blob: 82deb414d693f00dfc0dc7e426957c7710780e18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fidl::Error as FidlError,
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_snoop::{SnoopRequest, SnoopRequestStream},
fidl_fuchsia_io, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_inspect as inspect, fuchsia_trace as trace,
fuchsia_vfs_watcher::{WatchEvent, WatchMessage, Watcher},
future::{join, ready, Join, Ready, TryFutureExt},
stream::{FusedStream, FuturesUnordered, Stream, StreamExt, StreamFuture},
log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use crate::{
clock::{set_utc_clock, utc_clock_transformation},
snooper::{SnoopPacket, Snooper},
mod bounded_queue;
mod clock;
mod packet_logs;
mod snooper;
mod subscription_manager;
mod tests;
/// Root directory of all HCI devices
const HCI_DEVICE_CLASS_PATH: &str = "/dev/class/bt-hci";
/// A `DeviceId` represents the name of a host device within the HCI_DEVICE_CLASS_PATH.
pub(crate) type DeviceId = String;
/// A request is a tuple of the client id, the optional next request, and the rest of the stream.
type ClientRequest = (ClientId, (Option<Result<SnoopRequest, FidlError>>, SnoopRequestStream));
/// A `Stream` that holds a collection of client request streams and will return the item from the
/// next ready stream.
type ConcurrentClientRequestFutures =
FuturesUnordered<Join<Ready<ClientId>, StreamFuture<SnoopRequestStream>>>;
/// A `Stream` that holds a collection of snooper streams and will return the item from the
/// next ready stream.
type ConcurrentSnooperPacketFutures = FuturesUnordered<StreamFuture<Snooper>>;
/// A `ClientId` represents the unique identifier for a client that has connected to the bt-snoop
/// service.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct ClientId(u64);
impl fmt::Display for ClientId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
/// Generates 64-bit ids in increasing order with wrap around behavior at `u64::MAX`
/// Ids will be unique, as long as there is not a client that lives longer than the
/// next 2^63-1 clients.
struct IdGenerator(ClientId);
impl IdGenerator {
fn new() -> IdGenerator {
fn next(&mut self) -> ClientId {
let id = self.0;
(self.0).0 = (self.0).0.wrapping_add(1);
/// Create a lossy `String` clone of a `Path`
fn path_to_string(path: &Path) -> String {
fn absolute_device_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(dev_name: &P) -> PathBuf {
let mut path = PathBuf::from(HCI_DEVICE_CLASS_PATH);
/// Handle an event on the virtual filesystem in the HCI device directory. This should log or
/// internally handle most errors that come from the stream of filesystem watch events. Only errors
/// in the `Watcher` itself result in returning an Error to the caller.
fn handle_hci_device_event(
message: WatchMessage,
snoopers: &mut ConcurrentSnooperPacketFutures,
subscribers: &mut SubscriptionManager,
packet_logs: &mut PacketLogs,
) {
let path = absolute_device_path(&message.filename);
match message.event {
WatchEvent::ADD_FILE | WatchEvent::EXISTING => {
info!("Opening snoop channel for hci device \"{}\"", path.display());
match Snooper::new(path.clone()) {
Ok(snooper) => {
let removed_device = packet_logs.add_device(path_to_string(&message.filename));
if let Some(device) = removed_device {
Err(e) => {
warn!("Failed to open snoop channel for \"{}\": {}", path.display(), e);
WatchEvent::REMOVE_FILE => {
info!("Removing snoop channel for hci device: \"{}\"", path.display());
// TODO(belgum): What should be done with the logged packets in this case?
// Find out how to remove snooper from ConcurrentTask (perhaps cancel
// and wake)
// Can possibly reopen device logs for devices that are on disk that
// were evicted from the packet logs collection in the past.
_ => (),
/// Register a new client.
fn register_new_client(
stream: SnoopRequestStream,
client_stream: &mut ConcurrentClientRequestFutures,
client_id: ClientId,
) {
client_stream.push(join(ready(client_id), stream.into_future()));
info!("New client connection: {}", client_id);
/// Handle a client request to dump the packet log, subscribe to future events or do both.
