blob: 7a1ace0983cb31fa716928dfde12a3fbc0955630 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gather_vmos.h"
#include <vector>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include "harvester.h"
#include "sample_bundle.h"
#include "task_tree.h"
namespace harvester {
namespace {
const size_t kNumInitialVmos = 128;
// When VMO collection is enabled, |kNumExtraVmoScans| processes known not to
// have "rooted" VMOs will still be scanned (just in case they acquire access in
// the meantime).
const size_t kNumExtraVmoScans = 3;
// Sysmem VMO names, as found in src/devices/sysmem/drivers/sysmem/
const VmoMap<std::string> kRootedVmoNames = {
// TODO( Determine if "Sysmem-external-heap" belongs here.
VmoMap<std::string> DockyardPathsForNames(const VmoMap<std::string> names) {
VmoMap<std::string> paths;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRootedVmos; ++i) {
paths[i] = std::string("vmo_") + names[i];
return paths;
// Sysmem VMO paths for dockyard upload.
const VmoMap<std::string> kRootedMemoryPaths =
} // namespace
void GatherVmos::GatherVmosForProcess(zx_handle_t process,
zx_koid_t process_koid,
std::vector<zx_koid_t>& new_vmos) {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::GatherVmosForProcess");
zx_status_t status;
// Get the koids for the VMOs belonging to this process.
std::vector<zx_info_vmo_t> vmos(kNumInitialVmos);
TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("harvester", "GetChildren<VMO>", "koid",
status = os_->GetChildren<zx_info_vmo_t>(process, process_koid,
TRACE_DURATION_END("harvester", "GetChildren<VMO>");
if (status != ZX_OK) {
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> vmo_koids;
TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("harvester", "Iterate VMOs", "num_vmos", vmos.size());
for (const zx_info_vmo_t& vmo : vmos) {
// Insert returns a pair<iterator, bool>, where bool is true if this is a
// new element.
auto pair = vmo_koids.insert(vmo.koid);
if (pair.second) {
koids_to_vmos_.insert({vmo.koid, vmo});
if (vmo.parent_koid != 0) {
// If this VMO has a parent, link the two.
vmo_forest_.Union(vmo.koid, vmo.parent_koid);
} else {
// If this VMO has no parent, it _may be_ a rooted VMO.
auto name_it = std::find(kRootedVmoNames.begin(), kRootedVmoNames.end(),;
if (name_it != kRootedVmoNames.end()) {
TRACE_DURATION_END("harvester", "Iterate VMOs");
process_to_vmos_.insert_or_assign(process_koid, std::move(vmo_koids));
void GatherVmos::DoSparseVmoUpdate(
const TaskTree& task_tree,
std::vector<zx_koid_t>& new_vmos,
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t>& live_process_koids) {
TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("harvester", "GatherVmos::DoSparseVmoUpdate");
size_t trace_num_expected_scans = 0;
size_t trace_num_extra_scans = 0;
// Prefill process_scan_queue_ if it's empty. This should only happen once,
// but can't be done inline with the loop below.
if (process_scan_queue_.empty()) {
for (const TaskTree::Task& process : task_tree.Processes()) {
// NOTE: Does sparse VMO scans over the process universe for efficiency.
// 1. Always scan the first time a process is seen.
// 2. Always rescan processes known to have rooted VMOs.
// 3. Do sparse rescans over the rest of the process universe.
// Parts 1,2 of sparse scans (above).
for (const TaskTree::Task& process : task_tree.Processes()) {
zx_handle_t handle = process.handle;
zx_koid_t koid = process.koid;
bool is_new_process = last_seen_processes_.count(koid) == 0;
bool is_rooted_process = processes_with_rooted_vmos_.count(koid) != 0;
if (is_new_process || is_rooted_process) {
GatherVmosForProcess(handle, koid, new_vmos);
// If this is a new process, add to the back of |process_scan_queue_|.
if (is_new_process) {
// Part 3 of sparse scans (above).
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumExtraVmoScans && !process_scan_queue_.empty(); ) {
const TaskTree::Task& process = process_scan_queue_.front();
zx_handle_t handle = process.handle;
zx_koid_t koid = process.koid;
bool is_new_process = last_seen_processes_.count(koid) == 0;
bool is_dead_process = live_process_koids.count(koid) == 0;
bool is_rooted_process = processes_with_rooted_vmos_.count(koid) != 0;
// Do nothing if this process is no longer live.
if (is_dead_process) {
// Scan processes not already scanned above.
if (!is_new_process && !is_rooted_process) {
GatherVmosForProcess(handle, koid, new_vmos);
TRACE_DURATION_END("harvester", "GatherVmos::DoSparseVmoUpdate",
"processes scanned",
trace_num_expected_scans + trace_num_extra_scans,
"extra scans",
bool GatherVmos::VmoHasRootedAncestor(zx_koid_t vmo_koid) {
return rooted_vmo_descendants_.count(vmo_koid) != 0;
zx_koid_t GatherVmos::GetRootedAncestorKoid(zx_koid_t child_vmo_koid) {
for (zx_koid_t root_vmo_koid : rooted_vmos_) {
if (vmo_forest_.InSameSet(root_vmo_koid, child_vmo_koid)) {
return root_vmo_koid;
return 0;
void GatherVmos::CleanProcessToVmos(
const std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t>& live_process_koids) {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::CleanProcessToVmos");
// Prune dead processes from process_to_vmos_. Rough equivalent of C++20's
// erase_if().
for (auto it = process_to_vmos_.begin(); it != process_to_vmos_.end(); ) {
zx_koid_t koid = it->first;
if (live_process_koids.count(koid) == 0) {
it = process_to_vmos_.erase(it);
} else {
void GatherVmos::BuildRootedVmoDescendants(
const std::vector<zx_koid_t>& new_vmos) {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::BuildRootedVmoDescendants");
// Optimization: Given N VMOs and K rooted VMOs, using vmo_forest_.InSameSet()
// here would result in O(K * N) Find() calls. Instead, here we're caching
// the Find() calls for the K rooted VMOs. This gives a much better time of
// O(K + N) Find() calls.
