blob: fa4bd6d2386bfa6625e3d83a9b515cd544f6831f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_context.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/arch_info.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/disassembler.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/memory_dump.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/session.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/setting_schema_definition.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/file_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/command_utils.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/console.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_table.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/output_buffer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_tokenizer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/keywords.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/input_location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/loaded_module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/resolve_options.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/source_file_provider.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/source_util.h"
#include "src/lib/files/file.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
using LineInfo = std::pair<int, std::string>; // Line #, Line contents.
using LineVector = std::vector<LineInfo>;
OutputBuffer FormatSourceLineNoSyntax(const FormatSourceOpts& opts, bool is_highlight_line,
const std::string& line) {
if (!is_highlight_line) {
// Non-highlighted lines just get output in either regular or dim.
Syntax syntax = opts.dim_others ? Syntax::kComment : Syntax::kNormal;
return OutputBuffer(syntax, line);
// Highlighted lines may need part of the line highligted or all of it. Convert the colum to
// 0-based with clamping (since the offsets come from symbols, they could be invalid).
int line_size = static_cast<int>(line.size());
int col_index = std::min(std::max(0, opts.highlight_column - 1), line_size);
OutputBuffer result;
if (col_index == 0) {
result.Append(Syntax::kHeading, line);
} else {
result.Append(Syntax::kNormal, line.substr(0, col_index));
if (col_index < line_size)
result.Append(Syntax::kHeading, line.substr(col_index));
return result;
struct SyntaxVariants {
SyntaxVariants(Syntax normal_in, Syntax dim_in, Syntax bold_in)
: normal(normal_in), dim(dim_in), bold(bold_in) {}
Syntax normal;
Syntax dim;
Syntax bold;
SyntaxVariants SyntaxForTokenType(ExprTokenType type) {
// Normal names and such.
if (type == ExprTokenType::kInvalid || type == ExprTokenType::kName)
return SyntaxVariants(Syntax::kNormal, Syntax::kComment, Syntax::kHeading);
// Numbers. Treat true and false as numbers as well.
if (type == ExprTokenType::kFloat || type == ExprTokenType::kInteger ||
type == ExprTokenType::kTrue || type == ExprTokenType::kFalse)
return SyntaxVariants(Syntax::kNumberNormal, Syntax::kNumberDim, Syntax::kNumberBold);
// Strings.
if (type == ExprTokenType::kStringLiteral)
return SyntaxVariants(Syntax::kStringNormal, Syntax::kStringDim, Syntax::kStringBold);
// Comments.
if (type == ExprTokenType::kComment)
return SyntaxVariants(Syntax::kComment, Syntax::kComment, Syntax::kComment);
// Assume everything that's an alphanumeric token is a keyword.
const ExprTokenRecord& record = RecordForTokenType(type);
if (record.is_alphanum)
return SyntaxVariants(Syntax::kKeywordNormal, Syntax::kKeywordDim, Syntax::kKeywordBold);
// Everything else is an operator.
return SyntaxVariants(Syntax::kOperatorNormal, Syntax::kOperatorDim, Syntax::kOperatorBold);
// Assumes a valid nonempty token list.
OutputBuffer FormatSourceLineWithTokens(const FormatSourceOpts& opts, bool is_highlight_line,
const std::string& line,
const std::vector<ExprToken>& tokens) {
// The code here always uses the text from the source file. We always want to show the literal
// source rather than what the tokenizer interpreted it as (though normally these will be the
// same).
OutputBuffer out;
// Construct a list of ranges indicating the syntax type. The last item will reference the end of
// the list to make end conditions easier to handle.
using OffsetType = std::pair<size_t, ExprTokenType>;
std::vector<OffsetType> spans;
if (tokens[0].byte_offset() > 0) // Stuff before first token (normally whitespace).
spans.emplace_back(0, ExprTokenType::kInvalid);
const std::set<std::string>& keywords = AllKeywordsForLanguage(*opts.language, true);
for (const auto& token : tokens) {
// The tokenizer doesn't kave tokens for all keywords. Check the name to see if it's a common
// builtin to annotate accordingly.
