blob: 555cff928fc535730704846dcb58d6b22bf1033f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vim3-mcu.h"
#include <lib/ddk/debug.h>
#include <lib/ddk/device.h>
#include <lib/ddk/driver.h>
#include <lib/ddk/platform-defs.h>
#include <lib/device-protocol/i2c.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <ddktl/fidl.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include "src/devices/mcu/drivers/vim3-mcu/vim3_mcu_bind.h"
namespace stm {
zx_status_t StmMcu::Create(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent) {
i2c_protocol_t i2c;
auto status = device_get_protocol(parent, ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C, &i2c);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Failed to get ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C", __FILE__);
return status;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
std::unique_ptr<StmMcu> device(new (&ac) StmMcu(parent, &i2c));
if (!ac.check()) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: StmMcu alloc failed", __FILE__);
status = device->SetFanLevel(FL1);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if ((status = device->DdkAdd("vim3-mcu")) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: DdkAdd failed", __FILE__);
return status;
__UNUSED auto* dummy = device.release();
return ZX_OK;
void StmMcu::ShutDown() {}
void StmMcu::DdkUnbind(ddk::UnbindTxn txn) {
void StmMcu::DdkRelease() { delete this; }
zx_status_t StmMcu::SetFanLevel(FanLevel level) {
// TODO rsubr clean this up to implement outward intf for rd/wr
// for now just turning on the fan to prevent soc from overheating
fbl::AutoLock lock(&i2c_lock_);
uint8_t cmd[] = {STM_MCU_REG_CMD_FAN_STATUS_CTRL_REG, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)};
auto status = i2c_.WriteSync(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "StmMCu::could not set the fan level %d", status);
return status;
static constexpr zx_driver_ops_t stm_driver_ops = []() {
zx_driver_ops_t ops = {};
ops.version = DRIVER_OPS_VERSION;
ops.bind = StmMcu::Create;
return ops;
} // namespace stm
ZIRCON_DRIVER(vim3_mcu, stm::stm_driver_ops, "zircon", "0.1");