blob: 5b7dd5514d1b5390db05d96c48d5414a35326c11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/attribute.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uuid.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/gatt_defs.h"
namespace bt::gatt {
// TODO(armansito): Rename this file to "local_types.h" and add the Local*
// prefix to the types here.
class Characteristic;
using CharacteristicPtr = std::unique_ptr<Characteristic>;
// Represents a single remote or local GATT service. A Service object simply
// represents the composition/structure of a GATT service, such as its type,
// characteristics, includes, etc and is not intended to carry service state.
class Service final {
Service(bool primary, const UUID& type);
~Service() = default;
bool primary() const { return primary_; }
const UUID& type() const { return type_; }
// The list of characteristics that have been added to this service.
const std::vector<CharacteristicPtr>& characteristics() const { return characteristics_; }
// Passes the ownership of this service's characteristics to the caller.
std::vector<CharacteristicPtr> ReleaseCharacteristics() { return std::move(characteristics_); }
// Adds the given characteristic to this service.
inline void AddCharacteristic(CharacteristicPtr&& chr) {
// TODO(armansito): Support included services.
bool primary_;
UUID type_;
std::vector<CharacteristicPtr> characteristics_;
using ServicePtr = std::unique_ptr<Service>;
class Descriptor;
using DescriptorPtr = std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>;
// Represents a single remote or local GATT characteristic. This represents the
// composition/structure of a characteristic and is not intended to carry state.
class Characteristic final {
Characteristic(IdType id, const UUID& type, uint8_t properties, uint16_t extended_properties,
const att::AccessRequirements& read_permissions,
const att::AccessRequirements& write_permissions,
const att::AccessRequirements& update_permissions);
~Characteristic() = default;
IdType id() const { return id_; }
const UUID& type() const { return type_; }
uint8_t properties() const { return properties_; }
uint16_t extended_properties() const { return extended_properties_; }
const att::AccessRequirements& read_permissions() const { return read_permissions_; }
const att::AccessRequirements& write_permissions() const { return write_permissions_; }
const att::AccessRequirements& update_permissions() const { return update_permissions_; }
const std::vector<DescriptorPtr>& descriptors() const { return descriptors_; }
// Passes the ownership of this characteristic's descriptors to the caller.
std::vector<DescriptorPtr> ReleaseDescriptors() { return std::move(descriptors_); }
inline void AddDescriptor(DescriptorPtr&& desc) {
IdType id_;
UUID type_;
uint8_t properties_;
uint16_t extended_properties_;
att::AccessRequirements read_permissions_;
att::AccessRequirements write_permissions_;
att::AccessRequirements update_permissions_;
std::vector<DescriptorPtr> descriptors_;
// Represents a single remote or local GATT characteristic descriptor. This
// represents the composition/structure of a characteristic and is not intended
// to carry state.
class Descriptor final {
Descriptor(IdType id, const UUID& type, const att::AccessRequirements& read_permissions,
const att::AccessRequirements& write_permissions);
~Descriptor() = default;
IdType id() const { return id_; }
const UUID& type() const { return type_; }
const att::AccessRequirements& read_permissions() const { return read_permissions_; }
const att::AccessRequirements& write_permissions() const { return write_permissions_; }
IdType id_;
UUID type_;
att::AccessRequirements read_permissions_;
att::AccessRequirements write_permissions_;
} // namespace bt::gatt