blob: 84ab4bbc2a3afda5568d2971168883d32154f306 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/hierarchy.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/string_view.h>
#include <stack>
namespace inspect {
namespace contrib {
// The wildcard character for visiting all children or all properties of a node.
constexpr char kPathWildcard[] = "*";
// The recursive wildcard character for visiting all properties of all children recursively.
constexpr char kPathRecursive[] = "**";
// Visit properties of a given type using a property selector.
// The property_selector defines the list of node names to follow, and it always ends in a
// property name. Special values inspect::kPathWildcard and inspect::kPathRecursive may be
// set to match all children/properties of a node or recurse to all child nodes respectively.
// Examples:
// {"child", "value"} - Match only root/child/value.
// {"child", "*"} - Match all properties of root/child
// {"child", "*", "value"} - Match all properties of children of root/child that are
// called "value". Such as root/child/a/value and
// root/child/b/value
// {"child", "**"} - Match all values under the subtree rooted at root/child.
// Note that this function may be called for a specific type only, it will need to be called
// multiple times to match multiple types.
// Examples:
// IntPropertyValue
// IntArrayValue
// StringPropertyValue
// The visitor obtains the matching path (not including root) to each matching property as well
// as the decoded property itself.
// Returns true if all eligible properties were visited, and false if there was an error with the
// property selector.
template <typename T>
bool VisitProperties(
const inspect::Hierarchy& hierarchy, const std::vector<cpp17::string_view>& property_selector,
fit::function<void(const std::vector<cpp17::string_view>&, const T&)> visitor) {
struct ctx {
const Hierarchy* hierarchy;
size_t path_index;
std::vector<cpp17::string_view> path;
if (property_selector.empty()) {
return false;
std::stack<ctx> ctx_stack;
ctx_stack.push(ctx{.hierarchy = &hierarchy, .path_index = 0, .path = {}});
while (!ctx_stack.empty()) {
auto top =;
const auto& cur_path = property_selector[top.path_index];
bool is_end = top.path_index == property_selector.size() - 1;
bool recurse = cur_path == kPathRecursive;
if (!is_end && recurse) {
// We do not support recursive matching in the middle of a path.
return false;
if (is_end) {
for (const auto& property : top.hierarchy->node().properties()) {
if (cur_path != kPathWildcard && cur_path != kPathRecursive &&
cur_path != {
if (property.template Contains<T>()) {
visitor(top.path, property.template Get<T>());
if (!is_end || recurse) {
for (const auto& child : top.hierarchy->children()) {
auto next_path = top.path;
ctx_stack.push({.hierarchy = &child,
.path_index = top.path_index + ((recurse) ? 0 : 1),
.path = next_path});
return true;
} // namespace contrib
} // namespace inspect