if (token.type() == ExprTokenType::kName && keywords.find(token.value()) != keywords.end()) {
// Keyword or quasi-built-in. Since there's no general "keyword" token type, assign these all
// to the "if" token which will trigger the keyword formatting.
spans.emplace_back(token.byte_offset(), ExprTokenType::kIf);
} else if (token.type() == ExprTokenType::kCommentBlockEnd) {
// We have a "*/" on a line. Assume that everything before it was actually a comment and
// we just didn't see the opening "/*" on a previous line.
spans.emplace_back(0, ExprTokenType::kComment);
} else {
// All other tokens.
spans.emplace_back(token.byte_offset(), token.type());
spans.emplace_back(line.size(), ExprTokenType::kInvalid); // End boundary.
// Convert spans to formatted text. Skip the last once since that's the dummy span at the end.
for (size_t i = 0; i < spans.size() - 1; i++) {
// Since we added a dummy span at the end not covered by the loop, there will always be a next
// span.
size_t begin_offset = spans[i].first;
size_t end_offset = spans[i + 1].first;
if (begin_offset == end_offset)
SyntaxVariants variants = SyntaxForTokenType(spans[i].second);
Syntax syntax = variants.normal;
if (!is_highlight_line) {
// Non-highlighted lines just get output in either regular or dim.
if (opts.dim_others)
syntax = variants.dim;
} else {
// Highlighted line, Anything past the (1-based) colum gets bolded, everything else is normal.
if (static_cast<int>(begin_offset) >= opts.highlight_column - 1)
syntax = variants.bold;
out.Append(syntax, line.substr(begin_offset, end_offset - begin_offset));
return out;
// Retrieves the proper MOduleSymbols (or null) for the given location as a weak pointer. This is
// used to compute the right module to ask for out-of-date file warnings.
fxl::WeakPtr<ModuleSymbols> GetWeakModuleForLocation(Process* process, const Location& location) {
if (LoadedModuleSymbols* loaded_sym =
return loaded_sym->module_symbols()->GetWeakPtr();
return fxl::WeakPtr<ModuleSymbols>();
// Generates the source listing for source intersperced with assembly code for the source between
// the given two lines. The prev_line is the last one outputted.
// This re-opens and line splits the file for each block of source shown. This is very inefficient
// but normally disassembly is not performance sensitive. If needed this could be cached.
// The module_for_time_warning is an optional pointer to the module corresponding to this source
// file so we can show warnings if the build is out-of-date.
OutputBuffer FormatAsmSourceForRange(Process* process,
fxl::WeakPtr<ModuleSymbols> module_for_time_warning,
const SourceFileProvider& file_provider,
const FileLine& prev_line, const FileLine& line) {
// Maximum number of lines of source we'll include.
constexpr int kMaxContext = 4;
int first_num = line.line() - kMaxContext + 1; // Most context we'll show.
if (prev_line.file() == line.file()) // Same file, try to include since the last line.
first_num = std::max(prev_line.line() + 1, first_num);
first_num = std::max(1, first_num); // Clamp to beginning of file.
FormatSourceOpts opts;
opts.first_line = first_num;
opts.last_line = line.line();
opts.left_indent = 2;
opts.dim_others = true; // Dim everything (we didn't specify an active line).
opts.module_for_time_warning = std::move(module_for_time_warning);
FileLine start_line(line.file(), line.comp_dir(), first_num);
OutputBuffer out;
if (FormatSourceFileContext(start_line, file_provider, opts, &out).ok()) {
// The formatted table will end in a newline which will combine with our table's newline and
// insert a blank below the source code. Trim the embedded newline so we only get one.
return out;
// Some error getting the source code, show the location file/line number instead.
return FormatFileLine(start_line, process->GetSymbols()->target_symbols());
// Describes the destination for the given call destination, formatted as for a disassembly. The
// process may be null which will mean only addresses will be printed, no symbols.
OutputBuffer DescribeAsmCallDest(Process* process, uint64_t call_dest) {
OutputBuffer result(Syntax::kComment, GetRightArrow() + " ");
std::vector<Location> resolved;
if (process) {
// If there are multiple symbols starting at the given location (like nested inline calls), use
// the outermost one since this is a jump *to* that location.
