blob: f75c970b4c431d808e9875c4a85ba004c085f002 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/bluetooth/gatt/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/bluetooth/le/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace DeviceLayer {
namespace Internal {
namespace testing {
class BLEManagerTest;
} // namespace testing
namespace {
// Maximum length of device name - To avoid advertisement failure due to large advertise data.
constexpr int kMaxDeviceNameLength = 23;
// The application has enabled WoBLE advertising.
constexpr int kFlag_AdvertisingEnabled = 0x0001;
// The application has enabled fast advertising.
constexpr int kFlag_FastAdvertisingEnabled = 0x0002;
// The system is currently WoBLE advertising.
constexpr int kFlag_Advertising = 0x0004;
// The application has configured a custom BLE device name.
constexpr int kFlag_UseCustomDeviceName = 0x0008;
// The application has published Weave GATT service
constexpr int kFlag_GATTServicePublished = 0x0010;
} // namespace
* Concrete implementation of the NetworkProvisioningServer singleton object for the Fuchsia
* platform.
class BLEManagerImpl final : public BLEManager,
private ::nl::Ble::BleLayer,
private BlePlatformDelegate,
private BleApplicationDelegate,
private fuchsia::bluetooth::gatt::LocalServiceDelegate {
// Allow the BLEManager interface class to delegate method calls to
// the implementation methods provided by this class.
friend BLEManager;
friend class testing::BLEManagerTest;
// ===== Members that implement the BLEManager internal interface.
WEAVE_ERROR _Init(void);
WoBLEServiceMode _GetWoBLEServiceMode(void);
WEAVE_ERROR _SetWoBLEServiceMode(WoBLEServiceMode service_mode);
bool _IsAdvertisingEnabled(void);
WEAVE_ERROR _SetAdvertisingEnabled(bool advertising_enable);
bool _IsFastAdvertisingEnabled(void);
WEAVE_ERROR _SetFastAdvertisingEnabled(bool fast_advertising_enable);
bool _IsAdvertising(void);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetDeviceName(char *device_name, size_t device_name_size);
WEAVE_ERROR _SetDeviceName(const char *device_name);
uint16_t _NumConnections(void);
void _OnPlatformEvent(const WeaveDeviceEvent *event);
::nl::Ble::BleLayer *_GetBleLayer(void) const;
// ===== Members that implement virtual methods on BlePlatformDelegate.
bool SubscribeCharacteristic(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID *svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID *charId) override;
bool UnsubscribeCharacteristic(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID *svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID *charId) override;
bool CloseConnection(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) override;
uint16_t GetMTU(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) const override;
bool SendIndication(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID *svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID *charId, PacketBuffer *pBuf) override;
bool SendWriteRequest(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID *svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID *charId, PacketBuffer *pBuf) override;
bool SendReadRequest(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID *svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID *charId, PacketBuffer *pBuf) override;
bool SendReadResponse(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, BLE_READ_REQUEST_CONTEXT requestContext,
const WeaveBleUUID *svcId, const WeaveBleUUID *charId) override;
// ===== Members that implement virtual methods on BleApplicationDelegate.
void NotifyWeaveConnectionClosed(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) override;
// ===== Members that implement virtual methods on LocalServiceDelegate
void OnCharacteristicConfiguration(uint64_t characteristic_id, std::string peer_id, bool notify,
bool indicate) override;
void OnReadValue(uint64_t id, int32_t offset, OnReadValueCallback callback) override;
void OnWriteValue(uint64_t id, uint16_t offset, std::vector<uint8_t> value,
OnWriteValueCallback callback) override;
void OnWriteWithoutResponse(uint64_t id, uint16_t offset, std::vector<uint8_t> value) override;
// Drives the global |BLEManagerImpl| instance's BLE state.
// This method will be scheduled on and called from platform manager's event loop.
// |arg| holds pointer to BLEManagerImpl instance for which this method is scheduled.
static void DriveBLEState(intptr_t arg);
// Drives the weave BLE service.
// This method publishes and advertises weave service if configured to do so.
void DriveBLEState(void);
// ===== Members for internal use by the following friends.
friend BLEManager &BLEMgr(void);
friend BLEManagerImpl &BLEMgrImpl(void);
static BLEManagerImpl sInstance;
// ===== Private members reserved for use by this class only.
struct WoBLEConState {
WoBLEConState(BLEManagerImpl *connection_instance) : instance(connection_instance) {}
BLEManagerImpl *instance;
PacketBuffer *pending_ind_buf;
std::string peer_id;
WoBLEConState woble_connection_;
char device_name_[kMaxDeviceNameLength + 1];
uint16_t flags_;
WoBLEServiceMode service_mode_;
// Proxy to the gatt.Server service.
fuchsia::bluetooth::gatt::ServerSyncPtr gatt_server_;
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::bluetooth::gatt::LocalServiceDelegate> gatt_binding_;
fuchsia::bluetooth::gatt::LocalServiceSyncPtr service_;
// Proxy to the le.Peripheral service which we use for advertising to solicit connections.
fuchsia::bluetooth::le::PeripheralSyncPtr peripheral_;
fidl::InterfacePtr<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::AdvertisingHandle> adv_handle_;
* Returns a reference to the public interface of the BLEManager singleton object.
* Internal components should use this to access features of the BLEManager object
* that are common to all platforms.
inline BLEManager &BLEMgr(void) { return BLEManagerImpl::sInstance; }
* Returns the platform-specific implementation of the BLEManager singleton object.
* Internal components can use this to gain access to features of the BLEManager
* that are specific to the Fuchsia platform.
inline BLEManagerImpl &BLEMgrImpl(void) { return BLEManagerImpl::sInstance; }
inline ::nl::Ble::BleLayer *BLEManagerImpl::_GetBleLayer() const { return (BleLayer *)(this); }
inline BLEManager::WoBLEServiceMode BLEManagerImpl::_GetWoBLEServiceMode(void) {
return service_mode_;
inline bool BLEManagerImpl::_IsAdvertisingEnabled(void) {
return GetFlag(flags_, kFlag_AdvertisingEnabled);
inline bool BLEManagerImpl::_IsFastAdvertisingEnabled(void) { return false; }
inline bool BLEManagerImpl::_IsAdvertising(void) { return GetFlag(flags_, kFlag_Advertising); }
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl