(resampler.dequeue_and_sample(Time::from_nanos(500)), vec![]);
// Down event and first resampled moved event.
let result = resampler.dequeue_and_sample(Time::from_nanos(1500));
assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(result[0], create_test_event(create_test_down_phase(0, 0), 1000));
assert_eq!(result[1], create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(5, 0), 1500));
// One resampled moved event.
let result = resampler.dequeue_and_sample(Time::from_nanos(2500));
assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(result[0], create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(15, 0), 2500));
// Another resampled moved event.
let result = resampler.dequeue_and_sample(Time::from_nanos(3500));
assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(result[0], create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(25, 0), 3500));
// Last resampled moved event.
let result = resampler.dequeue_and_sample(Time::from_nanos(4500));
assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(result[0], create_test_event(create_test_moved_phase(30, 0), 4000));
assert_eq!(result[1], create_test_event(touch::Phase::Up, 4000));