blob: a7cc3bd2bed92f5081ea05de4e82df9a0a2e83cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <future>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "src/developer/system_monitor/lib/dockyard/dockyard.h"
class SystemMonitorDockyardHostTest;
// Helper struct to track a request, response, and a promise to resolve when
// response arrives.
struct AsyncQuery {
std::promise<std::unique_ptr<AsyncQuery>> promise;
dockyard::StreamSetsRequest request;
dockyard::StreamSetsResponse response;
// Associate a request context ID with an AsyncQuery.
using RequestIdToAsyncQuery = std::map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<AsyncQuery>>;
// The DockyardHost is a demonstration application for the Harvester component
// and the Dockyard library. This makes it possible to test queries independent
// of the GUI, for example.
class DockyardHost {
// Request the current value of a sample.
std::optional<std::future<std::unique_ptr<AsyncQuery>>> GetSamples(
const std::vector<dockyard::DockyardId>& path_ids);
// Get an integer value for a given Dockyard path.
std::optional<dockyard::SampleValue> GetSampleValue(const std::string& path);
// Get a string result for a given Dockyard path.
std::optional<std::string> GetSampleString(const std::string& path);
// Get a list of string results for a given list of Dockyard IDs.
std::optional<std::vector<const std::string>> GetSampleStringsForIds(
const std::vector<dockyard::DockyardId>& path_ids);
// Access the host's Dockyard instance.
dockyard::Dockyard& Dockyard() { return dockyard_; }
// As Dockyard::StartCollectingFrom.
void StartCollectingFrom(const std::string& device_name);
// Called by the dockyard when a connection to a Fuchsia device is made.
void OnConnection(const std::string& device_name);
// Called by the dockyard when paths/strings are created or removed.
void OnPaths(const std::vector<dockyard::PathInfo>& add,
const std::vector<dockyard::DockyardId>& remove);
// Called by the dockyard stream sets arrive.
void OnStreamSets(const dockyard::StreamSetsResponse& response);
// The backend this code is hosting.
dockyard::Dockyard dockyard_;
// The four word (three-dotted) name of the Fuchsia device.
std::string device_name_;
// Mapping paths and Dockyard IDs.
dockyard::DockyardPathToIdMap path_to_id_;
dockyard::DockyardIdToPathMap id_to_path_;
// The pending (and resolved) requests.
RequestIdToAsyncQuery request_id_to_async_query_;
// Whether to dump the dockyard state to a file.
bool dump_state_ = false;
// Tests are run asynchronously.
std::future<void> run_tests_;
// Whether a Fuchsia device has connected to the |dockyard_|.
bool is_connected_;
// Get a Dockyard path to this process with the supplied |suffix|.
std::string KoidPath(const std::string& suffix);
friend class ::SystemMonitorDockyardHostTest;