blob: 81d99c732ca3b837a640301c0b90edc78453a83c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_checker.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/att.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/packet.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/status.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/linked_list.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/packet_view.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/scoped_channel.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/functional/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt::att {
// Implements an ATT data bearer with the following features:
// * This can be used over either a LE-U or an ACL-U logical link. No
// assumptions are made on the logical transport of the underlying L2CAP
// channel.
// * Can simultaneously operate in both server and client roles of the
// protocol.
// Deleting a Bearer closes the underlying channel. Unlike ShutDown(), this
// does NOT notify any callbacks to prevent them from running in destructors.
// This class is intended to be created, accessed, and destroyed on the same
// thread. All callbacks will be invoked on a Bearer's creation thread.
class Bearer final : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<Bearer> {
// Creates a new ATT Bearer. Returns nullptr if |chan| cannot be activated.
// This can happen if the link is closed.
static fxl::RefPtr<Bearer> Create(fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::Channel> chan);
// Returns true if the underlying channel is open.
bool is_open() const { return static_cast<bool>(chan_); }
// The bi-directional (client + server) MTU currently in use. The default
// value is kLEMinMTU.
// NOTE: This is allowed to be initialized to something smaller than kLEMinMTU
// for unit tests.
uint16_t mtu() const { return mtu_; }
void set_mtu(uint16_t value) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "att", "bearer: new MTU %u", value);
mtu_ = value;
// The preferred MTU. This is initially assigned based on the MTU of the
// underlying L2CAP channel and will be used in future MTU Exchange
// procedures.
uint16_t preferred_mtu() const { return preferred_mtu_; }
void set_preferred_mtu(uint16_t value) {
preferred_mtu_ = value;
// Returns the correct minimum ATT_MTU based on the underlying link type.
uint16_t min_mtu() const { return min_mtu_; }
// Returns the current link security properties.
sm::SecurityProperties security() const {
return chan_ ? chan_->security() : sm::SecurityProperties();
// Sets a callback to be invoked invoked when the underlying channel has
// closed. |callback| should disconnect the underlying logical link.
void set_closed_callback(fit::closure callback) {
closed_cb_ = std::move(callback);
// Closes the channel. This should be called when a protocol transaction
// warrants the link to be disconnected. Notifies any callback set via
// |set_closed_callback()| and notifies the error callback of all pending HCI
// transactions.
// Does nothing if the channel is not open.
// NOTE: Bearer internally shuts down the link on request timeouts and
// sequential protocol violations.
void ShutDown();
// Initiates an asynchronous transaction and invokes |callback| on this
// Bearer's creation thread when the transaction completes. |pdu| must
// correspond to a request or indication.
// TransactionCallback is used to report the end of a request or indication
// transaction. |packet| will contain a matching response or confirmation PDU
// depending on the transaction in question.
// If the transaction ends with an error or cannot complete (e.g. due to a
// timeout), |error_callback| will be called instead of |callback| if
// provided.
// Returns false if |pdu| is empty, exceeds the current MTU, or does not
// correspond to a request or indication.
using TransactionCallback = fit::function<void(const PacketReader& packet)>;
using ErrorCallback = fit::function<void(Status, Handle attr_in_error)>;
bool StartTransaction(ByteBufferPtr pdu, TransactionCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Sends |pdu| without initiating a transaction. Used for command and
// notification PDUs which do not have flow control.
// Returns false if the packet is malformed or does not correspond to a
// command or notification.
bool SendWithoutResponse(ByteBufferPtr pdu);
// A Handler is a function that gets invoked when the Bearer receives a PDU
// that is not tied to a locally initiated transaction (see
// StartTransaction()).
// * |tid| will be set to kInvalidTransactionId for command and notification
// PDUs. These do not require a response and are not part of a
// transaction.
// * A valid |tid| will be provided for request and indication PDUs. These
// require a response which can be sent by calling Reply().
using TransactionId = size_t;
static constexpr TransactionId kInvalidTransactionId = 0u;
using Handler = fit::function<void(TransactionId tid, const PacketReader& packet)>;
// Handler: called when |pdu| does not need flow control. This will be
// called for commands and notifications.
using HandlerId = size_t;
static constexpr HandlerId kInvalidHandlerId = 0u;
HandlerId RegisterHandler(OpCode opcode, Handler handler);
// Unregisters a handler. |id| cannot be zero.
void UnregisterHandler(HandlerId id);
// Ends a currently pending transaction with the given response or
// confirmation |pdu|. Returns false if |pdu| is malformed or if |id| and
// |pdu| do not match a pending transaction.
bool Reply(TransactionId tid, ByteBufferPtr pdu);
// Ends a request transaction with an error response.
bool ReplyWithError(TransactionId id, Handle handle, ErrorCode error_code);
explicit Bearer(fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::Channel> chan);
// Returns false if activation fails. This is called by the factory method.
bool Activate();
// Represents a locally initiated pending request or indication transaction.
struct PendingTransaction : LinkedListable<PendingTransaction> {
PendingTransaction(OpCode opcode, TransactionCallback callback, ErrorCallback error_callback,
ByteBufferPtr pdu);
// Required fields
OpCode opcode;
TransactionCallback callback;
// Optional error callback
ErrorCallback error_callback;
// Holds the pdu while the transaction is in the send queue.
