blob: f2d3bad5d262eda95c9ee3fbb7725ab5f7d6b004 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
/// Global UTC Clock used by the component.
static UTC_CLOCK: OnceCell<zx::Clock> = OnceCell::new();
pub async fn set_utc_clock() -> Result<(), Error> {
let clock = fuchsia_runtime::duplicate_utc_clock_handle(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS)
.context("Could not get Clock Handle")?;
/// Set the global clock after it has started running.
async fn set_clock(clock: zx::Clock) -> Result<(), Error> {
fasync::OnSignals::new(&clock, zx::Signals::CLOCK_STARTED)
.context("Failed to wait on CLOCK_STARTED signal")?;
UTC_CLOCK.set(clock).map_err(|_| format_err!("Clock already set"))?;
/// Get the `clock`'s mono to synthetic clock transformation. Returns `None` if
/// the transformation cannot be retrieved.
fn get_transformation(clock: &zx::Clock) -> Option<zx::ClockTransformation> {
clock.get_details().map(|details| details.mono_to_synthetic).ok()
/// If the UTC Clock is available, return the current transformation.
pub fn utc_clock_transformation() -> Option<zx::ClockTransformation> {
/// [Clock transformations](
/// can be applied to convert a time from a reference time to a synthetic time. The inverse
/// transformation can be applied to convert a synthetic time back to the reference time.
pub trait TransformClock {
/// Apply the transformation from reference time to synthetic time.
fn apply(self, xform: &zx::ClockTransformation) -> Self;
/// Apply the inverse transformation from synthetic time to reference time.
fn apply_inverse(self, xform: &zx::ClockTransformation) -> Self;
/// Apply affine transformation to convert the reference time "r" to the synthetic time
/// "c". All values are widened to i128 before calculations and the end result is converted back to
/// a i64. If "c" is a larger number than would fit in an i64, the result saturates when cast to
/// i64.
fn transform_clock(r: i64, r_offset: i64, c_offset: i64, r_rate: u32, c_rate: u32) -> i64 {
let r = r as i128;
let r_offset = r_offset as i128;
let c_offset = c_offset as i128;
let r_rate = r_rate as i128;
let c_rate = c_rate as i128;
let c = (((r - r_offset) * c_rate) / r_rate) + c_offset;
c.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|_| if c.is_positive() { i64::MAX } else { i64::MIN })
impl TransformClock for zx::Time {
fn apply(self, xform: &zx::ClockTransformation) -> Self {
let c = transform_clock(
fn apply_inverse(self, xform: &zx::ClockTransformation) -> Self {
let r = transform_clock(
zx::Time::from_nanos(r as i64)
mod tests {
use {super::*, fuchsia_zircon::HandleBased};
fn clock_identity_transformation_roundtrip() {
let t_0 = zx::Time::ZERO;
// Identity clock transformation
let xform = zx::ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 0,
synthetic_offset: 0,
rate: zx::sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1, reference_ticks: 1 },
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent with the identity transformation.
assert_eq!(t_0, t_0.apply(&xform.clone()).apply_inverse(&xform));
fn clock_transformation_roundtrip() {
let t_0 = zx::Time::ZERO;
// Arbitrary clock transformation
let xform = zx::ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 196980085208,
synthetic_offset: 1616900096031887801,
rate: zx::sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 999980, reference_ticks: 1000000 },
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent modulo rounding error.
let roundtrip_diff = t_0 - t_0.apply(&xform.clone()).apply_inverse(&xform);
assert!(roundtrip_diff.into_nanos().abs() <= 1);
fn clock_trailing_transformation_roundtrip() {
let t_0 = zx::Time::ZERO;
// Arbitrary clock transformation where the synthetic clock is trailing behind the
// reference clock.
let xform = zx::ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 1616900096031887801,
synthetic_offset: 196980085208,
rate: zx::sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1000000, reference_ticks: 999980 },
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent modulo rounding error.
let roundtrip_diff = t_0 - t_0.apply(&xform.clone()).apply_inverse(&xform);
assert!(roundtrip_diff.into_nanos().abs() <= 1);
fn clock_saturating_transformations() {
let t_0 = zx::Time::from_nanos(i64::MAX);
// Clock transformation which will positively overflow t_0
let xform = zx::ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 0,
synthetic_offset: 1,
rate: zx::sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1, reference_ticks: 1 },
// Applying the transformation will lead to saturation
let time = t_0.apply(&xform.clone()).into_nanos();
assert_eq!(time, i64::MAX);
let t_0 = zx::Time::from_nanos(i64::MIN);
// Clock transformation which will negatively overflow t_0
let xform = zx::ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 1,
synthetic_offset: 0,
rate: zx::sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1, reference_ticks: 1 },
// Applying the transformation will lead to saturation
let time = t_0.apply(&xform.clone()).into_nanos();
assert_eq!(time, i64::MIN);
fn set_and_get_clock() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
// There is no transformation before the clock has been set.
// Create a new clock and a manually polled future for setting the clock.
let clock = zx::Clock::create(zx::ClockOpts::empty(), None).expect("create clock");
let clock_ = clock.duplicate_handle(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS).expect("duplicate clock");
let set_fut = set_clock(clock_);
// Clock has not yet been started so it is not set.
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut set_fut).is_pending());
.update(zx::ClockUpdate::new().value(zx::Time::from_nanos(1 * 1_000_000_000)))
.expect("Clock update should succeed");
// Clock has been started, so the clock should be set.
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut set_fut).is_ready());
// There is no transformation before the clock has been set.