ResolveOptions options;
options.ambiguous_inline = ResolveOptions::AmbiguousInline::kOuter;
resolved = process->GetSymbols()->ResolveInputLocation(InputLocation(call_dest), options);
FX_DCHECK(resolved.size() == 1); // Addresses should always match one location.
} else {
// Can't symbolize, use the address.
resolved.emplace_back(Location(Location::State::kAddress, call_dest));
FormatLocationOptions opts;
if (process)
opts = FormatLocationOptions(process->GetTarget());
opts.always_show_addresses = false;
opts.show_params = false;
opts.show_file_line = false;
result.Append(FormatLocation(resolved[0], opts));
return result;
} // namespace
void FormatSourceOpts::SetLanguageFromFileName(const std::string& file_name) {
language = FileNameToLanguage(file_name);
if (!language) {
// Default to C for anything still unknown because it should give reasonable highlighting for
// most languages.
language = ExprLanguage::kC;
Err OutputSourceContext(Process* process, std::unique_ptr<SourceFileProvider> file_provider,
const Location& location, SourceAffinity source_affinity) {
if (source_affinity != SourceAffinity::kAssembly && location.file_line().is_valid()) {
// Synchronous source output.
FormatSourceOpts source_opts;
source_opts.active_line = location.file_line().line();
source_opts.highlight_line = source_opts.active_line;
source_opts.highlight_column = location.column();
source_opts.first_line = source_opts.active_line - 2;
source_opts.last_line = source_opts.active_line + 2;
source_opts.dim_others = true;
source_opts.module_for_time_warning = GetWeakModuleForLocation(process, location);
if (const Symbol* sym = location.symbol().Get())
source_opts.language = DwarfLangToExprLanguage(sym->GetLanguage());
OutputBuffer out;
Err err = FormatSourceFileContext(location.file_line(), *file_provider, source_opts, &out);
if (err.has_error())
return err;
} else {
// Fall back to disassembly.
FormatAsmOpts options;
options.emit_addresses = true;
options.emit_bytes = false;
options.include_source = true;
options.active_address = location.address();
uint64_t start_address;
const ArchInfo* arch_info = process->session()->arch_info();
if (arch_info->is_fixed_instr()) {
// Fixed instruction length, back up 2 instructions to provide context.
start_address = location.address() - 2 * arch_info->max_instr_len();
options.max_instructions = 5;
} else {
// Variable length instructions. Since this code path is triggered when
// there are no symbols, we can't back up reliably. Just disassemble
// starting from the current location.
// In the future it might be nice to keep some record of recently stepped
// instructions since usually this address will be the one after the one
// that was just stepped.
start_address = location.address();
options.max_instructions = 4;
size_t size = options.max_instructions * arch_info->max_instr_len();
start_address, size,
[options, weak_process = process->GetWeakPtr(), file_provider = std::move(file_provider)](
const Err& in_err, MemoryDump dump) {
if (!weak_process)
return; // Give up when the process went away.
Console* console = Console::get();
if (in_err.has_error()) {
OutputBuffer out;
Err err = FormatAsmContext(weak_process->session()->arch_info(), dump, options,
weak_process.get(), *file_provider, &out);
if (err.has_error())
return Err();
// This doesn't cache the file contents. We may want to add that for performance, but we should be
// careful to always pick the latest version since it can get updated.
Err FormatSourceFileContext(const FileLine& file_line, const SourceFileProvider& file_provider,
const FormatSourceOpts& opts, OutputBuffer* out) {
auto data_or = file_provider.GetFileData(file_line.file(), file_line.comp_dir());
if (data_or.has_error())
return data_or.err();
// Check modification times for warning about out-of-date builds.
if (opts.module_for_time_warning) {
// Either of the times can be 0 if there was an error. Ignore the check in that case.
std::time_t module_time = opts.module_for_time_warning->GetModificationTime();
std::time_t file_time = data_or.value().modification_time;
if (module_time && file_time && file_time > module_time) {
// File is known out-of-date. Only show warning once for each file per module.
