blob: 93f4afa3ebdb3b36d4a780718b08b88204e94ae2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "lib/fit/function.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
namespace debug_ipc {
// To use Curl, one must add something like the following to the beginning of their main() function
// (and include necessary header files).
// Curl::GlobalInit();
// auto deferred_cleanup = fit::defer([]{ Curl::GlobalCleanup(); });
// This is due to the thread-unsafety of curl_global_init() and curl_global_cleanup(), see
// and
// Curl must be constructed through fxl::MakeRefCounted<Curl>().
// Example usage:
// int main() {
// Curl::GlobalInit();
// auto deferred_cleanup = fit::defer([]{ Curl::GlobalCleanup(); });
// // do something else and maybe spawn some threads
// auto curl = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Curl>();
// // curl->......
// }
class Curl : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<Curl> {
class Error {
explicit Error(CURLcode code) : code_(code) {}
Error& operator=(CURLcode code) {
code_ = code;
return *this;
bool operator==(const Error& other) const { return other.code_ == code_; }
explicit operator CURLcode() const { return code_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return code_ != CURLE_OK; }
std::string ToString() const { return curl_easy_strerror(code_); }
CURLcode code_;
// Escapes URL strings (converts all letters consider illegal in URLs to their %XX versions)
static std::string Escape(const std::string& input);
// Must be called before any threads are spawned and creation of Curl object.
static void GlobalInit();
// Need to be called after all threads are joined for resource cleanup.
static void GlobalCleanup();
// Callback when we receive data from libcurl. The return value should be the number of bytes
// successfully processed (i.e. if we are passing this data to the write() syscall and it returns
// a short bytes written count, we should as well).
using DataCallback = fit::function<size_t(const std::string&)>;
Error SetURL(const std::string& url) {
return Error(curl_easy_setopt(curl_, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()));
const std::string& post_data() { return post_data_; }
void set_post_data(const std::string& data) { post_data_ = data; }
void set_post_data(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& items);
std::vector<std::string>& headers() { return headers_; }
bool& get_body() { return get_body_; }
void set_data_callback(DataCallback handler) { data_callback_ = std::move(handler); }
void set_header_callback(DataCallback handler) { header_callback_ = std::move(handler); }
// Run the curl request synchronously.
Error Perform();
// Run the curl request asynchronously. Invoke the callback when done.
void Perform(fit::callback<void(Curl*, Error)> cb);
// Get the response code from the request. Undefined if the request hasn't
// run.
long ResponseCode();
class MultiHandle;
void FreeSList();
void PrepareToPerform();
fxl::RefPtr<MultiHandle> multi_handle_;
CURL* curl_ = nullptr;
struct curl_slist* slist_ = nullptr;
bool get_body_ = true;
std::string post_data_;
fxl::RefPtr<Curl> self_ref_;
std::vector<std::string> headers_;
fit::callback<void(Curl*, Error)> multi_cb_;
DataCallback header_callback_ = [](const std::string& data) { return data.size(); };
DataCallback data_callback_ = [](const std::string& data) { return data.size(); };
} // namespace debug_ipc