blob: 7c287762b2d3ca122b80cda91d1f2719012cd52a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
namespace llvm {
class DWARFDie;
} // namespace llvm
namespace zxdb {
// This file allows iterating over a DWARF "DIE"'s children, taking into account "abstract origin"
// information.
// 🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶
// llvm::DWARFDie die; // Passed in from somewhere.
// for (const llvm::DWARFDie& child : DwarfAbstractChildIterator(die)) {
// DoSomething(child);
// }
// If the caller already knows the abstract origin (or knows there isn't one), pass it (or null) in
// as the second argument to DwarfAbstractChildIterator().
// 🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶
// DWARF inline functions are normally split into two parts: the "concrete inlined instance" which
// is a per-inlined-location description of the call, and the "abstract origin" which is a shared
// description of parameters and declaration information common to all inlined instances. This
// prevents unnecessary duplication of information.
// When a DIE has a DW_AT_abstract_origin attribute, it indicates the abstract origin that
// corresponds to the current concrete instance. This affects both the attributes and children of
// the current DIE.
// 🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶
// For the attributes, concrete instance attributes shadow and abstract origin attributes (allowing
// the concrete instance to provide more specific information). But any attributes not specified on
// the concrete instance fall back to their values in the abstract origin.
// This attribute shadowing logic is transparently handled by the DwarfDieDecoder and does not
// concern this class.
// 🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶
// This class handles the "child iteration" cases where you want to iterate the children of a DIE
// and also handle any additional children provided by the abstract origin.
// The concrete instance can have children that shadow children of the abstract origin. This is used
// to provide things like the precise location of a variable in the inlined instance, while keeping
// the general type and name of the variable common on the abstract origin. When this happens the
// DW_AT_abstract_origin will be set on the child of the concrete instance and the DwarfDieDecoder
// will handle everything.
// But there is an additional case where if there are no instance-specific overrides on a child,
// that child can be omitted and the child on the abstract origin should be used. This class allows
// iteration over the children, and will magically add children of the abstract origin that were
// not overridden by the concrete instance.
// 🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶🭶
// Abstract origin that provides the shared information:
// 0x00000555: DW_TAG_subprogram
// DW_AT_specification (0x00000535 "_ZN9ForInline15InlinedFunctionEi")
// DW_AT_inline (DW_INL_inlined)
// DW_AT_object_pointer (0x0000055f)
// 0x0000055f: DW_TAG_formal_parameter <=== THIS ONE IS ADDED
// DW_AT_name ("this")
// DW_AT_type (0x00000574 "ForInline*")
// DW_AT_artificial (true)
// 0x00000568: DW_TAG_formal_parameter <=== THIS ONE IS NOT ITERATED OVER
// DW_AT_name ("param") (The attributes will be merged by
// DW_AT_decl_file ("") the DwarfDieDecoder.)
// DW_AT_decl_line (84)
// DW_AT_type (0x000001a0 "int")
// 0x00000573: NULL
// Concrete inlined instance. Note that the "this" parameter is not overridden here so the
// parameter from the abstract origin will "show through":
// 0x000005b1: DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine
// DW_AT_abstract_origin (0x00000555 "_ZN9ForInline15InlinedFunctionEi")
// DW_AT_low_pc (0x0000000000001150)
// DW_AT_high_pc (0x0000000000001158)
// 0x000005c5: DW_TAG_formal_parameter <=== SHADOWS THE ABSTRACT ORIGIN ONE
// DW_AT_location (DW_OP_breg0 W0+1, DW_OP_stack_value)
// DW_AT_abstract_origin (0x00000568 "param")
// 0x000005ce: NULL
// llvm::DWARFDies are not easily mockable and this logic is complex. As a result, this
// iterator is templatized so the unit test can specify a different DIE implementation.
template <class Die>
class DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase {
// This would be most naturally expressed as a coroutine with pseudocode that looks like this:
// Die cur_die = concrete;
// set<Die> seen_origin_dies;
// while (cur_die) {
// // Go through the children at this level
// for (Die child : cur_die.children()) {
// if (!seen_origin_dies_.contains(child))
// YIELD child;
// seen_origin_dies.insert(child.abstract_origin());
// }
// // Move up one level in the abstract origin hierarchy.
// cur_die = cur_die.abstract_origin();
// }
// The logic here represents this loop in "unrolled" for as a single C++ iterator.
class Iter {
// Default-constructed one indicates the end. Computing the true end for this iterator requires
// going through all of the abstract origins is slow, expecially since this is only used to
// compute the loop termination. By ensuring that "everything clear" indicates end(), we can
// save this work.
Iter() = default;
// Takes the concrete DIE as a parameter to iterate over its children.
