blob: 6d8ec0865b2af68514e96be28870874cd2d27e06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "os.h"
namespace harvester {
class TaskTree {
struct Task {
Task(zx_handle_t handle, zx_koid_t koid, zx_koid_t parent_koid)
: handle(handle), koid(koid), parent_koid(parent_koid) {}
zx_handle_t handle;
zx_koid_t koid;
zx_koid_t parent_koid;
TaskTree() : os_(std::make_unique<OSImpl>()) {}
virtual ~TaskTree() { Clear(); }
// Creates and stores handles to all tasks (threads, processes, and jobs)
// descending from the root job. The first call to GatherJobs creates
// a handle for each existing task. Subsequent calls create handles for
// all new tasks, drawing from its cache of handles for existing tasks.
virtual void Gather();
// Accessors to immutable lists of jobs/processes/threads.
virtual const std::vector<Task>& Jobs() const { return jobs_; }
virtual const std::vector<Task>& Processes() const { return processes_; }
virtual const std::vector<Task>& Threads() const { return threads_; }
std::unique_ptr<OS> os_;
std::vector<Task> jobs_;
std::vector<Task> processes_;
std::vector<Task> threads_;
std::map<zx_koid_t, zx_handle_t> koids_to_handles_;
std::map<zx_koid_t, zx_handle_t> stale_koids_to_handles_;
// Clears all jobs/processes/threads information.
void Clear();
// Fills |child_handle| with a handle to |child_koid|, either from a cache or
// newly-created.
zx_status_t GetHandleForChildKoid(zx_koid_t child_koid, zx_handle_t parent,
zx_koid_t parent_koid,
zx_handle_t* child_handle);
// Creates and stores handles to all threads belonging to |parent_process|.
void GatherThreadsForProcess(zx_handle_t parent_process,
zx_koid_t parent_process_koid);
// Creates and stores handles to all processes belonging to |parent_job|.
void GatherProcessesForJob(zx_handle_t parent_job,
zx_koid_t parent_job_koid);
// Creates and stores handles to all processes and jobs belonging to
// |parent_job|.
void GatherProcessesAndJobsForJob(zx_handle_t parent_job,
zx_koid_t parent_job_koid);
// Update the collection of known tasks (jobs/processes/threads).
void GatherJobs();
} // namespace harvester