blob: 14024c4f40de778b0bcdc6503221a4a3850a2018 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
analytics::{add_crash_event, get_notice},
anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result},
ffx_core::metrics::{add_fx_launch_event, init_metrics_svc},
ffx_core::{ffx_bail, ffx_error, FfxError, Injector},
ffx_daemon::{get_daemon_proxy_single_link, is_daemon_running},
ffx_lib_args::{from_env, Ffx},
fidl_fuchsia_developer_bridge::{DaemonError, DaemonProxy, FastbootMarker, FastbootProxy},
fidl_fuchsia_developer_remotecontrol::{RemoteControlMarker, RemoteControlProxy},
futures::{Future, FutureExt},
ring::digest::{Context as ShaContext, Digest, SHA256},
std::io::{BufReader, Read},
std::time::{Duration, Instant},
// Config key for event timeout.
const PROXY_TIMEOUT_SECS: &str = "proxy.timeout_secs";
// TODO(72818): improve error text for these cases
const TARGET_AMBIGUOUS_MSG: &str = "\
We found multiple target devices matching your request.
If a target matcher was given with --target, or a default target match is
set, we may have found multiple targets that match. If no target matcher was
specified, we may simply have found more than one potential target.
Use `ffx target list` to list the currently visible targets.
Use `ffx --target <matcher>` to specify a matcher for the execution of a
single command, or `ffx target default set <matcher>` to set the default
// TODO(72818): improve error text for these cases
const TARGET_NOT_FOUND_MSG: &str = "\
We weren't able to find a target matching your request.
Use `ffx target list` to verify the state of connected devices, or use `ffx
--target <matcher>` to specify a different target for your request. To set
the default target to be used in requests without an explicit matcher, use
`ffx target default set <matcher>`.";
// TODO(72818): improve error text for these cases
const TARGET_FAILURE_MSG: &str = "\
We weren't able to open a connection to a target device.
Use `ffx target list` to verify the state of connected devices. This error
probably means that either:
1) There are no available targets. Make sure your device is connected.
2) There are multiple available targets and you haven't specified a target or
provided a default.
Tip: You can use `ffx --target \"my-nodename\" <command>` to specify a target
for a particular command, or use `ffx target default set \"my-nodename\"` if
you always want to use a particular target.";
const CURRENT_EXE_HASH: &str = "current.hash";
// TODO(72818): improve error text for these cases
const NON_FASTBOOT_MSG: &str = "\
This command needs to be run against a target in the Fastboot state.
Try rebooting the device into Fastboot with the command `ffx target
reboot --bootloader` and try re-running this command.";
// TODO(72818): improve error text for these cases
const TARGET_IN_FASTBOOT: &str = "\
This command cannot be run against a target in the Fastboot state. Try
rebooting the device or flashing the device into a running state.";
Timed out waiting on the Daemon.\nRun `ffx doctor` for further diagnostics";
struct Injection {
daemon_once: Once<DaemonProxy>,
impl Default for Injection {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { daemon_once: Once::new() }
impl Injector for Injection {
// This could get called multiple times by the plugin system via multiple threads - so make sure
// the spawning only happens one thread at a time.
async fn daemon_factory(&self) -> Result<DaemonProxy> {
self.daemon_once.get_or_try_init(init_daemon_proxy())|proxy| proxy.clone())
async fn fastboot_factory(&self) -> Result<FastbootProxy> {
let daemon_proxy = self.daemon_factory().await?;
let (fastboot_proxy, fastboot_server_end) = create_proxy::<FastbootMarker>()?;
let app: Ffx = argh::from_env();
let result = timeout(
daemon_proxy.get_fastboot(|s| s.as_str()),
.context("connecting to Fastboot")?;
match result {
Ok(_) => Ok(fastboot_proxy),
Err(DaemonError::NonFastbootDevice) => Err(ffx_error!(NON_FASTBOOT_MSG).into()),
Err(DaemonError::TargetAmbiguous) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_AMBIGUOUS_MSG).into()),
Err(DaemonError::TargetNotFound) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_NOT_FOUND_MSG).into()),
Err(DaemonError::TargetCacheError) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_FAILURE_MSG).into()),
Err(e) => Err(anyhow!("unexpected failure connecting to Fastboot: {:?}", e)),
async fn remote_factory(&self) -> Result<RemoteControlProxy> {
let daemon_proxy = self.daemon_factory().await?;
let (remote_proxy, remote_server_end) = create_proxy::<RemoteControlMarker>()?;
let app: Ffx = argh::from_env();
let result = timeout(
daemon_proxy.get_remote_control(|s| s.as_str()),
.context("connecting to target via daemon")?;
match result {
Ok(_) => Ok(remote_proxy),
Err(DaemonError::TargetAmbiguous) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_AMBIGUOUS_MSG).into()),
Err(DaemonError::TargetNotFound) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_NOT_FOUND_MSG).into()),
Err(DaemonError::TargetCacheError) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_FAILURE_MSG).into()),
Err(DaemonError::TargetInFastboot) => Err(ffx_error!(TARGET_IN_FASTBOOT).into()),
Err(e) => Err(anyhow!("unexpected failure connecting to RCS: {:?}", e)),
async fn is_experiment(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
async fn init_daemon_proxy() -> Result<DaemonProxy> {
if !is_daemon_running().await {
let (nodeid, proxy, link) = get_daemon_proxy_single_link(None).await?;
// Spawn off the link task, so that FIDL functions can be called (link IO makes progress).
