blob: 47822a218b0411623e3a599b1a5b873affd6bb81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "dockyard_proxy.h"
#include "fuchsia_clock.h"
#include "src/developer/system_monitor/lib/dockyard/dockyard.h"
#include "src/developer/system_monitor/lib/proto/dockyard.grpc.pb.h"
#include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
namespace harvester {
namespace internal {
// Utility functions for munging data.
void ExtractPathsFromSampleList(
std::vector<const std::string*>* dockyard_strings, const SampleList& list);
void BuildSampleListById(SampleListById* by_id,
const std::vector<dockyard::DockyardId>& id_list,
const SampleList& sample_list);
dockyard_proto::LogBatch BuildLogBatch(
const std::vector<const std::string>& batch, uint64_t monotonic_time,
std::optional<zx_time_t> time);
} // namespace internal
class DockyardProxyGrpc : public DockyardProxy {
DockyardProxyGrpc(std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel,
std::shared_ptr<FuchsiaClock> clock)
: stub_(dockyard_proto::Dockyard::NewStub(channel)),
clock_(std::move(clock)) {}
explicit DockyardProxyGrpc(
std::unique_ptr<dockyard_proto::Dockyard::StubInterface> stub,
std::shared_ptr<FuchsiaClock> clock)
: stub_(std::move(stub)), clock_(std::move(clock)) {}
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus Init() override;
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus SendLogs(
const std::vector<const std::string>& batch) override;
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus SendInspectJson(const std::string& dockyard_path,
const std::string& json) override;
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus SendSample(const std::string& dockyard_path,
uint64_t value) override;
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus SendSampleList(const SampleList& list) override;
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus SendStringSampleList(
const StringSampleList& list) override;
// |DockyardProxy|.
DockyardProxyStatus SendSamples(
const SampleList& int_samples,
const StringSampleList& string_samples) override;
// A local stub for the remote Dockyard instance.
std::unique_ptr<dockyard_proto::Dockyard::StubInterface> stub_;
std::shared_ptr<harvester::FuchsiaClock> clock_;
// The dockyard_path_to_id_ may be accessed by multiple threads.
std::mutex dockyard_path_to_id_mutex_;
// Look up the ID of a Dockyard path.
std::map<std::string, dockyard::DockyardId> dockyard_path_to_id_ = {};
// Functions for interacting with Dockyard (via gRPC).
// Actually send data to the Dockyard.
// |time| is in nanoseconds.
// See also: SendInspectJson().
grpc::Status SendInspectJsonById(std::optional<zx_time_t> time,
dockyard::DockyardId dockyard_id,
const std::string& json);
// Actually send a single sample to the Dockyard.
// |time| is in nanoseconds.
// See also: SendSample().
grpc::Status SendSampleById(std::optional<zx_time_t> time,
dockyard::DockyardId dockyard_id, uint64_t value);
// Actually send a list of samples with the same timestamp to the Dockyard.
// |time| is in nanoseconds.
// See also: SendSampleList().
grpc::Status SendSampleListById(std::optional<zx_time_t> time,
const SampleListById& list);
// Get the ID from the local cache or from the remote Dockyard if it's not in
// the cache.
grpc::Status GetDockyardIdForPath(dockyard::DockyardId* dockyard_id,
const std::string& dockyard_path);
// As above, for a list of paths and IDs.
grpc::Status GetDockyardIdsForPaths(
std::vector<dockyard::DockyardId>* dockyard_id,
const std::vector<const std::string*>& dockyard_path);
grpc::Status SendUtcClockStarted();
} // namespace harvester