blob: 8baa8a59e327f76b7d0d3d7aff89ba90ea607492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Provides a generic implementation of a PPP control protocol.
use {
packet::{Buf, BufferMut, Serializer},
CodeRejectPacketBuilder, ConfigurationPacketBuilder, ControlProtocolPacketBuilder,
PppPacketBuilder, TerminationPacketBuilder,
/// The protocol byte pattern used in IPCP packets.
pub const PROTOCOL_IPV4_CONTROL: u16 = 0x8021;
/// The protocol byte pattern used in IPV6CP packets.
pub const PROTOCOL_IPV6_CONTROL: u16 = 0x8057;
/// The protocol byte pattern used in LCP packets.
pub const PROTOCOL_LINK_CONTROL: u16 = 0xc021;
/// The default LCP MRU, and currently the only supported value by this implementation.
pub const DEFAULT_MRU: u16 = 1500;
/// The default maximum size of a PPP packet, taking into account the default MRU and PPP header
/// bytes.
pub const DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME: u16 = DEFAULT_MRU + 2; // 2 bytes for protocol
/// The code byte pattern used in a Configure-Request packet.
pub const CODE_CONFIGURE_REQUEST: u8 = 1;
/// The code byte pattern used in a Configure-Ack packet.
pub const CODE_CONFIGURE_ACK: u8 = 2;
/// The code byte pattern used in a Configure-Nak packet.
pub const CODE_CONFIGURE_NAK: u8 = 3;
/// The code byte pattern used in a Configure-Rej packet.
pub const CODE_CONFIGURE_REJECT: u8 = 4;
/// The code byte pattern used in a Terminate-Request packet.
pub const CODE_TERMINATE_REQUEST: u8 = 5;
/// The code byte pattern used in a Terminate-Ack packet.
pub const CODE_TERMINATE_ACK: u8 = 6;
/// The code byte pattern used in a Code-Rej packet.
pub const CODE_CODE_REJECT: u8 = 7;
/// Abstraction over the specialized operations of each LCP-like control protocol. The main
/// differences in each protocol deal with parsing and serialization of options.
pub trait ControlProtocol: 'static + Debug + Clone {
/// A type which can represent any option of the control protocol.
type Option: Clone + PartialEq + Send + Sync + Debug;
/// The protocol byte pattern used in this control protocol's packets.
/// Filter out only the unacceptable options from some received options.
fn unacceptable_options(received: &[Self::Option]) -> Vec<Self::Option>;
/// Attempt to parse options from a byte buffer.
fn parse_options(buf: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<Self::Option>>;
/// Serialize options into a byte buffer.
fn serialize_options(options: &[Self::Option]) -> Buf<Vec<u8>>;
/// Abstraction over something which can receive PPP packets from something like a driver.
pub trait FrameReceiver: Send + Sync + Debug + 'static {
/// Asynchronously receive a frame.
fn rx_frame<'a>(&'a self) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Vec<u8>, FrameError>>;
/// Abstraction over something which can transmit PPP packets to something like a driver.
pub trait FrameTransmitter: Send + Sync + Debug + 'static {
/// Asynchronously transmit a frame.
fn tx_frame<'a>(&'a self, frame: &'a [u8]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<(), FrameError>>;
/// Possible failures that can result from transitions in the control protocol state machine.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum ProtocolError<P: ControlProtocol> {
/// Link was terminated.
#[error("Link was terminated.")]
/// Link configuration timed out.
#[error("Link configuration timed out.")]
/// Fatal frame error.
#[error("Fatal frame error: {:?}.", _0)]
/// Peer rejected options.
#[error("Peer rejected options: {:?}.", _0)]
FatalConfigureRej(Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>),
/// Peer rejected code.
#[error("Peer rejected code in packet: {:x?}.", _0)]
/// Peer rejected protocol.
#[error("Peer rejected protocol: {:x}.", _0)]
/// Peer sent an invalid configure acknowledge.
#[error("Peer sent an invalid configure acknowledge.")]
/// Peer sent an unacceptable configure request.
#[error("Peer sent an unacceptable configure request.")]
/// Possible failures that can result from sending or receiving frames.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Error)]
pub enum FrameError {
/// Device was down.
#[error("Device was down.")]
impl<P: ControlProtocol> From<FrameError> for ProtocolError<P> {
fn from(error: FrameError) -> Self {
/// The possible states that the control protocol state machine can be in.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ProtocolState<P: ControlProtocol> {
/// No Configure-Request has been sent. This is the initial state.
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, but no Configure-Ack has been sent or received.