let link_task = fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(|_| ()));
// TODO(fxb/67400) Create an e2e test.
let hash: String = "testcurrenthash".to_owned();
let hash: String =
match ffx_config::get((CURRENT_EXE_HASH, ffx_config::ConfigLevel::Runtime)).await {
Ok(str) => str,
Err(err) => {
log::error!("BUG: ffx version information is missing! {:?}", err);
return Ok(proxy);
let daemon_hash = timeout(proxy_timeout().await?, proxy.get_hash())
.map_err(|_| ffx_error!("{}", DAEMON_CONNECTION_ISSUE))?
.context("Getting hash from daemon")?;
if hash == daemon_hash {
return Ok(proxy);
log::info!("Daemon is a different version. Attempting to restart");
// Tell the daemon to quit, and wait for the link task to finish.
// TODO(raggi): add a timeout on this, if the daemon quit fails for some
// reason, the link task would hang indefinitely.
let (quit_result, _) = futures::future::join(proxy.quit(), link_task).await;
if !quit_result.is_ok() {
"FFX daemon upgrade failed unexpectedly with {:?}. \n\
Try running `ffx doctor --force-daemon-restart` and then retrying your \
let (_nodeid, proxy, link) = get_daemon_proxy_single_link(Some(vec![nodeid])).await?;
fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(|_| ())).detach();
async fn proxy_timeout() -> Result<Duration> {
let proxy_timeout: f64 = ffx_config::get(PROXY_TIMEOUT_SECS).await?;
Ok(Duration::from_millis((proxy_timeout * 1000.0) as u64))
struct TimeoutError {}
impl std::fmt::Display for TimeoutError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "timed out")
impl Error for TimeoutError {}
async fn timeout<F, T>(t: Duration, f: F) -> Result<T, TimeoutError>
F: Future<Output = T> + Unpin,
// TODO(raggi): this could be made more efficient (avoiding the box) with some additional work,
// but for the local use cases here it's not sufficiently important.
let mut timer = fuchsia_async::Timer::new(t).boxed().fuse();
let mut f = f.fuse();
futures::select! {
_ = timer => Err(TimeoutError{}),
res = f => Ok(res),
fn is_daemon(subcommand: &Option<Subcommand>) -> bool {
if let Some(Subcommand::FfxDaemonPlugin(ffx_daemon_plugin_args::DaemonCommand {
subcommand: ffx_daemon_plugin_sub_command::Subcommand::FfxDaemonStart(_),
})) = subcommand
return true;
fn set_hash_config(overrides: Option<String>) -> Result<Option<String>> {
let input = std::env::current_exe()?;
let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(input)?);
let digest = sha256_digest(reader)?;
let runtime = format!("{}={}", CURRENT_EXE_HASH, hex::encode(digest.as_ref()));
match overrides {
Some(s) => {
if s.is_empty() {
} else {
let new_overrides = format!("{},{}", s, runtime);
None => Ok(Some(runtime)),
fn sha256_digest<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Digest> {
let mut context = ShaContext::new(&SHA256);
let mut buffer = [0; 1024];
loop {
let count = buffer)?;
if count == 0 {
async fn run() -> Result<()> {
let app: Ffx = from_env();
// Configuration initialization must happen before ANY calls to the config (or the cache won't
// properly have the runtime parameters.
let overrides = set_hash_config(app.runtime_config_overrides())?;
ffx_config::init_config(&*app.config, &overrides, &app.env)?;
let log_to_stdio = app.verbose || is_daemon(&app.subcommand);
log::info!("starting command: {:?}", std::env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>());
// HACK(64402): hoist uses a lazy static initializer obfuscating access to inject
// this value by other means, so:
let _ = ffx_config::get("overnet.socket")|sockpath: String| {
std::env::set_var("ASCENDD", sockpath);
init_metrics_svc().await; // one time call to initialize app analytics
if let Some(note) = get_notice().await {
eprintln!("{}", note);
let analytics_start = Instant::now();
let analytics_task = fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(async {
if let Err(e) = add_fx_launch_event().await {
log::error!("metrics submission failed: {}", e);
let command_start = Instant::now();
let res = ffx_lib_suite::ffx_plugin_impl(Injection::default(), app).await;
let command_done = Instant::now();
log::info!("Command completed. Success: {}", res.is_ok());
let analytics_done = analytics_task
// TODO(66918): make configurable, and evaluate chosen time value.
.on_timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), || {
log::error!("metrics submission timed out");
// Metrics timeouts should not impact user flows.