// Part 1: cache the K Find() calls.
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> representatives_of_rooted_vmos;
for (zx_koid_t koid : rooted_vmos_) {
if (koid != 0) {
// Part 2: run N Find() calls over the VMO universe.
for (zx_koid_t koid : new_vmos) {
zx_koid_t vmo_representative = vmo_forest_.Find(koid);
// Check if this VMO koid is in the same set as one of the rooted VMOs.
if (representatives_of_rooted_vmos.count(vmo_representative) != 0) {
void GatherVmos::BuildProcessesWithRootedVmos() {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::BuildProcessesWithRootedVmos");
for (const auto& [process_koid, vmo_koids] : process_to_vmos_) {
for (zx_koid_t vmo_koid : vmo_koids) {
if (VmoHasRootedAncestor(vmo_koid)) {
std::map<zx_koid_t, GatherVmos::Vmo> GatherVmos::BuildVmoData() {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::BuildVmoData");
std::map<zx_koid_t, Vmo> vmo_data;
// Pass 1: Copy over each VMO.
// We only care about rooted VMOs and their descendants. Don't bother copying
// anything else.
for (zx_koid_t vmo_koid : rooted_vmo_descendants_) {
vmo_data.emplace(vmo_koid, Vmo(koids_to_vmos_[vmo_koid]));
// Pass 2: Ignore bytes in a parent VMO that are accounted to a child VMO.
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> vmos_with_children;
for (const auto& [vmo_koid, vmo] : vmo_data) {
if (vmo.parent_koid == 0) {
if (vmo_data.count(vmo.parent_koid) == 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "vmo's (" << vmo_koid << ") parent koid ("
<< vmo.parent_koid << ") is not in vmo_data map.";
Vmo& parent_vmo = vmo_data[vmo.parent_koid];
parent_vmo.committed_bytes -= vmo.allocated_bytes;
// Pass 3: Account child VMO allocations as fully "committed" ("add back" the
// bytes subtracted in pass 2).
for (auto& [vmo_koid, vmo] : vmo_data) {
bool vmoHasChild = vmos_with_children.count(vmo_koid) == 1;
// Leaf VMOs are VMOs that have a parent and no children.
if (vmo.parent_koid != 0 && !vmoHasChild) {
vmo.committed_bytes = vmo.allocated_bytes;
// Can be expensive, so log only if asked.
if (FX_VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
// Match the format of `fx shell mem --print`
FX_VLOGS(2) << "fx shell mem --print equivalent:";
for (auto& [vmo_koid, vmo] : vmo_data) {
FX_VLOGS(2) << "V," << vmo_koid << "," <<
<< "," << vmo.parent_koid
<< "," << vmo.committed_bytes;
return vmo_data;
void GatherVmos::UploadSamples(
const std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t>& live_process_koids,
std::map<zx_koid_t, GatherVmos::Vmo>& vmo_data) {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::UploadSamples");
TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("harvester", "build process -> rooted map");
// Map of {process koids -> {rooted memory name -> total committed}}.
ProcessMap process_rooted_memory;
for (zx_koid_t process_koid : processes_with_rooted_vmos_) {
for (zx_koid_t vmo_koid : process_to_vmos_[process_koid]) {
if (!VmoHasRootedAncestor(vmo_koid)) {
Vmo& vmo = vmo_data[vmo_koid];
Vmo& root_vmo = vmo_data[GetRootedAncestorKoid(vmo_koid)];
// Find index of the name in the VmoMap of rooted names.
size_t i = std::distance(kRootedVmoNames.begin(),
if (i >= kNumRootedVmos) {
process_rooted_memory[process_koid][i] += vmo.committed_bytes;
TRACE_DURATION_END("harvester", "build process -> rooted map");
if (FX_VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
// Human readable sample bundle equivalent.
for (auto& [process_koid, vmo_map] : process_rooted_memory) {
FX_VLOGS(2) << "Process " << process_koid;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRootedVmos; ++i) {
FX_VLOGS(2) << "* " << vmo_map[i] << " bytes for "
<< kRootedVmoNames[i];
TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("harvester", "AddIntSample");
SampleBundle samples;
for (zx_koid_t koid : live_process_koids) {
const auto& vmo_map = process_rooted_memory[koid];
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRootedVmos; ++i) {
samples.AddIntSample("koid", koid, kRootedMemoryPaths[i], vmo_map[i]);
TRACE_DURATION_END("harvester", "AddIntSample");
TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("harvester", "Upload");
TRACE_DURATION_END("harvester", "Upload");
void GatherVmos::GatherDeviceProperties() {}
void GatherVmos::Gather() {
TRACE_DURATION("harvester", "GatherVmos::Gather");
// First, gather VMOs.
std::vector<zx_koid_t> new_vmos;
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> live_process_koids;
DoSparseVmoUpdate(task_tree_, new_vmos, live_process_koids);
// Given a current list of live processes, prune any dead process VMO lists.
// Next, build the rooted_vmo_descendants cache.
// Requires rooted_vmo_descendants_.
// Now we're ready to build VMO data.
std::map<zx_koid_t, Vmo> vmo_data = BuildVmoData();
// Upload everything to the dockyard for the frontend.
UploadSamples(live_process_koids, vmo_data);
// After everything else, cache live_process_koids for next iteration.
last_seen_processes_ = std::move(live_process_koids);
} // namespace harvester