blob: 4948da0ee378fcec5b16906af92a40839c68c304 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
AdvertisingData, AdvertisingHandleMarker, AdvertisingHandleProxy, AdvertisingModeHint,
AdvertisingParameters, ConnectionOptions, ConnectionProxy, ManufacturerData,
PeripheralEvent, PeripheralMarker, PeripheralProxy, ServiceData,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
types::{le::Peer, Uuid},
futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
// TODO(armansito): Add ability to construct a valid fuchsia.bluetooth.Appearance from a string.
// Defines all the command line arguments accepted by the tool.
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
struct Opt {
#[structopt(short = "n", long = "name", help = "Advertised Device Name")]
name: Option<String>,
short = "s",
long = "service",
help = "Advertised Service UUIDs. Multiple instances of the flag allowed."
service_uuids: Vec<String>,
#[structopt(short = "c", long = "connectable", help = "Advertise as connectable")]
connectable: bool,
short = "m",
long = "mode-hint",
parse(try_from_str = "parse_mode_hint"),
help = "Advertising mode hint (\"fast\", \"slow\", \"very-fast\")"
mode_hint: Option<AdvertisingModeHint>,
#[structopt(long = "appearance", help = "Advertised appearance as integer value")]
appearance: Option<u16>,
short = "u",
help = "URIs included in the advertising packet. Multiple instances of the flag allowed."
uris: Vec<String>,
long = "service-data",
parse(try_from_str = "parse_service_data"),
help = "Service data in the format '<service_uuid>:<string_data>'. \
Multiple instances of the flag allowed."
service_data: Vec<ServiceData>,
long = "binary-service-data",
parse(try_from_str = "parse_binary_service_data"),
help = "Service data in the format '<service_uuid>:<base64_data>'. \
Multiple instances of the flag allowed."
binary_service_data: Vec<ServiceData>,
long = "manufacturer-data",
parse(try_from_str = "parse_manufacturer_data"),
help = "Manufacturer specific data in the format '<company_id>:<string_data>'. \
Multiple instances of the flag allowed."
manufacturer_data: Vec<ManufacturerData>,
long = "binary-manufacturer-data",
parse(try_from_str = "parse_binary_manufacturer_data"),
help = "Manufacturer specific data in the format '<company_id>:<base64_data>'. \
Multiple instances of the flag allowed."
binary_manufacturer_data: Vec<ManufacturerData>,
fn parse_service_uuid(raw: &str) -> Result<Uuid, Error> {
match find_service_uuid(raw) {
Some(assigned_number) => Ok(Uuid::new16(assigned_number.number)),
None => raw.parse::<Uuid>().map_err(|_| format_err!("invalid UUID: {}", raw)),
fn parse_service_uuids(raw: Vec<String>) -> Result<Vec<Uuid>, Error> {
raw.into_iter().map(|id| parse_service_uuid(&id)).collect()
/// Parse a raw string as a millisecond interval checking that it lies within the allowed range.
fn parse_mode_hint(raw: &str) -> Result<AdvertisingModeHint, Error> {
match raw {
"very-fast" => Ok(AdvertisingModeHint::VeryFast),
"fast" => Ok(AdvertisingModeHint::Fast),
"slow" => Ok(AdvertisingModeHint::Slow),
other => Err(format_err!("invalid advertising mode hint: {}", other)),
/// Parse ":" delimited pair from a string into a tuple pair of (id, utf8 encoded payload)
fn parse_data(raw: &str) -> Result<(&str, Vec<u8>), Error> {
let elements: Vec<_> = raw.split(":").collect();
if elements.len() != 2 {
return Err(format_err!("Argument must be a ':' delimited pair."));
let id = elements[0];
let payload = elements[1].to_string().into_bytes();
Ok((id, payload))
/// Parse ":" delimited pair from a string into a tuple pair of (id, raw byte payload) where the
/// payload was base64 encoded in the raw string.
fn parse_binary_data(raw: &str) -> Result<(&str, Vec<u8>), Error> {
let elements: Vec<_> = raw.split(":").collect();
if elements.len() != 2 {
return Err(format_err!("Argument must be a ':' delimited pair."));
let id = elements[0];
let payload = base64::decode(elements[1])?;
Ok((id, payload))
fn parse_service_data(raw: &str) -> Result<ServiceData, Error> {
let (raw_id, data) = parse_data(raw)?;
let uuid = parse_service_uuid(raw_id)?.into();
Ok(ServiceData { uuid, data })
fn parse_binary_service_data(raw: &str) -> Result<ServiceData, Error> {
let (raw_id, data) = parse_binary_data(raw)?;
let uuid = parse_service_uuid(raw_id)?.into();
Ok(ServiceData { uuid, data })
fn parse_manufacturer_data(raw: &str) -> Result<ManufacturerData, Error> {
let (raw_id, data) = parse_data(raw)?;
let raw_id = if raw_id.starts_with("0x") { &raw_id[2..] } else { raw_id };
let company_id = u16::from_str_radix(raw_id, 16)?;
Ok(ManufacturerData { company_id, data })
fn parse_binary_manufacturer_data(raw: &str) -> Result<ManufacturerData, Error> {
let (raw_id, data) = parse_binary_data(raw)?;
let raw_id = if raw_id.starts_with("0x") { &raw_id[2..] } else { raw_id };
let company_id = u16::from_str_radix(raw_id, 16)?;
Ok(ManufacturerData { company_id, data })
/// Wrap a `Vec<T>` in an `Option`, returning `None` if the vector is empty and `Some(vec)` if the
/// vector is not empty.
