blob: 68ea173643efa68b3d3dff2e37d77729dc3ba6b8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a prebuilt_package_with_flavors target which allows
# choosing which flavor to use for Chromium packages.
# Parameters:
# prebuilt_archive_base_path: Base path for the prebuilt archive.
# debug_archive_base_path: Base path for the debug archive.
# custom_package_path: The path to the package inside a custom chromium
# build output directory.
# selections (optional): Flavor choice. This allows flavor to be changed based
# on other build args.
template("generate_flavors") {
prebuilt_package_with_flavors("${target_name}_pkg") {
package_name = invoker.target_name
visibility = [ rebase_path(":${invoker.target_name}") ]
default = "release"
flavors = [
name = "release"
archive = "${invoker.prebuilt_archive_base_path}/arch/$target_cpu/${invoker.target_name}.far"
production_safe = true
debug_archive = "${invoker.debug_archive_base_path}/${invoker.target_name}.symbols.tar.bz2"
name = "canary"
archive = "${invoker.prebuilt_archive_base_path}_latest/arch/$target_cpu/${invoker.target_name}.far"
production_safe = true
debug_archive = "${invoker.debug_archive_base_path}_latest/${invoker.target_name}.symbols.tar.bz2"
name = "custom"
archive = "$chromium_build_dir${invoker.custom_package_path}"
# Generates a config for Chromium packages. See //build/config.gni for
# documentation of the parameters below.
template("generate_config") {
config_data("${target_name}_config") {
visibility = [ rebase_path(":${invoker.target_name}") ]
# Helper template that generates a prebuilt_package_with_flavors target and
# a config_data target for a given Chromium package. List of parameters is
# the combined parameters in the generate_config and generate_flavors templates.
template("generate_pkg_and_config") {
generate_flavors(target_name) {
generate_config(target_name) {