blob: 64684f2a2525d425736c1790a9b89652cee4131b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This test is intended to validate the basic functionality of the following
# drivers:
# dev-battery
# dev-pwrsrc
# While not ideal, this test serves to act as validation for these fragments
# at least until there is a more comprehensive test framework capable of
# exercising the full breadth of device enumerations within a given product that
# uses ACPI.
# The test uses the command 'fx shell lspwr' which executes the power utility
# on the device under test, obtaining status information from /dev/class/power
# entries.
# The test assumes a device which is both battery and AC powered, e.g. Eve or
# Ava, with the typical output of lspwr including both battery and ac device
# details.
# Typical output:
# > fx shell lspwr
# [000] type: AC, state: online (0x1)
# [001] type: battery, state: online, charging (0x5)
# design capacity: 5407 mA
# last full capacity: 5227 mA
# design voltage: 7700 mV
# warning capacity: 811 mA
# low capacity: 540 mA
# low/warning granularity: 1 mA
# warning/full granularity: 1 mA
# present rate: -1508 mA
# remaining capacity: 5227 mA
# present voltage: 8441 mV
# ==========================================
# remaining battery percentage: 100 %
import subprocess
from os import path
import signal
import sys
import time
import os
CRED = '\x1b[6;30;41m'
CGREEN = '\x1b[6;30;42m'
CEND = '\x1b[0m'
def TestAcDeviceOutput(output):
print('ac output: ' + output)
if output.find('[000]') == -1:
print('...failed to find /dev/class/power/000\n')
return 0
if output.find('type: AC') == -1:
print('...failed to identify AC power source\n')
return 0
return 1
def TestBatteryDeviceOutput(output):
print('battery output: ' + output)
if output.find('[001]') == -1:
print('...failed to find /dev/class/power/001\n')
return 0
if output.find('type: battery') == -1:
print('...failed to identify battery device\n')
return 0
return 1
def main(argv):
print('running fx shell lspwr...')
outLsPwr = subprocess.check_output(['fx', 'shell', 'lspwr']).decode('utf-8')
print('AC status test:')
if TestAcDeviceOutput(outLsPwr.split('\n')[0]):
print(CGREEN + 'PASSED' + CEND + '\n')
print(CRED + 'FAILED' + CEND + '\n')
print('Battery status test:')
if TestBatteryDeviceOutput(outLsPwr.split('\n')[1]):
print(CGREEN + 'PASSED' + CEND + '\n')
print(CRED + 'FAILED' + CEND + '\n')
print('test complete')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':