fn optionalize<T>(vec: Vec<T>) -> Option<Vec<T>> {
if vec.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Start advertising and print status on success or construct error on failure
async fn start_advertising(
peripheral: &PeripheralProxy,
parameters: AdvertisingParameters,
service_names: &[String],
) -> Result<AdvertisingHandleProxy, Error> {
let (proxy, handle_remote) = create_proxy::<AdvertisingHandleMarker>()?;
let name = match & {
Some(data) =>,
None => None,
let result = peripheral.start_advertising(parameters, handle_remote).await?;
if let Err(e) = result {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to initiate advertisement: {:?}", e));
eprintln!("Advertising with name \"{:?}\" and services: {}", name, service_names.join(", "),);
async fn await_connection(peripheral: &PeripheralProxy) -> Result<ConnectionProxy, Error> {
let mut events = peripheral.take_event_stream();
while let Some(evt) = events.try_next().await? {
match evt {
PeripheralEvent::OnPeerConnected { peer, connection } => {
eprintln!("Connected to central: {}", Peer::try_from(peer)?);
return connection.into_proxy().map_err(|e| e.into());
Err(format_err!("le.Peripheral service disconnected"))
// This functions implements the main behavior of this tool which involves:
// - Advertising using the given parameters;
// - Awaiting for any incoming connection;
// - Waiting until the connection drops.
async fn listen(
peripheral: &PeripheralProxy,
parameters: AdvertisingParameters,
service_names: &[String],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _handle = start_advertising(&peripheral, parameters, &service_names).await?;
// Wait for a Central to connect.
let connection = await_connection(&peripheral).await?;
// Wait until the connection drops.
let mut conn_events = connection.take_event_stream();
while let Some(_) = {}
eprintln!("Central disconnected");
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Extract arguments and perform additional transformation of incoming arguments
let Opt {
mut service_data,
mut manufacturer_data,
} = Opt::from_args();
let appearance = match appearance {
Some(a) => Appearance::from_primitive(a),
None => None,
let service_uuids = parse_service_uuids(service_uuids)?;
let service_names: Vec<_> = service_uuids.iter().map(Uuid::to_string).collect();
let conn_opts = if connectable {
Some(ConnectionOptions {
bondable_mode: Some(true),
service_filter: None,
} else {
// unchanging advertising data used for the lifetime of the program
let params = AdvertisingParameters {
data: Some(AdvertisingData {
tx_power_level: None,
service_uuids: optionalize(service_uuids.iter().map(Into::into).collect()),
service_data: optionalize(service_data),
manufacturer_data: optionalize(manufacturer_data),
uris: optionalize(uris),
scan_response: None,
connectable: None,
connection_options: conn_opts,
let peripheral = connect_to_service::<PeripheralMarker>()
.context("failed to connect to bluetooth peripheral service")?;
listen(&peripheral, params, &service_names).await
mod tests {
use super::*;
use {
fidl::endpoints::{create_endpoints, create_proxy_and_stream, RequestStream, ServerEnd},
ConnectionMarker, Peer, PeripheralRequest, PeripheralRequestStream,
fuchsia_bluetooth::types::le::{ManufacturerData, ServiceData},
fn test_parse_service_uuid() {
let uuid = parse_service_uuid("180d").expect("failed to parse UUID");
assert_eq!(Uuid::new16(0x180d), uuid);
fn test_parse_service_uuid_error() {
let uuid = parse_service_uuid("💩");
fn test_parse_service_uuids() {
let uuids = parse_service_uuids(vec!["180d".to_string()]).expect("failed to parse UUID");
assert_eq!(vec![Uuid::new16(0x180d)], uuids);
fn test_parse_service_uuids_error() {
let uuids = parse_service_uuids(vec!["💩".to_string()]);
fn test_parse_mode_hint() {
let mode = parse_mode_hint("very-fast").expect("failed to parse mode hint");
assert_eq!(AdvertisingModeHint::VeryFast, mode);
let mode = parse_mode_hint("fast").expect("failed to parse mode hint");
assert_eq!(AdvertisingModeHint::Fast, mode);
let mode = parse_mode_hint("slow").expect("failed to parse mode hint");
assert_eq!(AdvertisingModeHint::Slow, mode);
let mode = parse_mode_hint("💩");
fn test_parse_service_data() {
let data = parse_service_data("180d:hello").expect("failed to parse data");
