blob: 49ce2d0f856fe83db558f940cdeacbb31de79ecd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/math/cpp/fidl.h>
namespace camera {
// MovingWindow is essentially a RectF with motion vectors for each side of the rectangle. The
// motion vectors simply horizontal or vertical, depending on which side of the rectangle. Each
// call to NextWindow() returns a newly moved window position as a RectF, intended for use as the
// parameter to fuchsia::camera3::StreamPtr->SetCropRegion().
// The simplest example is to initialize the position to:
// curr_window_.left = 0.000;
// curr_window_.right = 0.500;
// = 0.000;
// curr_window_.bottom = 0.500;
// and the motion vectors to:
// left_inc_ = 0.010;
// right_inc_ = 0.010;
// top_inc_ = 0.010;
// bottom_inc_ = 0.010;
// This example will start the region of interest at the upper left corner, move toward the middle
// of the right side, turn and move toward the lower left corner, and so forth until it hits all 4
// sides and all 4 corners, and then repeat. This example leaves the rectange the same size.
// The second example is to initialize the position to:
// curr_window_.left = 0.000;
// curr_window_.right = 0.500;
// = 0.000;
// curr_window_.bottom = 0.500;
// and the motion vectors to:
// left_inc_ = 0.010;
// right_inc_ = 0.015;
// top_inc_ = 0.005;
// bottom_inc_ = 0.010;
// This example will start the region of interest at the upper left corner, and bounce it around in
// approximately the same manner as the 1st example, but will also gradually expand the window size
// until it is too large, and then steadily shrink it until it is too small. This cycle continues
// forever.
class MovingWindow {
fuchsia::math::RectF NextWindow();
struct Window {
float left;
float right;
float top;
float bottom;
fuchsia::math::RectF WindowToRectF(Window window);
// Test to see if width/height is shrinking/expanding.
inline bool IsShrinkingWidth() { return left_inc_ > right_inc_; }
inline bool IsShrinkingHeight() { return top_inc_ > bottom_inc_; }
inline bool IsExpandingWidth() { return left_inc_ < right_inc_; }
inline bool IsExpandingHeight() { return top_inc_ < bottom_inc_; }
float AddToMagnitude(float a, float b);
void SwapMagnitudes(float* a, float* b);
// Current window position
Window curr_window_;
// Current direction
float left_inc_;
float right_inc_;
float top_inc_;
float bottom_inc_;
} // namespace camera