blob: 8498c3d4fefc153ad928538252bd56ab3f50f892 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/shell/mirror/command_line_options.h"
namespace shell::mirror {
// Appears at the top of the --help output above the switch list.
const char kHelpIntro[] = R"(mirror [ <options> ]
This tool starts a server that mirrors a local directory remotely (i.e., on
the target). It's not particularly secure. Use with caution!
const char kPortHelp[] = R"( --port=<port>
-p <port>
Launches the server on the given port.)";
const char kPathHelp[] = R"( --path=<port>
-p <path>
The path (directory) to mirror.)";
const char kHelpHelp[] = R"( --help
Prints all command-line switches.)";
cmdline::Status ParseCommandLine(int argc, const char* argv[], CommandLineOptions* options,
std::vector<std::string>* params) {
cmdline::ArgsParser<CommandLineOptions> parser;
bool has_port = false;
parser.AddSwitch("port", 'p', kPortHelp, &CommandLineOptions::port,
[&has_port](const std::string& s) {
has_port = true;
return cmdline::Status::Ok();
parser.AddSwitch("path", 'f', kPathHelp, &CommandLineOptions::path);
// Special --help switch which doesn't exist in the options structure.
bool requested_help = false;
parser.AddGeneralSwitch("help", 'h', kHelpHelp, [&requested_help]() { requested_help = true; });
cmdline::Status status = parser.Parse(argc, argv, options, params);
if (!has_port) {
options->port = 0;
if (status.has_error()) {
return status;
if (requested_help) {
return cmdline::Status::Error(kHelpIntro + parser.GetHelp());
return cmdline::Status::Ok();
} // namespace shell::mirror