blob: 181cdfdf00bbd0da0322eae7e68614a0b22c39a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fint
import (
fintpb ""
// Set runs `gn gen` given a static and context spec. It's intended to be
// consumed as a library function.
func Set(ctx context.Context, staticSpec *fintpb.Static, contextSpec *fintpb.Context) (*fintpb.SetArtifacts, error) {
platform, err := hostplatform.Name()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
runner := &runner.SubprocessRunner{}
return runSteps(ctx, runner, staticSpec, contextSpec, platform)
// runSteps runs `gn gen` along with any post-processing steps, and returns a
// SetArtifacts object containing metadata produced by GN and post-processing.
func runSteps(
ctx context.Context,
runner subprocessRunner,
staticSpec *fintpb.Static,
contextSpec *fintpb.Context,
platform string,
) (*fintpb.SetArtifacts, error) {
if contextSpec.CheckoutDir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("checkout_dir must be set")
if contextSpec.BuildDir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("build_dir must be set")
genArgs, err := genArgs(staticSpec, contextSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
artifacts := &fintpb.SetArtifacts{
UseGoma: staticSpec.UseGoma,
Metadata: &fintpb.SetArtifacts_Metadata{
Board: staticSpec.Board,
Optimize: strings.ToLower(staticSpec.Optimize.String()),
Product: staticSpec.Product,
TargetArch: strings.ToLower(staticSpec.TargetArch.String()),
Variants: staticSpec.Variants,
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir != "" {
artifacts.GnTracePath = filepath.Join(contextSpec.ArtifactDir, "gn_trace.json")
genStdout, err := runGen(ctx, runner, staticSpec, contextSpec, platform, artifacts.GnTracePath, genArgs)
if err != nil {
artifacts.FailureSummary = genStdout
return artifacts, err
// Only run build graph analysis if the result will be emitted via
// artifacts, and if we actually care about checking the result.
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir != "" && staticSpec.SkipIfUnaffected {
var changedFiles []string
for _, f := range contextSpec.ChangedFiles {
changedFiles = append(changedFiles, f.Path)
sb, err := shouldBuild(ctx, runner, contextSpec.BuildDir, contextSpec.CheckoutDir, platform, changedFiles)
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
artifacts.SkipBuild = !sb
return artifacts, err
func runGen(
ctx context.Context,
runner subprocessRunner,
staticSpec *fintpb.Static,
contextSpec *fintpb.Context,
platform string,
gnTracePath string,
args []string,
) (genStdout string, err error) {
gn := thirdPartyPrebuilt(contextSpec.CheckoutDir, platform, "gn")
formattedArgs := gnFormat(ctx, gn, runner, args)
genCmd := []string{
// If --ninja-executable is set, GN runs `ninja -t restat`
// after generating the ninja files, updating the cached modified
// timestamps of files. This avoids extra regens when running ninja
// repeatedly under some circumstances.
fmt.Sprintf("--ninja-executable=%s", thirdPartyPrebuilt(contextSpec.CheckoutDir, platform, "ninja")),
if isatty.IsTerminal() {
genCmd = append(genCmd, "--color")
if gnTracePath != "" {
genCmd = append(genCmd, fmt.Sprintf("--tracelog=%s", gnTracePath))
if staticSpec.GenerateCompdb {
genCmd = append(genCmd, "--export-compile-commands")
for _, f := range staticSpec.IdeFiles {
genCmd = append(genCmd, fmt.Sprintf("--ide=%s", f))
for _, s := range staticSpec.JsonIdeScripts {
genCmd = append(genCmd, fmt.Sprintf("--json-ide-script=%s", s))
genCmd = append(genCmd, fmt.Sprintf("--args=\n%s", formattedArgs))
// When `gn gen` fails, it outputs a brief helpful error message to stdout.
var stdoutBuf bytes.Buffer
if err := runner.Run(ctx, genCmd, io.MultiWriter(&stdoutBuf, os.Stdout), os.Stderr); err != nil {
return stdoutBuf.String(), fmt.Errorf("error running gn gen: %w", err)
return stdoutBuf.String(), nil
func genArgs(staticSpec *fintpb.Static, contextSpec *fintpb.Context) ([]string, error) {
// GN variables to set via args (mapping from variable name to value).
vars := make(map[string]interface{})
// GN list variables to which we want to append via args (mapping from
// variable name to list of values to append).
appends := make(map[string][]string)
// GN targets to import.
var imports []string
if staticSpec.TargetArch == fintpb.Static_ARCH_UNSPECIFIED {
// Board files declare `target_cpu` so it's not necessary to set
// `target_cpu` as long as we have a board file.