let data: ServiceData = data.into();
let expected = ServiceData {
uuid: Uuid::new16(0x180d),
data: vec!['h' as u8, 'e' as u8, 'l' as u8, 'l' as u8, 'o' as u8],
assert_eq!(expected, data);
fn test_parse_service_data_error() {
let data = parse_service_data("180dhello");
let data = parse_service_data("💩:hello");
fn test_parse_binary_service_data() {
let data = parse_binary_service_data("180d:cG9vcA").expect("failed to parse data");
let data: ServiceData = data.into();
let expected = ServiceData {
uuid: Uuid::new16(0x180d),
data: vec!['p' as u8, 'o' as u8, 'o' as u8, 'p' as u8],
assert_eq!(expected, data);
fn test_parse_binary_service_data_error() {
let data = parse_binary_service_data("180dcG9vcA");
let data = parse_binary_service_data("💩:cG9vcA");
fn test_parse_manufacturer_data() {
let data = parse_manufacturer_data("180d:hello").expect("failed to parse data");
let data: ManufacturerData = data.into();
let expected = ManufacturerData {
company_id: 0x180d,
data: vec!['h' as u8, 'e' as u8, 'l' as u8, 'l' as u8, 'o' as u8],
assert_eq!(expected, data);
fn test_parse_manufacturer_data_error() {
let data = parse_manufacturer_data("180dhello");
let data = parse_manufacturer_data("💩:hello");
fn test_parse_binary_manufacturer_data() {
let data = parse_binary_manufacturer_data("180d:cG9vcA").expect("failed to parse data");
let data: ManufacturerData = data.into();
let expected = ManufacturerData {
company_id: 0x180d,
data: vec!['p' as u8, 'o' as u8, 'o' as u8, 'p' as u8],
assert_eq!(expected, data);
fn test_parse_binary_manufacturer_data_error() {
let data = parse_binary_manufacturer_data("180dcG9vcA");
let data = parse_binary_manufacturer_data("💩:cG9vcA");
struct MockPeripheral {
_stream: PeripheralRequestStream,
_adv_handle: ServerEnd<AdvertisingHandleMarker>,
adv_params: Option<AdvertisingParameters>,
// Emulate the Peripheral service until advertising is started, emulate a connection and return
// all handles.
async fn emulate_peripheral(
mut stream: PeripheralRequestStream,
) -> Result<(MockPeripheral, ServerEnd<ConnectionMarker>), Error> {
let control_handle = stream.control_handle();
while let Some(msg) = stream.try_next().await? {
match msg {
PeripheralRequest::StartAdvertising { parameters, handle, responder } => {
let mut result = Ok(());
responder.send(&mut result)?;
let (conn, conn_server_end) = create_endpoints::<ConnectionMarker>()?;
let peer = Peer {
id: Some(fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId { value: 1 }),
connectable: Some(true),
rssi: None,
advertising_data: None,
control_handle.send_on_peer_connected(peer, conn)?;
let mock = MockPeripheral {
_stream: stream,
_adv_handle: handle,
adv_params: Some(parameters),
return Ok((mock, conn_server_end));
Err(format_err!("le.Peripheral connection failed"))
async fn test_listen() {
let (proxy, stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<PeripheralMarker>()
.expect("failed to create Peripheral proxy");
let input_parameters = AdvertisingParameters {
data: None,
scan_response: None,
mode_hint: Some(AdvertisingModeHint::Slow),
connectable: None,
connection_options: Some(ConnectionOptions {
bondable_mode: Some(true),
service_filter: None,
let listen_task = listen(&proxy, input_parameters, &[]);
let emulate_task = async {
let (mock_data, connection) =
emulate_peripheral(stream).await.expect("le.Peripheral emulation failed");
Ok(mock_data) as Result<MockPeripheral, anyhow::Error>
let (mock_data, listen) = join!(emulate_task, listen_task);
let mock_data = mock_data.expect("emulate task failed");
let adv_params = mock_data.adv_params.expect("advertising was not enabled!");
assert_eq!(AdvertisingModeHint::Slow, adv_params.mode_hint.unwrap());
let received_connection_options = adv_params.connection_options.unwrap();
async fn test_listen_peripheral_proxy_closes() {
let (proxy, server) =
create_proxy::<PeripheralMarker>().expect("failed to create Peripheral proxy");
let input_parameters = AdvertisingParameters {
data: None,
scan_response: None,
mode_hint: Some(AdvertisingModeHint::Slow),
connectable: None,
connection_options: Some(ConnectionOptions {
bondable_mode: Some(true),
service_filter: None,
let result = listen(&proxy, input_parameters, &[]).await;