blob: e26f666ceca56d3c5857dd76b2bd4502ecc8cf94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This component launches the codelab examples. The example contains directories for each part of
// the codelab, and this component accepts a command line argument to choose which part to launch.
// In addition to launching the codelab, this component also launches the fizzbuzz component that
// the codelab depends on.
#include <fuchsia/examples/inspect/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/sys/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
constexpr char fizzbuzz_url[] =
std::string GetComponentUrl(const std::string& argument) {
return "fuchsia-pkg://" + argument +
void Usage(char* name) {
"Usage: %s <option> <string> [string...]\n option: The server to run. For example \"1\" for "
"part_1\n string: Strings provided on the command line to reverse\n",
name ? name : "");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Parse the input argument to create a component URL.
// This component launches the server and connects to it, but first we need to know which part of
// the codelab to start.
std::string reverser_component_url;
if (argc >= 3) {
reverser_component_url = GetComponentUrl(argv[1]);
// If no url is specified, print the usage information and exit.
if (reverser_component_url == "") {
Usage(argc >= 1 ? argv[0] : nullptr);
auto incoming_services = sys::ServiceDirectory::CreateFromNamespace();
fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentSyncPtr env;
fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentSyncPtr child_env;
fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentControllerSyncPtr child_env_controller;
fuchsia::sys::LauncherSyncPtr launcher;
zx::channel fizzbuzz_directory_client, fizzbuzz_directory_server;
fuchsia::io::DirectorySyncPtr req;
fizzbuzz_directory_server = req.NewRequest().TakeChannel();
fizzbuzz_directory_client = req.Unbind().TakeChannel();
// We need to include the FizzBuzz service in the environment we are creating for the codelab.
// This code adds additional services to the nested environment so it knows to look for the
// service in the out/svc directory of the newly created component.
auto env_service_list = std::make_unique<fuchsia::sys::ServiceList>();
env_service_list->host_directory = std::move(fizzbuzz_directory_client);
// Create an environment called "codelab" to contain the new components.
if (ZX_OK != env->CreateNestedEnvironment(child_env.NewRequest(),
child_env_controller.NewRequest(), "codelab",
std::move(env_service_list) /* additional_services */,
{.inherit_parent_services = true} /* options */)) {
printf("Failed to create nested environment\n");
// Get the launcher needed to create components in the nested environment.
if (ZX_OK != child_env->GetLauncher(launcher.NewRequest())) {
printf("Failed to get launcher\n");
// Launch the FizzBuzz service component by URL.
fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo launch_info;
launch_info.url = fizzbuzz_url;
launch_info.directory_request = std::move(fizzbuzz_directory_server);
if (ZX_OK != launcher->CreateComponent(std::move(launch_info), nullptr /* controller */)) {
printf("Failed to launch component %s\n", fizzbuzz_url);
// Launch the component by URL.
fuchsia::io::DirectorySyncPtr directory_request;
fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo launch_info;
launch_info.url = reverser_component_url;
launch_info.directory_request = directory_request.NewRequest().TakeChannel();
if (ZX_OK != launcher->CreateComponent(std::move(launch_info), nullptr /* controller */)) {
printf("Failed to launch component %s\n", reverser_component_url.c_str());
// Create a service directory to connect to services exposed by the created component.
sys::ServiceDirectory services(directory_request.Unbind());
// Connect to the reverser service provided by the launched component.
fuchsia::examples::inspect::ReverserSyncPtr reverser;
// [START reverse_loop]
// Repeatedly send strings to be reversed to the other component.
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
printf("Input: %s\n", argv[i]);
std::string output;
if (ZX_OK != reverser->Reverse(argv[i], &output)) {
printf("Error: Failed to reverse string.\nPerhaps %s was not found?\n",
printf("Output: %s\n", output.c_str());
// [END reverse_loop]
printf("Done. Press Ctrl+C to exit\n");
while (true) {
return 0;