ByteBufferPtr pdu;
// Contains the most recently requested security upgrade level under which
// this transaction has been retried following an ATT security error. The
// states look like the following:
// - sm::SecurityLevel::kNoSecurity: The transaction has not been retried.
// - sm::SecurityLevel::kEncrypted: The request has been queued following
// a security upgrate to level "Encrypted".
// - sm::SecurityLevel::kAuthenticated: The request has been queued
// following a security upgrate to level "Authenticated".
// and so on.
sm::SecurityLevel security_retry_level;
using PendingTransactionPtr = std::unique_ptr<PendingTransaction>;
// Represents a remote initiated pending request or indication transaction.
struct PendingRemoteTransaction {
PendingRemoteTransaction(TransactionId id, OpCode opcode);
PendingRemoteTransaction() = default;
TransactionId id;
OpCode opcode;
// Used the represent the state of active ATT protocol request and indication
// transactions.
class TransactionQueue {
TransactionQueue() = default;
~TransactionQueue() = default;
TransactionQueue(TransactionQueue&& other);
// Returns the transaction that has been sent to the peer and is currently
// pending completion.
inline PendingTransaction* current() const { return current_.get(); }
// Clears the currently pending transaction data and cancels its transaction
// timeout task. Returns ownership of any pending transaction to the caller.
PendingTransactionPtr ClearCurrent();
// Tries to initiate the next transaction. Sends the PDU over |chan| if
// successful.
void TrySendNext(l2cap::Channel* chan, async::Task::Handler timeout_cb, zx::duration timeout);
// Adds |next| to the transaction queue.
void Enqueue(PendingTransactionPtr transaction);
// Resets the contents of this queue to their default state.
void Reset();
// Invokes the error callbacks of all transactions with |status|.
void InvokeErrorAll(Status status);
LinkedList<PendingTransaction> queue_;
PendingTransactionPtr current_;
async::Task timeout_task_;
bool SendInternal(ByteBufferPtr pdu, TransactionCallback callback, ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Shuts down the link.
void ShutDownInternal(bool due_to_timeout);
// Returns false if |packet| is malformed.
bool IsPacketValid(const ByteBuffer& packet);
// Tries to initiate the next transaction from the given |queue|.
void TryStartNextTransaction(TransactionQueue* tq);
// Sends out an immediate error response.
void SendErrorResponse(OpCode request_opcode, Handle attribute_handle, ErrorCode error_code);
// Called when the peer sends us a response or confirmation PDU.
void HandleEndTransaction(TransactionQueue* tq, const PacketReader& packet);
// Returns the next handler ID and increments the counter.
HandlerId NextHandlerId();
// Returns the next remote-initiated transaction ID.
TransactionId NextRemoteTransactionId();
using RemoteTransaction = std::optional<PendingRemoteTransaction>;
// Called when the peer initiates a request or indication transaction.
void HandleBeginTransaction(RemoteTransaction* currently_pending, const PacketReader& packet);
// Returns any pending peer-initiated transaction that matches |id|. Returns
// nullptr otherwise.
RemoteTransaction* FindRemoteTransaction(TransactionId id);
// Called when the peer sends us a PDU that has no flow control (i.e. command
// or notification). Routes the packet to the corresponding handler. Drops the
// packet if no handler exists.
void HandlePDUWithoutResponse(const PacketReader& packet);
// l2cap::Channel callbacks:
void OnChannelClosed();
void OnRxBFrame(ByteBufferPtr sdu);
l2cap::ScopedChannel chan_;
uint16_t mtu_;
uint16_t preferred_mtu_;
uint16_t min_mtu_;
// Callback passed to l2cap::Channel::OnRxBFrame().
fxl::CancelableCallback<void(ByteBufferPtr sdu)> rx_task_;
// Callback that wraps our internal OnChannelClosed handler.
fxl::CancelableClosure chan_closed_cb_;
// Channel closed callback assigned to us via set_closed_callback().
fit::closure closed_cb_;
// The state of outgoing ATT requests and indications
TransactionQueue request_queue_;
TransactionQueue indication_queue_;
// The transaction identifier that will be assigned to the next
// remote-initiated request or indication transaction.
TransactionId next_remote_transaction_id_;
// The next available remote-initiated PDU handler id.
HandlerId next_handler_id_;
// Data about currently registered handlers.
std::unordered_map<HandlerId, OpCode> handler_id_map_;
std::unordered_map<OpCode, Handler> handlers_;
// Remote-initiated transactions in progress.
RemoteTransaction remote_request_;
RemoteTransaction remote_indication_;
fit::thread_checker thread_checker_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<Bearer> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bt::att