/// Returns an error if the client channel does not accept a response that it requested.
async fn handle_client_request(
request: ClientRequest,
client_requests: &mut ConcurrentClientRequestFutures,
subscribers: &mut SubscriptionManager,
packet_logs: &PacketLogs,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (id, (request, client_stream)) = request;
match request {
Some(Ok(SnoopRequest::Start { follow, host_device, responder })) => {
// Return early if the client has already issued a `Start` request.
if subscribers.is_registered(&id) {
responder.send(&mut bt_fidl_status!(
"Cannot issue `Start` request more than once."
return Ok(());
debug!("Request received from client {}.", id);
let control_handle = responder.control_handle().clone();
// Get UTC time if it is available.
let utc_xform = utc_clock_transformation();
if let Some(ref device) = host_device {
if let Some(log) = packet_logs.get(device) {
responder.send(&mut bt_fidl_status!())?;
for packet in log.lock().await.iter_mut() {
.send_on_packet(device, &mut packet.to_fidl(utc_xform.as_ref()))?;
} else {
responder.send(&mut bt_fidl_status!(NotFound, "Unrecognized device name."))?;
return Ok(());
} else {
responder.send(&mut bt_fidl_status!())?;
let device_ids: Vec<_> = packet_logs.device_ids().cloned().collect();
for device in &device_ids {
if let Some(log) = packet_logs.get(device) {
for packet in log.lock().await.iter_mut() {
.send_on_packet(device, &mut packet.to_fidl(utc_xform.as_ref()))?;
if follow {
.register(id, control_handle, utc_xform.clone(), host_device)
.expect("A client `Start` request should never be processed more than once");
client_requests.push(join(ready(id), client_stream.into_future()));
trace!("Client {} subscribed and waiting", id);
} else {
trace!("Client {} shutting down", id);
Some(Err(e)) => {
warn!("Client returned error: {:?}", e);
None => {
debug!("Client disconnected");
/// Handle a possible incoming packet. Returns an error if the snoop channel is closed and cannot
/// be reopened.
async fn handle_packet(
packet: Option<(DeviceId, SnoopPacket)>,
snooper: Snooper,
snoopers: &mut ConcurrentSnooperPacketFutures,
subscribers: &mut SubscriptionManager,
packet_logs: &mut PacketLogs,
truncate_payload: Option<usize>,
) {
if let Some((device, mut packet)) = packet {
trace!("Received packet from {:?}.", snooper.device_path);
if let Some(len) = truncate_payload {
subscribers.notify(&device, &mut packet);
packet_logs.log_packet(&device, packet).await;
} else {
info!("Snoop channel closed for device: {}", snooper.device_name);
struct SnoopConfig {
log_size_soft_max_bytes: usize,
log_size_hard_max_bytes: usize,
log_time: Duration,
max_device_count: usize,
truncate_payload: Option<usize>,
// Inspect tree
_config_inspect: inspect::Node,
_log_size_soft_max_bytes_property: inspect::UintProperty,
_log_size_hard_max_bytes_property: inspect::StringProperty,
_log_time_property: inspect::UintProperty,
_max_device_count_property: inspect::UintProperty,
_truncate_payload_property: inspect::StringProperty,
_hci_dir_property: inspect::StringProperty,
impl SnoopConfig {
/// Creates a strongly typed `SnoopConfig` out of primitives parsed from the command line
fn from_args(args: Args, config_inspect: inspect::Node) -> SnoopConfig {
let log_size_soft_max_bytes = args.log_size_soft_kib * 1024;
let log_size_hard_max_bytes = args.log_size_hard_kib * 1024;
let log_time = Duration::from_secs(args.log_time_seconds);
let _log_size_soft_max_bytes_property =
config_inspect.create_uint("log_size_soft_max_bytes", log_size_soft_max_bytes as u64);
let hard_max = if log_size_hard_max_bytes == 0 {
"No Hard Max".to_string()
} else {
let _log_size_hard_max_bytes_property =
config_inspect.create_string("log_size_hard_max_bytes", &hard_max);
let _log_time_property = config_inspect.create_uint("log_time", log_time.as_secs());
let _max_device_count_property =
config_inspect.create_uint("max_device_count", args.max_device_count as u64);
let truncate = args
.map(|n| format!("{} bytes", n))
.unwrap_or("No Truncation".to_string());
let _truncate_payload_property =
config_inspect.create_string("truncate_payload", &truncate);
let _hci_dir_property = config_inspect.create_string("hci_dir", HCI_DEVICE_CLASS_PATH);
SnoopConfig {
max_device_count: args.max_device_count,
truncate_payload: args.truncate_payload,
_config_inspect: config_inspect,
/// Log bluetooth snoop packets and provide them to clients.
struct Args {
#[argh(option, default = "32")]
/// packet storage buffer size after which packets will start aging off.
log_size_soft_kib: usize,
#[argh(option, default = "256")]
/// hard maximum size in KiB of the buffer to store packets in.