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, and a Configure-Ack has been sent but not received.
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, and a Configure-Ack has been received but not sent.
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, and a Configure-Ack has been sent and received.
/// No Configure-Request has been sent. This is the initial state.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Closed<P: ControlProtocol> {
desired_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, but no Configure-Ack has been sent or received.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RequestSent<P: ControlProtocol> {
sent_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
sent_identifier: u8,
restart_counter: u8,
restart_time: std::time::Instant,
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, and a Configure-Ack has been sent but not received.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AckReceived<P: ControlProtocol> {
local_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
sent_identifier: u8,
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, and a Configure-Ack has been received but not sent.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AckSent<P: ControlProtocol> {
remote_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
sent_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
sent_identifier: u8,
restart_counter: u8,
restart_time: std::time::Instant,
/// A Configure-Request has been sent, and a Configure-Ack has been sent and received.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Opened<P: ControlProtocol> {
local_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
remote_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>,
sent_identifier: u8,
impl<P: ControlProtocol> ProtocolState<P> {
/// Initialize the protocol into a closed state with some desired local options.
pub fn new(desired_options: Vec<<P as ControlProtocol>::Option>) -> Self {
ProtocolState::Closed(Closed { desired_options })
/// If a restart timer is running and the provided time causes the timer to expire, restart the
/// connection.
pub async fn restart<T>(
transmitter: &T,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
Ok(match self {
ProtocolState::Closed(closed) => {
ProtocolState::RequestSent(closed.request(transmitter, time).await?)
ProtocolState::RequestSent(req_sent) => {
ProtocolState::RequestSent(req_sent.restart(transmitter, time).await?)
ProtocolState::AckSent(ack_sent) => {
ProtocolState::AckSent(ack_sent.restart(transmitter, time).await?)
_ => self,
/// Move from the current state into a closed state, preserving local options that may have been
/// negotiated as the new desired options.
pub fn reset(self) -> Self {
ProtocolState::Closed(match self {
ProtocolState::Closed(closed) => closed,
ProtocolState::RequestSent(req_sent) => req_sent.reset(),
ProtocolState::AckSent(ack_sent) => ack_sent.reset(),
ProtocolState::AckReceived(ack_received) => ack_received.reset(),
ProtocolState::Opened(opened) => opened.reset(),
/// Process an incoming Configure-Request packet, send a reply if appropriate, and produce the
/// new connection state.
pub async fn rx_configure_req<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
Ok(match self {
ProtocolState::RequestSent(req_sent) => ProtocolState::AckSent(
req_sent.rx_configure_req(transmitter, options, identifier).await?,
ProtocolState::AckSent(ack_sent) => ProtocolState::AckSent(
ack_sent.rx_configure_req(transmitter, options, identifier, time).await?,
ProtocolState::AckReceived(ack_received) => ProtocolState::Opened(
ack_received.rx_configure_req(transmitter, options, identifier).await?,
ProtocolState::Opened(opened) => ProtocolState::AckSent(
opened.rx_configure_req(transmitter, options, identifier, time).await?,
_ => self,
/// Process an incoming Configure-Ack packet, send a reply if appropriate, and produce the
/// new connection state.
pub async fn rx_configure_ack<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
Ok(match self {
ProtocolState::RequestSent(req_sent) => ProtocolState::AckReceived(
req_sent.rx_configure_ack(transmitter, &options, identifier).await?,
ProtocolState::AckSent(ack_sent) => ProtocolState::Opened(
ack_sent.rx_configure_ack(transmitter, &options, identifier).await?,
ProtocolState::AckReceived(ack_received) => ProtocolState::AckReceived(
ack_received.rx_configure_ack(transmitter, &options, identifier, time).await?,
ProtocolState::Opened(opened) => ProtocolState::Opened(
opened.rx_configure_ack(transmitter, &options, identifier, time).await?,
_ => self,
/// Process an incoming Configure-Nak/Configure-Rej packet, send a reply if appropriate, and
/// produce the new connection state.
