blob: b4251ea785a2bafd4a5f5cc8c22a1d041f45208d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{anyhow, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_bredr as bredr, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_bluetooth::types::{Channel, PeerId, Uuid},
futures::{channel::mpsc, select, FutureExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
std::{convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc},
use crate::types::{ProfileState, ServerChannelNumber};
/// Returns the Server Channel number from the provided `protocol` or None if the
/// protocol is not RFCOMM or is invalidly formatted.
fn server_channel_from_protocol(
protocol: &Vec<bredr::ProtocolDescriptor>,
) -> Option<ServerChannelNumber> {
.find(|descriptor| descriptor.protocol == bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Rfcomm)
.and_then(|rfcomm| match rfcomm.params.first() {
Some(bredr::DataElement::Uint8(sc)) => Some(ServerChannelNumber(*sc)),
_ => None,
/// Returns a valid SPP Service Definition.
/// See SPP V12 Table 6.1.
pub fn spp_service_definition() -> bredr::ServiceDefinition {
bredr::ServiceDefinition {
service_class_uuids: Some(vec![Uuid::new16(
bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier::SerialPort as u16,
protocol_descriptor_list: Some(vec![
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap,
params: vec![],
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Rfcomm,
params: vec![],
profile_descriptors: Some(vec![bredr::ProfileDescriptor {
profile_id: bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier::SerialPort,
major_version: 1,
minor_version: 2,
/// Processes data received from the remote peer over the provided RFCOMM `channel`.
/// Processes data in the `write_requests` queue to be sent to the remote peer.
pub async fn rfcomm_channel_task(
server_channel: ServerChannelNumber,
state: Arc<RwLock<ProfileState>>,
mut channel: Channel,
mut write_requests: mpsc::Receiver<Vec<u8>>,
) {
loop {
select! {
bytes_from_peer = => {
let user_data = match bytes_from_peer {
Some(Ok(bytes)) => bytes,
Some(Err(e)) => {
println!("Error receiving data: {:?}", e);
None => {
// RFCOMM channel closed by the peer.
println!("Peer closed RFCOMM channel {:?}", server_channel);
println!("{:?}: Received user data from peer: {:?}", server_channel, user_data);
bytes_to_peer = => {
match bytes_to_peer {
Some(bytes) => {
let res = channel.as_ref().write(&bytes);
println!("{:?}: Sent user data to peer: {:?}", server_channel, res);
None => return, // RFCOMM channel closed by tool.
complete => return,
/// Processes incoming connection requests over the `connect_requests` stream.
/// Processes incoming search results over the `results_requests` stream.
pub async fn handle_profile_events(
state: Arc<RwLock<ProfileState>>,
mut connect_requests: bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequestStream,
mut results_requests: bredr::SearchResultsRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
loop {
select! {
connect_request = connect_requests.try_next() => {
let bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequest::Connected { protocol, channel, .. } =
connect_request?.ok_or(anyhow!("BR/EDR ended service registration"))?;
// Received an incoming connection request for our advertised service.
let server_channel =
let channel = Channel::try_from(channel).unwrap();
// Spawn a processing task to handle read & writes over this RFCOMM channel.
let receiver = state.write().rfcomm.create_channel(server_channel);
rfcomm_channel_task(server_channel, state.clone(), channel, receiver)
println!("Inbound Rfcomm Channel ({}) established", server_channel.0);
results_request = results_requests.try_next() => {
let bredr::SearchResultsRequest::ServiceFound { peer_id, protocol, responder, .. } =
results_request?.ok_or(anyhow!("BR/EDR ended service search"))?;
// Discovered an advertised service for the remote peer identified by `peer_id`.
let id: PeerId = peer_id.into();
let server_channel =
server_channel_from_protocol(&protocol.expect("Protocol should exist"))
println!("Found service for {:?} with server channel: {}",
id.to_string(), server_channel.0
complete => return Ok(()),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use futures::task::Poll;
fn server_channel_from_invalid_protocol() {
// Empty.
let protocol0 = vec![];
assert_eq!(server_channel_from_protocol(&protocol0), None);
// Missing RFCOMM descriptor.
let protocol1 = vec![bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap,
params: vec![bredr::DataElement::Uint16(10)],
assert_eq!(server_channel_from_protocol(&protocol1), None);
// Missing ServerChannel.
let protocol2 = vec![
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap,
params: vec![],
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Rfcomm,
params: vec![],
assert_eq!(server_channel_from_protocol(&protocol2), None);
// Invalid ServerChannel.
let protocol3 = vec![
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap,
params: vec![],
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Rfcomm,
params: vec![bredr::DataElement::Uint16(150)],
assert_eq!(server_channel_from_protocol(&protocol3), None);
fn server_channel_from_valid_protocol() {
let expected = ServerChannelNumber(10);
let protocol = vec![
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap,
params: vec![],
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Rfcomm,
params: vec![bredr::DataElement::Uint8(expected.0)],
assert_eq!(server_channel_from_protocol(&protocol), Some(expected));
fn rfcomm_task_finishes_when_peer_disconnects() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let server_channel = ServerChannelNumber(5);
let state = Arc::new(RwLock::new(ProfileState::new()));
let (local, remote) = Channel::create();
let receiver = state.write().rfcomm.create_channel(server_channel);
let mut rfcomm_fut =
Box::pin(rfcomm_channel_task(server_channel, state.clone(), local, receiver));
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut rfcomm_fut).is_pending());
// Sending data to the peer is ok.
let user_data = vec![0x98, 0x97, 0x96, 0x95];
assert!(state.write().rfcomm.send_user_data(server_channel, user_data.clone()).is_ok());
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut rfcomm_fut).is_pending());
// "Peer" should receive it.
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let mut remote_fut = Box::pin(remote.read_datagram(&mut vec));
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut remote_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(received_length)) => assert_eq!(received_length, user_data.len()),
x => panic!("Expected ready length but got: {:?}", x),
// Peer sends us data. It should be received gracefully and logged (nothing to test).
let buf = vec![0x99, 0x11, 0x44];
let _ = remote.as_ref().write(&buf);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut rfcomm_fut).is_pending());
// Peer "disconnects" - task is done.
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut rfcomm_fut).is_ready());
fn rfcomm_task_finishes_when_tool_closes_channel() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let server_channel = ServerChannelNumber(5);
let state = Arc::new(RwLock::new(ProfileState::new()));
let (local, _remote) = Channel::create();
let receiver = state.write().rfcomm.create_channel(server_channel);
let mut rfcomm_fut =
Box::pin(rfcomm_channel_task(server_channel, state.clone(), local, receiver));
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut rfcomm_fut).is_pending());
// Tool closes the channel - task is done.
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut rfcomm_fut).is_ready());