if (opts.module_for_time_warning->newer_files_warned().insert(file_line.file()).second) {
out->Append(Syntax::kWarning, GetExclamation() + " Warning:");
out->Append(" Source file is newer than the binary. The build may be out-of-date.\n");
return FormatSourceContext(data_or.value().full_path, data_or.value().contents, opts, out);
Err FormatSourceContext(const std::string& file_name_for_display, const std::string& file_contents,
const FormatSourceOpts& opts, OutputBuffer* out) {
FX_DCHECK(opts.active_line == 0 || !opts.require_active_line ||
(opts.active_line >= opts.first_line && opts.active_line <= opts.last_line));
// Allow the beginning to be out-of-range. This mirrors the end handling
// (clamped to end-of-file) so callers can blindly create offsets from
// a current line without clamping.
int first_line = std::max(1, opts.first_line);
std::vector<std::string> context = ExtractSourceLines(file_contents, first_line, opts.last_line);
if (context.empty()) {
// No source found for this location. If highlight_line exists, assume
// it's the one the user cares about.
int err_line = opts.highlight_line ? opts.highlight_line : first_line;
return Err(fxl::StringPrintf("There is no line %d in the file %s", err_line,
if (opts.active_line != 0 && opts.require_active_line &&
first_line + static_cast<int>(context.size()) < opts.active_line) {
return Err(fxl::StringPrintf("There is no line %d in the file %s", opts.active_line,
// Optional file name.
if (opts.show_file_name) {
out->Append("📄 ");
out->Append(Syntax::kFileName, file_name_for_display);
// String to put at the beginning of each line.
std::string indent(opts.left_indent, ' ');
std::vector<std::vector<OutputBuffer>> rows;
for (size_t i = 0; i < context.size(); i++) {
int line_number = first_line + i;
std::vector<OutputBuffer>& row = rows.back();
// Compute markers in the left margin.
OutputBuffer margin;
if (opts.left_indent)
auto found_bp = opts.bp_lines.find(line_number);
if (found_bp != opts.bp_lines.end()) {
std::string breakpoint_marker =
found_bp->second ? GetBreakpointMarker() : GetDisabledBreakpointMarker();
if (line_number == opts.active_line) {
// Active + breakpoint.
margin.Append(Syntax::kError, breakpoint_marker);
margin.Append(Syntax::kHeading, GetCurrentRowMarker());
} else {
// Breakpoint.
margin.Append(Syntax::kError, " " + breakpoint_marker);
} else {
if (line_number == opts.active_line) {
// Active line.
margin.Append(Syntax::kHeading, " " + GetCurrentRowMarker());
} else {
// Inactive line with no breakpoint.
margin.Append(" ");
std::string number = std::to_string(line_number);
if (line_number == opts.highlight_line) {
// This is the line to mark.
row.emplace_back(Syntax::kHeading, std::move(number));
row.push_back(FormatSourceLine(opts, true, context[i]));
} else {
// Normal context line.
Syntax syntax = opts.dim_others ? Syntax::kComment : Syntax::kNormal;
row.emplace_back(syntax, std::move(number));
row.push_back(FormatSourceLine(opts, false, context[i]));
{ColSpec(Align::kLeft), ColSpec(Align::kRight), ColSpec(Align::kLeft, 0, std::string(), 0)},
rows, out);
return Err();
Err FormatAsmContext(const ArchInfo* arch_info, const MemoryDump& dump, const FormatAsmOpts& opts,
Process* process, const SourceFileProvider& file_provider, OutputBuffer* out) {
// Make the disassembler.
Disassembler disassembler;
Err my_err = disassembler.Init(arch_info);
if (my_err.has_error())
return my_err;
Disassembler::Options options;
std::vector<Disassembler::Row> rows;
disassembler.DisassembleDump(dump, dump.address(), options, opts.max_instructions, &rows);
FileLine prev_file_line; // Last source line printed.
std::vector<std::vector<OutputBuffer>> table;
for (auto& row : rows) {
if (opts.include_source) {
// Output source code if necessary.
std::vector<Location> loc =
if (!loc.empty() && loc[0].file_line().is_valid() && prev_file_line != loc[0].file_line()) {
std::vector<OutputBuffer>& out_row = table.emplace_back();
FormatAsmSourceForRange(process, GetWeakModuleForLocation(process, loc[0]),
file_provider, prev_file_line, loc[0].file_line()));
prev_file_line = loc[0].file_line();
std::vector<OutputBuffer>& out_row = table.emplace_back();
// Compute markers in the left margin.