/// Currently all desired configuration is strict and any nak/reject results in a protocol
/// error.
pub async fn rx_configure_rej<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
Ok(match self {
ProtocolState::RequestSent(req_sent) => ProtocolState::RequestSent(
req_sent.rx_configure_rej(transmitter, &options, identifier).await?,
ProtocolState::AckSent(ack_sent) => ProtocolState::RequestSent(
ack_sent.rx_configure_rej(transmitter, &options, identifier, time).await?,
ProtocolState::AckReceived(ack_received) => ProtocolState::RequestSent(
ack_received.rx_configure_rej(transmitter, &options, identifier, time).await?,
ProtocolState::Opened(opened) => ProtocolState::RequestSent(
opened.rx_configure_rej(transmitter, &options, identifier, time).await?,
_ => self,
/// Process an incoming Terminate-Request packet, send a reply if appropriate, and produce the
/// new connection state.
pub async fn rx_terminate_req<T>(
transmitter: &T,
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
tx_terminate_ack::<P, _>(transmitter, identifier).await?;
/// Serialize and transmit a Configure-Request packet with the provided options and identifier.
pub async fn tx_configure_req<'a, P, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<(), FrameError>
T: FrameTransmitter,
P: ControlProtocol,
let frame = P::serialize_options(options)
.encapsulate(ControlProtocolPacketBuilder::new(CODE_CONFIGURE_REQUEST, identifier))
/// Serialize and transmit a Configure-Ack packet with the provided options and identifier.
pub async fn tx_configure_ack<'a, P, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<(), FrameError>
T: FrameTransmitter,
P: ControlProtocol,
let frame = P::serialize_options(options)
.encapsulate(ControlProtocolPacketBuilder::new(CODE_CONFIGURE_ACK, identifier))
/// Serialize and transmit a Configure-Rej packet with the provided options and identifier.
pub async fn tx_configure_rej<'a, P, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<(), FrameError>
T: FrameTransmitter,
P: ControlProtocol,
let frame = P::serialize_options(options)
.encapsulate(ControlProtocolPacketBuilder::new(CODE_CONFIGURE_REJECT, identifier))
/// Serialize and transmit a Terminate-Request packet with the provided identifier.
pub async fn tx_terminate_req<P, T>(transmitter: &T, identifier: u8) -> Result<(), FrameError>
T: FrameTransmitter,
P: ControlProtocol,
let frame = Buf::new(&mut [], ..)
.encapsulate(ControlProtocolPacketBuilder::new(CODE_TERMINATE_REQUEST, identifier))
/// Serialize and transmit a Terminate-Ack packet with the provided identifier.
pub async fn tx_terminate_ack<P, T>(transmitter: &T, identifier: u8) -> Result<(), FrameError>
T: FrameTransmitter,
P: ControlProtocol,
let frame = Buf::new(&mut [], ..)
.encapsulate(ControlProtocolPacketBuilder::new(CODE_TERMINATE_ACK, identifier))
/// Serialize and transmit a Code-Rej packet with the provided identifier.
pub async fn tx_code_rej<P, T, B>(
transmitter: &T,
mut buf: B,
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<(), FrameError>
T: FrameTransmitter,
P: ControlProtocol,
B: BufferMut,
let frame = buf
.encapsulate(ControlProtocolPacketBuilder::new(CODE_CODE_REJECT, identifier))
// truncate the end bytes
let frame: &[u8] = frame.as_ref();
let bound = std::cmp::min(frame.len(), DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME as usize);
const MAX_RESTART: u8 = 10;
const TIMEOUT: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(3);
impl<P: ControlProtocol> Closed<P> {
async fn request<T>(
transmitter: &T,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<RequestSent<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
tx_configure_req::<P, _>(transmitter, &self.desired_options, 0).await?;
Ok(RequestSent {
sent_options: self.desired_options,
sent_identifier: 0,
restart_counter: 1,
restart_time: time,
impl<P: ControlProtocol> RequestSent<P> {
fn reset(self) -> Closed<P> {
Closed { desired_options: self.sent_options }
async fn restart<T>(
transmitter: &T,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
if self.restart_counter < MAX_RESTART {
if time.duration_since(self.restart_time) >= TIMEOUT {
tx_configure_req::<P, _>(transmitter, &self.sent_options, self.sent_identifier)
Ok(Self { restart_counter: self.restart_counter + 1, restart_time: time, ..self })
} else {
} else {
async fn rx_configure_req<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<AckSent<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
let unacceptable_options = P::unacceptable_options(options);
if unacceptable_options.is_empty() {
tx_configure_ack::<P, _>(transmitter, options, identifier).await?;
Ok(AckSent {
remote_options: options.to_vec(),
sent_options: self.sent_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
restart_counter: self.restart_counter,
restart_time: self.restart_time,
} else {
tx_configure_rej::<P, _>(transmitter, &unacceptable_options, identifier).await?;
async fn rx_configure_ack<'a, T>(
_transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<AckReceived<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
if options == self.sent_options.as_slice() && identifier == self.sent_identifier {
Ok(AckReceived {
local_options: self.sent_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