// See DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase constructor below for the parameters;
explicit Iter(const Die& concrete);
const Die& operator*() const { return **cur_iter_; }
const Die* operator->() const { return (*cur_iter_).operator->(); }
bool operator==(const Iter& other) const { return cur_iter_ == other.cur_iter_; }
bool operator!=(const Iter& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
const Iter& operator++() {
return *this;
// When not set, there's no other DIE to fall back to.
bool has_next_abstract_origin() const { return next_abstract_origin_.isValid(); }
// Indicates we hit the end of the *current* DIE's children (there could be further abstract
// origins to fall back to, though).
bool cur_iter_at_end() const { return *cur_iter_ == cur_die_.end(); }
// Adds the current iterator's (if any) abstract origin (if any) to the seen_origin_dies_ list.
// This will allow the current DIE to shadow its abstract origins and we'll skip those DIEs if
// we get to them.
void AddCurIterAbstractOrigin() {
if (has_next_abstract_origin() && !cur_iter_at_end()) {
if (Die origin =
// Returns true if the given child's offset is in the seen_origin_dies_. This means we've either
// visited this DIE already or have seen a child that's shadowed it and it should not be
// returned.
bool HasSeenAbstractOriginChild(const Die& child) const;
// Fixes up the iterators after setting or advancing the iterators.
void UpdateAfterIteratorChange();
Die cur_die_; // !isValid() for end().
// Set during the "concrete children" iteration loop in the coroutine pseudocode above. This
// is nullopt when we reached the end.
typename std::optional<typename Die::iterator> cur_iter_;
// The abstract origin of the cur_die_ is computed whenever we change cur_die_. !isValid()
// indicates no next abstract origin.
// Computing this in advance rather than when we switch to this DIE allows an optimization where
// we can avoid tracking seen children when there's no next abstract origin. This is useful in
// the common case where there's no abstract origin and we can short circuit all the special
// logic.
Die next_abstract_origin_;
// A list of all references to all DIEs and abstract origins of those DIEs we've seen.
// When we visited a child that itself has an abstract origin, that abstract origin should not
// be revisited.
// In the example at the top, this corresponds to skipping the "param" DIE on the abstract
// origin because we already visited it on the concrete instance. The parameters of the
// "param" abstract origin will have been read automatically when not shadowed by the
// DwarfDieDecoder when decoding the concrete instance.
// This is conceptually a set but there are typically only a couple of children and the DWARF
// decoding can be performance critical. Doing brute-force in this case is normally faster than
// doing heap allocations.
std::vector<uint64_t> seen_origin_dies_;
// Takes the die whose children to iterate over.
explicit DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase(const Die& die) : die_(die) {}
Iter begin() { return Iter(die_); }
const Iter& end() const { return end_; }
const Die& die_;
// Empty iterator to be efficiently returned from end().
const Iter end_;
template <class Die>
DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase<Die>::Iter::Iter(const Die& concrete) : cur_die_(concrete) {
next_abstract_origin_ =
// Only need to track seen DIEs if there's an abstract origin. In the common case where will be
// no abstract origin.
if (has_next_abstract_origin()) {
cur_iter_ = cur_die_.begin();
UpdateAfterIteratorChange(); // In case the current DIE has no children.
// This function does several things:
// - Transparently skips nodes we don't need to visit. These are the ones tracked in
// seen_origin_dies_ which were the ones shadowed by DIEs we already visited.
// - Advances to the next deeper abstract origin when we reach the end of the current one.
// - Clears the iterators when we hit the end. This ensures that it mathches tne end() Iter
// object which has null iterators.
template <class Die>
void DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase<Die>::Iter::UpdateAfterIteratorChange() {
// Skip over any unnecessary DIEs in the current child.
while (!cur_iter_at_end() && HasSeenAbstractOriginChild(**cur_iter_)) {
// All DIEs we iterate over have to add their abstract origins added, even if we skip those DIEs
// for returned children. This is because if there are multiple levels of abstract origins, the
// one shadowed child could tiself shadow another abstract origin at a deeper level.
// This needs to be a loop to account for abstract origins with no children (probably this won't
// appear in practice but can theoretically happen).
while (has_next_abstract_origin() && cur_iter_at_end()) {
// Got to the end of this abstract origin, advance to the next one.
cur_die_ = next_abstract_origin_;
cur_iter_ = cur_die_.begin();
next_abstract_origin_ =
if (has_next_abstract_origin())
// Skip any unnecessary DIEs in the current abstract origin.
while (!cur_iter_at_end() && HasSeenAbstractOriginChild(**cur_iter_)) {
if (cur_iter_at_end()) {
cur_iter_ = std::nullopt; // Hit end, clear the iterator.
} else {
template <class Die>
bool DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase<Die>::Iter::HasSeenAbstractOriginChild(const Die& child) const {
uint64_t child_offset = child.getOffset();
return std::find(seen_origin_dies_.begin(), seen_origin_dies_.end(), child_offset) !=
using DwarfAbstractChildIterator = DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase<llvm::DWARFDie>;
} // namespace zxdb