blob: 03de2cad8931f14734bc5df4c3f00b5ea23a7ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::{self as fbt, DeviceClass},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_host::{HostEvent, HostProxy},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys as sys, fuchsia_async as fasync,
types::{Address, BondingData, HostData, HostId, HostInfo, Peer, PeerId},
futures::{Future, FutureExt, StreamExt, TryFutureExt},
log::{error, info, trace, warn},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
use {fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::TechnologyType, fuchsia_bluetooth::inspect::placeholder_node};
use crate::{
types::{self, from_fidl_result, Error},
/// When the host dispatcher requests discovery on a host device, the host device starts discovery
/// and returns a HostDiscoverySession. The state of discovery on the host device persists until
/// this session is dropped.
pub struct HostDiscoverySession {
host: Weak<HostDeviceState>,
impl Drop for HostDiscoverySession {
fn drop(&mut self) {
trace!("HostDiscoverySession ended");
if let Some(host) = {
if let Err(err) = host.proxy.stop_discovery() {
// TODO( - we should close the host channel if an error is returned
warn!("Unexpected error response when stopping discovery: {:?}", err);
/// When the host dispatcher requests being discoverable on a host device, the host device enables
/// discoverable and returns a HostDiscoverableSession. The discoverable state on the host device
/// persists until this session is dropped.
pub struct HostDiscoverableSession {
host: Weak<HostDeviceState>,
impl Drop for HostDiscoverableSession {
fn drop(&mut self) {
trace!("HostDiscoverableSession ended");
if let Some(host) = {
let await_response = host.proxy.set_discoverable(false);
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = await_response.await {
// TODO( - we should close the host channel if an error is returned
warn!("Unexpected error response when disabling discoverable: {:?}", err);
pub struct HostDevice(Arc<HostDeviceState>);
pub struct HostDeviceState {
device_path: PathBuf,
proxy: HostProxy,
info: RwLock<Inspectable<HostInfo>>,
/// A type for easy debug printing of the main identifiers for the host device, namely: The device
/// path, the host address and the host id.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct HostDebugIdentifiers {
id: HostId,
address: Address,
path: PathBuf,
// Many HostDevice methods return impl Future rather than being implemented as `async`. This has an
// important behavioral difference in that the function body is triggered immediately when called.
// If they were instead declared async, the function body would not be executed until the first time
// the future was polled.
impl HostDevice {
pub fn new(device_path: PathBuf, proxy: HostProxy, info: Inspectable<HostInfo>) -> Self {
HostDevice(Arc::new(HostDeviceState { device_path, proxy, info: RwLock::new(info) }))
pub fn proxy(&self) -> &HostProxy {
pub fn info(&self) -> HostInfo {
pub fn id(&self) -> HostId {
pub fn address(&self) -> Address {
/// Convenience method to produce a type for easy debug printing of the main identifiers for the
/// host device, namely: The device path, the host address and the host id.
pub fn debug_identifiers(&self) -> HostDebugIdentifiers {
HostDebugIdentifiers {
address: self.address(),
path: self.path().to_path_buf(),
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn set_name(&self, mut name: String) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
self.0.proxy.set_local_name(&mut name).map(from_fidl_result)
pub fn set_device_class(&self, mut dc: DeviceClass) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
self.0.proxy.set_device_class(&mut dc).map(from_fidl_result)
pub fn establish_discovery_session(
) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<HostDiscoverySession>> {
let token = HostDiscoverySession { host: Arc::downgrade(&self.0) };
self.0.proxy.start_discovery().map(from_fidl_result).map_ok(|_| token)
pub fn connect(&self, id: PeerId) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
let mut id: fbt::PeerId = id.into();
self.0.proxy.connect(&mut id).map(from_fidl_result)
pub fn disconnect(&self, id: PeerId) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
let mut id: fbt::PeerId = id.into();
self.0.proxy.disconnect(&mut id).map(from_fidl_result)
pub fn pair(
id: PeerId,
options: sys::PairingOptions,
) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
let mut id: fbt::PeerId = id.into();
self.0.proxy.pair(&mut id, options).map(from_fidl_result)
pub fn forget(&self, id: PeerId) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
let mut id: fbt::PeerId = id.into();
self.0.proxy.forget(&mut id).map(from_fidl_result)
pub fn close(&self) -> types::Result<()> {
self.0.proxy.close().map_err(|e| e.into())
pub fn restore_bonds(
bonds: Vec<BondingData>,
) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<Vec<sys::BondingData>>> {
.restore_bonds(&mut bonds.into_iter().map(sys::BondingData::from))
.map_err(|e| e.into())
pub fn set_connectable(&self, value: bool) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
pub fn establish_discoverable_session(
) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<HostDiscoverableSession>> {
let host = Arc::downgrade(&self.0);
.map_ok(move |_| HostDiscoverableSession { host })
pub fn set_local_data(&self, data: HostData) -> types::Result<()> {
self.0.proxy.set_local_data(data.into()).map_err(|e| e.into())
pub fn enable_privacy(&self, enable: bool) -> types::Result<()> {
pub fn enable_background_scan(&self, enable: bool) -> types::Result<()> {
pub fn set_le_security_mode(&self, mode: sys::LeSecurityMode) -> types::Result<()> {
pub fn apply_config(
config: build_config::Config,
) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
let equivalent_settings = config.into();
/// `apply_sys_settings` applies each field present in `settings` to the host device, leaving
/// omitted parameters unchanged. If present, the `Err` arm of the returned future's output
/// is the error associated with the first failure to apply a setting to the host device.