} else {
async fn rx_configure_rej<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
_identifier: u8,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
tx_terminate_req::<P, _>(transmitter, self.sent_identifier + 1).await?;
impl<P: ControlProtocol> AckReceived<P> {
fn reset(self) -> Closed<P> {
Closed { desired_options: self.local_options }
async fn rx_configure_req<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<Opened<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
let unacceptable_options = P::unacceptable_options(options);
if unacceptable_options.is_empty() {
tx_configure_ack::<P, _>(transmitter, options, identifier).await?;
Ok(Opened {
local_options: self.local_options,
remote_options: options.to_vec(),
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
} else {
tx_configure_rej::<P, _>(transmitter, &unacceptable_options, identifier).await?;
async fn rx_configure_ack<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
if options == self.local_options.as_slice() && identifier == self.sent_identifier {
} else {
tx_configure_req::<P, _>(transmitter, &self.local_options, self.sent_identifier)
Err(ProtocolError::InvalidAck(ProtocolState::RequestSent(RequestSent {
sent_options: self.local_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
restart_counter: 1,
restart_time: time,
async fn rx_configure_rej<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
_identifier: u8,
_time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<RequestSent<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
tx_terminate_req::<P, _>(transmitter, self.sent_identifier + 1).await?;
impl<P: ControlProtocol> AckSent<P> {
fn reset(self) -> Closed<P> {
Closed { desired_options: self.sent_options }
async fn restart<T>(
transmitter: &T,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
if self.restart_counter < MAX_RESTART {
if time.duration_since(self.restart_time) >= TIMEOUT {
tx_configure_req::<P, _>(transmitter, &self.sent_options, self.sent_identifier)
Ok(Self { restart_counter: self.restart_counter + 1, restart_time: time, ..self })
} else {
} else {
async fn rx_configure_req<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
let unacceptable_options = P::unacceptable_options(options);
if unacceptable_options.is_empty() {
tx_configure_ack::<P, _>(transmitter, options, identifier).await?;
Ok(Self { remote_options: options.to_vec(), ..self })
} else {
tx_configure_rej::<P, _>(transmitter, &unacceptable_options, identifier).await?;
Err(ProtocolError::UnacceptableReq(ProtocolState::RequestSent(RequestSent {
sent_options: self.sent_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
restart_counter: 0,
restart_time: time,
async fn rx_configure_ack<'a, T>(
_transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
) -> Result<Opened<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
if options == self.sent_options.as_slice() && identifier == self.sent_identifier {
Ok(Opened {
local_options: self.sent_options,
remote_options: self.remote_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
} else {
async fn rx_configure_rej<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
_identifier: u8,
_time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<RequestSent<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
tx_terminate_req::<P, _>(transmitter, self.sent_identifier + 1).await?;
impl<P: ControlProtocol> Opened<P> {
/// Obtain a slice over the local options.
pub fn local_options(&self) -> &[<P as ControlProtocol>::Option] {
fn reset(self) -> Closed<P> {
Closed { desired_options: self.local_options }
async fn rx_configure_req<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<AckSent<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
let unacceptable_options = P::unacceptable_options(options);
if unacceptable_options.is_empty() {
tx_configure_req::<P, _>(transmitter, &self.local_options, self.sent_identifier)
tx_configure_ack::<P, _>(transmitter, options, identifier).await?;
Ok(AckSent {
remote_options: options.to_vec(),
sent_options: self.local_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
restart_counter: 1,
restart_time: time,
} else {
tx_configure_rej::<P, _>(transmitter, &unacceptable_options, identifier).await?;
Err(ProtocolError::UnacceptableReq(ProtocolState::AckReceived(AckReceived {
local_options: self.local_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
async fn rx_configure_ack<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
identifier: u8,
time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<Self, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
if options == self.local_options.as_slice() && identifier == self.sent_identifier {
} else {
tx_configure_req::<P, _>(transmitter, &self.local_options, self.sent_identifier)
Err(ProtocolError::InvalidAck(ProtocolState::RequestSent(RequestSent {
sent_options: self.local_options,
sent_identifier: self.sent_identifier,
restart_counter: 1,
restart_time: time,
async fn rx_configure_rej<'a, T>(
transmitter: &'a T,
options: &'a [<P as ControlProtocol>::Option],
_identifier: u8,
_time: std::time::Instant,
) -> Result<RequestSent<P>, ProtocolError<P>>
T: FrameTransmitter,
tx_terminate_req::<P, _>(transmitter, self.sent_identifier + 1).await?;