blob: 4d2a73afb3cbe321df34fd0fbb9bd3a39667ae88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "fake_dynamic_channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci-spec/protocol.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/l2cap_defs.h"
namespace bt::testing {
// This class unpacks data units received from ACL-U and LE-U logical links
// into L2CAP SDUs and then routes them to indvidually-registered handler
// functions. Each FakePeer should have its own FakeL2cap instance and its
// own set of ACL-U and LE-U logical links.
// This class also manages the dynamic L2CAP channels, stored in
// FakeDynamicChannel objects.
// Generally, dynamic channels are created by means of ConnectionRequest packets
// sent over the fixed signaling channel, but FakeL2cap actually holds the
// channels created and modified by those requests.
// Services can register with FakeL2cap and then assign callbacks to individual
// FakeDynamicChannels (based on their PSMs), but those services do not own and
// cannot directly delete or create new channels without using the FakeL2cap
// instance managing those dynamic channels.
class FakeL2cap final {
// Entities that instantiate FakeL2cap must provide a
// SendFrameCallback function to handle adding necessary protocol data unit
// header information to the packet and actually sending the packet using
// the associated device.
using SendFrameCallback =
fit::function<void(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, l2cap::ChannelId cid, const ByteBuffer& pdu)>;
// After registering a channel with RegisterHandler, ChannelReceiveCallback
// is called with a received L2CAP Service Data Unit |sdu| when FakeL2cap
// handles a packet for the registered channel. Includes the |handle| that
// the L2CAP packet was received on.
using ChannelReceiveCallback =
fit::function<void(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, const ByteBuffer& sdu)>;
// When FakeL2cap receives a packet with a ChannelID that does not have a
// registered handler, it calls UnexpectedPduCallback (set via the
// constructor or defaulted to a no-op). To aid with debugging, this callback
// takes the entire Protocol Data Unit |pdu| (including the intact L2CAP
// header). Also includes the |handle| that the L2CAP packet was received on.
using UnexpectedPduCallback =
fit::function<void(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, const ByteBuffer& pdu)>;
// Each service that registers itself on a particular PSM provides a callback
// that takes a pointer to the FakeDynamicChannel with its
using FakeDynamicChannelCallback = fit::function<void(fxl::WeakPtr<FakeDynamicChannel>)>;
// Calls |send_frame_callback| to send packets through the device
// instantiating the FakeL2cap instance.
// Calls |unexpected_pdu_callback| for packets received that don't have a
// handler registered. Defaults to a no-op if no callback provided.
// Assumes the largest possible dynamic channel ID is
// l2cap::kLastACLDynamicChannelId.
explicit FakeL2cap(
SendFrameCallback send_frame_callback,
UnexpectedPduCallback unexpected_pdu_callback = [](auto handle, auto& pdu) {},
l2cap::ChannelId largest_channel_id = l2cap::kLastACLDynamicChannelId);
// Public methods for services/clients that operate over L2CAP channels:
// TODO ( Add Unit tests for public methods
// Register |callback| to be called when a Service Data Unit (SDU) is
// received on an L2CAP channel identified by |cid|. |callback| will be
// retained until overwritten by another RegisterHandler call or this
// class is destroyed. To remove a specific |callback|, overwrite it by
// registering a no-op (or other handler) on the corresponding |cid|.
// This should only be used for registering fixed channel handlers - use
// RegisterDynamicChannel for dynamic channel management.
void RegisterHandler(l2cap::ChannelId cid, ChannelReceiveCallback callback);
// Register a |callback| function that configures a FakeDynamicChannel which
// operates over a Protocol Service Multiplexer |psm|. When
// RegisterDynamicChannelWithPsm() will call this FakeDynamicChannelCallback
// if the channel is open.
void RegisterService(l2cap::PSM psm, FakeDynamicChannelCallback callback);
// The following methods are generally for use by the FakeSignalingServer when
// creating and managing individual FakeDynamicChannel instances.
// Register a new FakeDynamicChannel with an associated connection handle
// |conn|, Protocol Service Multiplexer PSM, remote Channel ID
// |remote_cid|, and local Channel ID |local_cid|.
// This channel will be closed, as this function only allocates
// a local ID for the channel. This function also does not register the
// channel with the service associated with the channel's PSM, as this
// happens after the channel is open.
// Return status of if the registration was successful.