pub fn apply_sys_settings(
settings: &sys::Settings,
) -> impl Future<Output = types::Result<()>> {
let mut error_occurred =|en| self.enable_privacy(en)).transpose();
if let Ok(_) = error_occurred {
error_occurred =|en| self.enable_background_scan(en)).transpose()
if let Ok(_) = error_occurred {
error_occurred =|m| self.set_le_security_mode(m)).transpose();
let connectable_fut = error_occurred
.map(|_||c| self.set_connectable(c)));
async move {
match connectable_fut {
Ok(Some(fut)) => fut.await,
res =>|_| ()),
/// Monitors updates from a bt-host device and notifies `listener`. The returned Future represents
/// a task that never ends in successful operation and only returns in case of a failure to
/// communicate with the bt-host device.
pub async fn watch_events<H: HostListener + Clone>(self, listener: H) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let handle_fidl = self.clone().handle_fidl_events(listener.clone());
let watch_peers = self.clone().watch_peers(listener.clone());
let watch_state = self.watch_state(listener);
futures::select! {
res1 = handle_fidl.fuse() => res1.context("failed to handle fuchsia.bluetooth.Host event"),
res2 = watch_peers.fuse() => res2.context("failed to relay peer watcher from Host"),
res3 = watch_state.fuse() => res3.context("failed to watch Host for HostInfo"),
async fn watch_peers<H: HostListener + Clone>(self, mut listener: H) -> types::Result<()> {
let proxy = self.0.proxy.clone();
loop {
let (updated, removed) = proxy.watch_peers().await?;
for peer in updated.into_iter() {
for id in removed.into_iter() {
async fn watch_state<H: HostListener>(self, mut listener: H) -> types::Result<()> {
loop {
let info = self.clone().refresh_host_info().await?;
async fn handle_fidl_events<H: HostListener>(self, mut listener: H) -> types::Result<()> {
let mut stream = self.0.proxy.take_event_stream();
while let Some(event) = {
match event? {
HostEvent::OnNewBondingData { data } => {
info!("Received bonding data");
let data: BondingData = match data.try_into() {
Err(e) => {
error!("Invalid bonding data, ignoring: {:#?}", e);
Ok(data) => data,
if let Err(e) = listener.on_new_host_bond(data.into()).await {
error!("Failed to persist bonding data: {:#?}", e);
Err(types::Error::InternalError(format_err!("Host FIDL event stream terminated")))
async fn refresh_host_info(self) -> types::Result<HostInfo> {
let proxy = self.0.proxy.clone();
let info = proxy.watch_state().await?;
let info: HostInfo = info.try_into()?;;
pub(crate) async fn refresh_test_host_info(self) -> types::Result<HostInfo> {
pub(crate) fn mock(id: HostId, address: Address, path: &Path, proxy: HostProxy) -> HostDevice {
let info = HostInfo {
technology: TechnologyType::DualMode,
active: true,
local_name: None,
discoverable: false,
discovering: false,
HostDevice::new(path.into(), proxy, Inspectable::new(info, placeholder_node()))
pub(crate) fn as_inactive(self) -> HostDevice {
let mut new_info =; = false;;
/// A type that can be notified when a Host or the peers it knows about change
/// Each of these trait methods returns a future that should be polled to completion. Once that
/// returned future is complete, the target type can be considered to have been notified of the
/// update event. This allows asynchronous notifications such as via an asynchronous msg channel.
/// The host takes care to serialize updates so that subsequent notifications are not triggered
/// until the previous future has been completed. This allows a HostListener type to ensure they
/// maintain ordering. If required, the implementation of these methods should ensure that
/// completing the future before sending a new update is sufficient to ensure ordering.
/// Since the notifying Host will wait on the completion of the returned futures, HostListeners
/// should not perform heavy work that may block or take an unnecessary length of time. If the
/// implementor needs to perform potentially-blocking work in response to these notifications, that
/// should be done in a separate task or thread that does not block the returned future.
pub trait HostListener {
/// The return Future type of `on_peer_updated`
type PeerUpdatedFut: Future<Output = ()>;
/// The return Future type of `on_peer_removed`
type PeerRemovedFut: Future<Output = ()>;
/// The return Future type of `on_new_host_bond`
type HostBondFut: Future<Output = Result<(), anyhow::Error>>;
/// The return Future type of `on_host_updated`
type HostInfoFut: Future<Output = Result<(), anyhow::Error>>;
/// Indicate that a Peer `Peer` has been added or updated
fn on_peer_updated(&mut self, peer: Peer) -> Self::PeerUpdatedFut;
/// Indicate that a Peer identified by `id` has been removed
fn on_peer_removed(&mut self, id: PeerId) -> Self::PeerRemovedFut;
/// Indicate that a new bond described by `data` has been made
fn on_new_host_bond(&mut self, data: BondingData) -> Self::HostBondFut;
/// Indicate that the Host now has properties described by `info`
fn on_host_updated(&mut self, info: HostInfo) -> Self::HostInfoFut;
pub(crate) mod test {
use super::*;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_host::{HostRequest, HostRequestStream},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::HostInfo as FidlHostInfo,
futures::{future, TryStreamExt},
/// Runs a HostRequestStream that handles StartDiscovery, StopDiscovery, & WatchState requests.
pub(crate) async fn run_discovery_host_server(
server: HostRequestStream,
host_info: Arc<RwLock<HostInfo>>,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
.try_for_each(move |req| {
// Set discovery field of host info
if let HostRequest::StartDiscovery { responder } = req {
host_info.write().discovering = true;
matches::assert_matches!(responder.send(&mut Ok(())), Ok(()));
// Clear discovery field of host info
else if let HostRequest::StopDiscovery { control_handle: _ } = req {
host_info.write().discovering = false;
// Update host with current info state
else if let HostRequest::WatchState { responder } = req {
.map_err(|e| e.into())