OutputBuffer margin;
auto found_bp = opts.bp_addrs.find(row.address);
if (found_bp != opts.bp_addrs.end()) {
std::string breakpoint_marker =
found_bp->second ? GetBreakpointMarker() : GetDisabledBreakpointMarker();
if (row.address == opts.active_address) {
// Active + breakpoint.
margin.Append(Syntax::kError, breakpoint_marker);
margin.Append(Syntax::kHeading, GetCurrentRowMarker());
} else {
// Breakpoint.
margin.Append(Syntax::kError, " " + breakpoint_marker);
} else {
if (row.address == opts.active_address) {
// Active line.
margin.Append(Syntax::kHeading, " " + GetCurrentRowMarker());
} else {
// Inactive line with no breakpoint.
margin.Append(" ");
if (opts.emit_addresses)
out_row.emplace_back(Syntax::kComment, to_hex_string(row.address));
if (opts.emit_bytes) {
std::string bytes_str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < row.bytes.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0)
bytes_str.push_back(' ');
bytes_str.append(fxl::StringPrintf("%2.2x", row.bytes[i]));
out_row.emplace_back(Syntax::kComment, std::move(bytes_str));
Syntax op_param_syntax =
row.address == opts.active_address ? Syntax::kHeading : Syntax::kNormal;
out_row.emplace_back(op_param_syntax, std::move(row.op));
out_row.emplace_back(op_param_syntax, std::move(row.params));
// If there's a call destination, include that. Otherwise use the disassembler-generated comment
// if present.
if (row.call_dest) {
out_row.push_back(DescribeAsmCallDest(process, *row.call_dest));
} else {
out_row.emplace_back(Syntax::kComment, std::move(row.comment));
std::vector<ColSpec> spec;
spec.emplace_back(Align::kLeft); // Margin.
if (opts.emit_addresses)
if (opts.emit_bytes) {
// Max out the bytes @ 17 cols (holds 6 bytes) to keep it from pushing
// things too far over in the common case.
spec.emplace_back(Align::kLeft, 17, std::string(), 1);
// When there was an address or byte listing, put 1 extra column of space
// to separate the opcode. Otherwise keep it by the left margin.
if (spec.size() > 1)
spec.emplace_back(Align::kLeft, 0, std::string(), 1); // Instructions.
spec.emplace_back(Align::kLeft, 0, std::string(), 0); // Instructions.
// Params. Some can be very long so provide a max so the comments don't get
// pushed too far out.
spec.emplace_back(Align::kLeft, 10, std::string(), 1);
spec.emplace_back(Align::kLeft); // Comments.
FormatTable(spec, table, out);
return Err();
Err FormatBreakpointContext(const Location& location, const SourceFileProvider& file_provider,
bool enabled, OutputBuffer* out) {
if (!location.has_symbols())
return Err("No symbols for this location.");
int line = location.file_line().line();
constexpr int kBreakpointContext = 1;
FormatSourceOpts opts;
opts.first_line = line - kBreakpointContext;
opts.last_line = line + kBreakpointContext;
opts.highlight_line = line;
opts.bp_lines[line] = enabled;
return FormatSourceFileContext(location.file_line(), file_provider, opts, out);
OutputBuffer FormatSourceLine(const FormatSourceOpts& opts, bool is_highlight_line,
const std::string& line) {
if (opts.language) {
ExprTokenizer tokenizer(line, *opts.language);
if (tokenizer.Tokenize() && !tokenizer.tokens().empty())
return FormatSourceLineWithTokens(opts, is_highlight_line, line, tokenizer.tokens());
return FormatSourceLineNoSyntax(opts, is_highlight_line, line);
} // namespace zxdb