// This should only be used for registering dynamic channels - use
// RegisterHandler for fixed channel management.
bool RegisterDynamicChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, l2cap::PSM psm,
l2cap::ChannelId local_cid, l2cap::ChannelId remote_cid);
// Call the DynamicChannelCallback associated with the service operating
// on the channel's PSM once this channel has been opened.
// Applications should only call this function after confirming that the
// channel associated with the connection handle |conn| and local channel ID
// |local_cid| is already open, as the DynamicChannelCallback associated with
// the PSM will assume that it can operate over the channel.
// Return status of if the registration was successful.
bool RegisterDynamicChannelWithPsm(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, l2cap::ChannelId local_cid);
// Return true if there is a FakeDynamicChannelCallback registered for
// Protocol Service Multiplexer |psm|, return false otherwise.
bool ServiceRegisteredForPsm(l2cap::PSM psm);
// Methods to observe and manipulate L2CAP channel states:
// Return the first local dynamic Channel Id that does not already have a
// FakeDynamicChannel object associated with it. This incrementally checks
// each individual ID starting from l2cap::kFirstDynamicChannelId up to this
// FakeL2cap instance's largest_channel_id_, so runtime increases linearly
// with the number of consecutive registered channels but can be limited by
// limiting the value of largest_channel_id_ when initializing FakeL2cap. If
// there are no available Channel IDs, returns l2cap::kInvalidChannelId.
// Requires identification of the specific ConnectionHandle |conn| associated
// with this connection.
l2cap::ChannelId FindAvailableDynamicChannelId(hci::ConnectionHandle conn);
// Find the FakeDynamicChannel object with the local channel ID |local_cid|
// and connection handle |conn| in the dynamic_channels_ map. If there is no
// channel registered with the |local_cid|, return a nullptr.
fxl::WeakPtr<FakeDynamicChannel> FindDynamicChannelByLocalId(hci::ConnectionHandle conn,
l2cap::ChannelId local_cid);
// Find the FakeDynamicChannel object with the connection handle |conn| and
// local channel ID |remote_cid| in the dynamic_channels_ map. If there is
// no channel registered with the |remote_cid|, return a nullptr.
fxl::WeakPtr<FakeDynamicChannel> FindDynamicChannelByRemoteId(hci::ConnectionHandle conn,
l2cap::ChannelId remote_cid);
// Remove a dynamic channel associated with the connection handle |conn| and locassigned
// |local_cid|. Will call the channel's ChannelClosedCallback if it has one, set the channel to
// closed, and then delete the value from the map FakeL2cap uses to store
// the channels (which should also destroy the channel itself),
// This is the only way that dynamic channels should be deleted - if they are
// torn down individually, FakeL2cap will incorrectly hold that local_cid.
void DeleteDynamicChannelByLocalId(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, l2cap::ChannelId local_cid);
// Routes the |pdu| to the appropriate calllback function by extracting the
// ChannelID of the received packet |pdu| and calling the corresponding
// registered handler function (and providing it with the |handle| the packet
// was received on and the payload Service Data Unit |sdu|.
void HandlePdu(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, const ByteBuffer& pdu);
// Return the SendFrameCallback associated with this FakeL2cap instance.
SendFrameCallback& send_frame_callback() { return send_frame_callback_; }
// Map of channel IDs and corresponding functions. Use an unordered map for
// constant-time (in the best case) for search/insertion/deletion when
// accessing calllbacks associated with specific channel IDs.
std::unordered_map<l2cap::ChannelId, ChannelReceiveCallback> callbacks_;
// Map of dynamically allocated Channel IDs and corresponding channels. Use
// an unordered map for constant-time search/insertion/deletion when
// accessing channels associated with specific channel IDs.
std::unordered_map<l2cap::ChannelId, std::unique_ptr<FakeDynamicChannel>>>
// Map of individual channel configuration callbacks associated with
// individual services
std::unordered_map<l2cap::PSM, FakeDynamicChannelCallback> registered_services_;
// Function provided by the device that instantiates the FakeL2cap instance
// that adds PDU header information and actually sends the packet.
SendFrameCallback send_frame_callback_;
// Handler function associated with unexpected PDUs. Defaults to a no-op.
UnexpectedPduCallback unexpected_pdu_callback_;
// Largest dynamic channel ID this FakeL2cap instance can allocate IDs for.
// Defaults to l2cap::kLastACLDynamicChannelId.
l2cap::ChannelId largest_channel_id_;
} // namespace bt::testing