/// a value of "0" indicates no limit. Defaults to 0.
log_size_hard_kib: usize,
#[argh(option, default = "60")]
/// minimum time to store packets in a snoop log in seconds.
log_time_seconds: u64,
#[argh(option, default = "8")]
/// maximum number of devices for which to store logs.
max_device_count: usize,
/// maximum number of bytes to keep in the payload of incoming packets. Defaults to no limit.
truncate_payload: Option<usize>,
#[argh(switch, short = 'v')]
/// enable verbose log output. Using twice will increase verbosity.
verbosity: u16,
/// Setup the main loop of execution in a Task and run it.
async fn run(
config: SnoopConfig,
mut service_handler: impl Unpin + FusedStream + Stream<Item = SnoopRequestStream>,
inspect: inspect::Node,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut id_gen = IdGenerator::new();
let hci_dir = File::open(HCI_DEVICE_CLASS_PATH).expect("Failed to open hci dev directory");
let channel = fdio::clone_channel(&hci_dir)?;
let async_channel = fasync::Channel::from_channel(channel)?;
let directory = fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryProxy::from_channel(async_channel);
let mut hci_device_events = Watcher::new(io_util::clone_directory(
.context("Cannot create device watcher")?;
let mut client_requests = ConcurrentClientRequestFutures::new();
let mut subscribers = SubscriptionManager::new();
let mut snoopers = ConcurrentSnooperPacketFutures::new();
let mut packet_logs = PacketLogs::new(
debug!("Capturing snoop packets...");
loop {
select! {
// A new client has connected to one of the exposed services.
request_stream = service_handler.select_next_some() => {
register_new_client(request_stream, &mut client_requests,;
// A new filesystem event in the hci device watch directory has been received.
event = => {
let message = event
.ok_or(format_err!("Cannot reach watch server"))
.and_then(|r| Ok(r?));
match message {
Ok(message) => {
handle_hci_device_event(message, &mut snoopers, &mut subscribers,
&mut packet_logs);
Err(e) => {
// Attempt to recreate watcher in the event of an error.
warn!("VFS Watcher has died with error: {:?}", e);
hci_device_events = Watcher::new(io_util::clone_directory(
.context("Cannot create device watcher")?;
// A client has made a request to the server.
request = client_requests.select_next_some() => {
if let Err(e) = handle_client_request(request, &mut client_requests,
&mut subscribers, &packet_logs).await
debug!("Unable to handle client request: {:?}", e);
// A new snoop packet has been received from an hci device.
(packet, snooper) = snoopers.select_next_some() => {
trace::duration!("bluetooth", "Snoop::ProcessPacket");
handle_packet(packet, snooper, &mut snoopers, &mut subscribers,
&mut packet_logs, config.truncate_payload).await;
/// Initializes syslog with tags and verbosity
/// Panics if syslog logger cannot be initialized
fn init_logging(verbosity: u16) {
fuchsia_syslog::init_with_tags(&["bt-snoop"]).expect("Can't init logger");
if verbosity > 1 {
} else if verbosity > 0 {
info!("Starting bt-snoop.");
/// Parse program arguments, call the main loop, and log any unrecoverable errors.
async fn main() {
let args: Args = argh::from_env();
let mut fs = ServiceFs::new();
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
inspector.serve(&mut fs).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to serve the inspect tree: {:?}", e);
let config_inspect = inspector.root().create_child("configuration");
let runtime_inspect = inspector.root().create_child("runtime_metrics");
let config = SnoopConfig::from_args(args, config_inspect);
fs.dir("svc").add_fidl_service(|stream: SnoopRequestStream| stream);
fs.take_and_serve_directory_handle().expect("serve ServiceFS directory");
// Set the UTC Clock if it becomes available.
fasync::Task::local(set_utc_clock().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!("Could not set UTC Clock. Falling back to clock monotonic. Error: {}", e);
match run(config, fs.fuse(), runtime_inspect).await {
Err(err) => error!("Failed with critical error: {:?}", err),
_ => {}