blob: cd649966adc162c2e19880beb65206ef7bf77439 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/camera/lib/image_utils/hsv_generator.h"
#include <lib/fzl/owned-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/image-format/image_format.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/camera/lib/image_utils/image_format_rgba.h"
namespace camera {
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t kTestImageWidth = 50;
constexpr uint64_t kTestImageHeight = 80;
constexpr uint64_t kIndicesToVerify = 50;
constexpr uint64_t kFrameIndexToVerify = 123;
// Make an ImageFormat_2 struct with default values except for width, height and format.
fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2 MakeImageFormat(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType format) {
fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat pixel_format = {.type = format, .has_format_modifier = false};
fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat pixel_format_c = ConvertPixelFormatToC(pixel_format);
uint32_t bytes_per_row = ImageFormatStrideBytesPerWidthPixel(&pixel_format_c) * width;
fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2 ret = {
.pixel_format = {.type = format, .has_format_modifier = false},
.coded_width = width,
.coded_height = height,
.bytes_per_row = bytes_per_row,
.display_width = width,
.display_height = width,
.layers = 1,
.color_space = {.type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::REC601_PAL},
return ret;
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper GenerateImage(const fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2 format, uint64_t index) {
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper buffer;
auto format_c = ConvertImageFormatToC(format);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, buffer.CreateAndMap(ImageFormatImageSize(&format_c), "buff"));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, HsvGenerator(buffer.start(), format, index));
return buffer;
// test that the image is being generated
// Test that it is changing between indexes
TEST(HsvGeneratorTest, ImageGenerated) {
auto format1 =
MakeImageFormat(kTestImageWidth, kTestImageHeight, fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::BGRA32);
auto buffer = GenerateImage(format1, 0);
auto pixels = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer.start());
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kTestImageWidth; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(pixels[i], pixels[0]); // same color
EXPECT_NE(pixels[i], 0u); // non-zero image
TEST(HsvGeneratorTest, ImageChanges) {
auto format1 =
MakeImageFormat(kTestImageWidth, kTestImageHeight, fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::BGRA32);
uint32_t first_pixel = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kIndicesToVerify; ++i) {
auto buffer = GenerateImage(format1, i);
EXPECT_NE(first_pixel, reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer.start())[0]);
first_pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer.start())[0];
// Test that the first rgb pixel is the same between formats
// This is just a sample format conversion. Extensive format conversion is done
// in the RGBColorConversion test in image_format_test.
TEST(HsvGeneratorTest, FormatsAreSameColor) {
auto format1 =
MakeImageFormat(kTestImageWidth, kTestImageHeight, fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::BGRA32);
auto buffer = GenerateImage(format1, kFrameIndexToVerify);
auto bgra_colors = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer.start());
auto format2 = MakeImageFormat(kTestImageWidth, kTestImageHeight,
auto buffer2 = GenerateImage(format2, kFrameIndexToVerify);
auto rgba_colors = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer2.start());
EXPECT_EQ(bgra_colors[3], rgba_colors[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(bgra_colors[2], rgba_colors[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(bgra_colors[1], rgba_colors[3]);
EXPECT_EQ(bgra_colors[0], rgba_colors[0]);
} // namespace
} // namespace camera