"Run finished. success: {}, command time: {}, analytics time: {}",
(command_done - command_start).as_secs_f32(),
(analytics_done - analytics_start).as_secs_f32()
async fn main() {
match run().await {
Ok(_) => {
// TODO add event for timing here at end
Err(err) => {
let error_code = if let Some(ffx_err) = err.downcast_ref::<FfxError>() {
eprintln!("{}", ffx_err);
match ffx_err {
FfxError::Error(_, code) => *code,
} else {
eprintln!("BUG: An internal command error occurred.\n{:?}", err);
let err_msg = format!("{}", err);
// TODO(66918): make configurable, and evaluate chosen time value.
if let Err(e) = add_crash_event(&err_msg)
.on_timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), || {
log::error!("analytics timed out reporting crash event");
log::error!("analytics failed to submit crash event: {}", e);
mod test {
use super::*;
use ascendd;
use async_lock::Mutex;
use async_net::unix::UnixListener;
use fidl::endpoints::{ClientEnd, RequestStream, ServiceMarker};
use fidl_fuchsia_developer_bridge::{DaemonMarker, DaemonRequest, DaemonRequestStream};
use fidl_fuchsia_overnet::{ServiceProviderRequest, ServiceProviderRequestStream};
use fuchsia_async::Task;
use futures::AsyncReadExt;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use hoist::OvernetInstance;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tempfile;
fn setup_ascendd_temp() -> tempfile::TempPath {
let path = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().into_temp_path();
std::env::set_var("ASCENDD", &path);
async fn test_init_daemon_proxy_link_lost() {
let sockpath = setup_ascendd_temp();
// Start a listener that accepts and immediately closes the socket..
let listener = UnixListener::bind(sockpath.to_owned()).unwrap();
let _listen_task = Task::spawn(async move {
loop {
let res = init_daemon_proxy().await;
let str = format!("{}", res.err().unwrap());
assert!(str.contains("link lost"));
assert!(str.contains("ffx doctor"));
async fn test_init_daemon_proxy_timeout_no_connection() {
let sockpath = setup_ascendd_temp();
// Start a listener that never accepts the socket.
let _listener = UnixListener::bind(sockpath.to_owned()).unwrap();
let res = init_daemon_proxy().await;
let str = format!("{}", res.err().unwrap());
assert!(str.contains("Timed out"));
assert!(str.contains("ffx doctor"));
async fn test_daemon(sockpath: PathBuf, hash: &str) {
let daemon_hoist = Arc::new(hoist::Hoist::new().unwrap());
let (s, p) = fidl::Channel::create().unwrap();
daemon_hoist.publish_service(DaemonMarker::NAME, ClientEnd::new(p)).unwrap();
let link_tasks = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::<Task<()>>::new()));
let link_tasks1 = link_tasks.clone();
let listener = UnixListener::bind(sockpath.to_owned()).unwrap();
let listen_task = Task::spawn(async move {
// let (sock, _addr) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
let mut stream = listener.incoming();
while let Some(sock) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap_or(None) {
let hoist_clone = daemon_hoist.clone();
link_tasks1.lock().await.push(Task::spawn(async move {
let (mut rx, mut tx) = sock.split();
&mut rx,
&mut tx,
Some("fake daemon".to_string()),
.map(|r| eprintln!("link error: {:?}", r))
let mut stream = ServiceProviderRequestStream::from_channel(
while let Some(ServiceProviderRequest::ConnectToService { chan, .. }) =
let link_tasks = link_tasks.clone();
let mut stream =
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap_or(None) {
match request {
DaemonRequest::GetHash { responder, .. } => responder.send(hash).unwrap(),
DaemonRequest::Quit { responder, .. } => {
// This is how long the daemon sleeps for, which
// is a workaround for the fact that we have no
// way to "flush" the response over overnet due
// to the constraints of mesh routing.
_ => {
panic!("unimplemented stub for request: {:?}", request);
async fn test_init_daemon_proxy_hash_matches() {
let sockpath = setup_ascendd_temp();
let sockpath1 = sockpath.to_owned();
let daemons_task = Task::spawn(async move {
test_daemon(sockpath1.to_owned(), "testcurrenthash").await;
// wait until daemon binds the socket path
while std::fs::metadata(&sockpath).is_err() {
let proxy = init_daemon_proxy().await.unwrap();
async fn test_init_daemon_proxy_upgrade() {
let sockpath = setup_ascendd_temp();
// Spawn two daemons, the first out of date, the second is up to date.
let sockpath1 = sockpath.to_owned();
let daemons_task = Task::spawn(async move {
test_daemon(sockpath1.to_owned(), "oldhash").await;
// Note: testcurrenthash is explicitly expected by #cfg in get_daemon_proxy
test_daemon(sockpath1.to_owned(), "testcurrenthash").await;
// wait until daemon binds the socket path
while std::fs::metadata(&sockpath).is_err() {
let proxy = init_daemon_proxy().await.unwrap();