if staticSpec.Board == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("target_arch must be set if board is not")
} else {
vars["target_cpu"] = strings.ToLower(staticSpec.TargetArch.String())
if staticSpec.Optimize == fintpb.Static_OPTIMIZE_UNSPECIFIED {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("optimize is unspecified or invalid")
vars["is_debug"] = staticSpec.Optimize == fintpb.Static_DEBUG
if contextSpec.ClangToolchainDir != "" {
if staticSpec.UseGoma {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("goma is not supported for builds using a custom clang toolchain")
vars["clang_prefix"] = filepath.Join(contextSpec.ClangToolchainDir, "bin")
if contextSpec.GccToolchainDir != "" {
if staticSpec.UseGoma {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("goma is not supported for builds using a custom gcc toolchain")
vars["gcc_tool_dir"] = filepath.Join(contextSpec.GccToolchainDir, "bin")
if contextSpec.RustToolchainDir != "" {
vars["rustc_prefix"] = filepath.Join(contextSpec.RustToolchainDir, "bin")
vars["use_goma"] = staticSpec.UseGoma
if staticSpec.Product != "" {
basename := filepath.Base(staticSpec.Product)
vars["build_info_product"] = strings.Split(basename, ".")[0]
imports = append(imports, staticSpec.Product)
if staticSpec.Board != "" {
basename := filepath.Base(staticSpec.Board)
vars["build_info_board"] = strings.Split(basename, ".")[0]
imports = append(imports, staticSpec.Board)
if contextSpec.SdkId != "" {
vars["sdk_id"] = contextSpec.SdkId
vars["build_sdk_archives"] = true
if contextSpec.ReleaseVersion != "" {
vars["build_info_version"] = contextSpec.ReleaseVersion
if staticSpec.TestDurationsFile != "" {
testDurationsFile := staticSpec.TestDurationsFile
exists, err := osmisc.FileExists(filepath.Join(contextSpec.CheckoutDir, testDurationsFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to check if TestDurationsFile exists: %w", err)
if !exists {
testDurationsFile = staticSpec.DefaultTestDurationsFile
vars["test_durations_file"] = testDurationsFile
for varName, values := range map[string][]string{
"base_package_labels": staticSpec.BasePackages,
"cache_package_labels": staticSpec.CachePackages,
"universe_package_labels": staticSpec.UniversePackages,
"host_labels": staticSpec.HostLabels,
} {
if len(values) == 0 {
// If product is set, append to the corresponding list variable instead
// of overwriting it to avoid overwriting any packages set in the
// imported product file.
if staticSpec.Product == "" {
vars[varName] = values
} else {
appends[varName] = values
if len(staticSpec.Variants) != 0 {
vars["select_variant"] = staticSpec.Variants
if contains(staticSpec.Variants, "thinlto") {
vars["thinlto_cache_dir"] = filepath.Join(contextSpec.CacheDir, "thinlto")
if contains(staticSpec.Variants, "profile") && contextSpec.CollectCoverage && len(contextSpec.ChangedFiles) > 0 {
var profileSourceFiles []string
for _, file := range contextSpec.ChangedFiles {
profileSourceFiles = append(profileSourceFiles, fmt.Sprintf("//%s", file.Path))
vars["profile_source_files"] = profileSourceFiles
if staticSpec.EnableGoCache {
vars["gocache_dir"] = filepath.Join(contextSpec.CacheDir, "go_cache")
if staticSpec.EnableRustCache {
vars["rust_incremental"] = filepath.Join(contextSpec.CacheDir, "rust_cache")
var normalArgs []string
var importArgs []string
for _, arg := range staticSpec.GnArgs {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "import(") {
importArgs = append(importArgs, arg)
} else {
normalArgs = append(normalArgs, arg)
for k, v := range vars {
normalArgs = append(normalArgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, toGNValue(v)))
for k, v := range appends {
normalArgs = append(normalArgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s+=%s", k, toGNValue(v)))
for _, p := range imports {
importArgs = append(importArgs, fmt.Sprintf(`import("//%s")`, p))
var finalArgs []string
// Ensure that imports come before args that set or modify variables, as
// otherwise the imported files might blindly redefine variables set or
// modified by other arguments.
finalArgs = append(finalArgs, importArgs...)
finalArgs = append(finalArgs, normalArgs...)
return finalArgs, nil
// gnFormat makes a best-effort attempt to format the input arguments using `gn
// format` so that the output will be more readable in case of any errors like
// unknown variables. If formatting fails (e.g. due to a syntax error) we'll
// just return the unformatted args and let `gn gen` return an error; otherwise
// we'd need duplicated error handling code to handle both syntax errors from
// `gn format` and non-syntax errors from `gn gen`.
func gnFormat(ctx context.Context, gn string, runner subprocessRunner, args []string) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
unformatted := strings.Join(args, "\n")
input := strings.NewReader(unformatted)
if err := runner.RunWithStdin(ctx, []string{gn, "format", "--stdin"}, &output, nil, input); err != nil {
return unformatted
return output.String()
// toGNValue converts a Go value to a string representation of the corresponding
// GN value by inspecting the Go value's type. This makes the logic to set GN
// args more readable and less error-prone, with no need for patterns like
// fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`) repeated everywhere.
// For example:
// - toGNValue(true) => `true`
// - toGNValue("foo") => `"foo"` (a string containing literal double-quotes)
// - toGNValue([]string{"foo", "bar"}) => `["foo","bar"]`
func toGNValue(x interface{}) string {
switch val := x.(type) {
case bool:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
case string:
// Apply double-quotes to strings, but not to GN scopes like
// {variant="asan-fuzzer" target_type=["fuzzed_executable"]}
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "{") && strings.HasSuffix(val, "}") {
return val
return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, val)
case []string:
var values []string
for _, element := range val {
values = append(values, toGNValue(element))
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(values, ","))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported arg value type %T", val))
func contains(items []string, target string) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item == target {
return true
return false
// thirdPartyPrebuilt returns the absolute path to a platform-specific prebuilt
// in the //prebuilt/third_party subdirectory of the checkout.
func thirdPartyPrebuilt(checkoutDir, platform, name string) string {
return filepath.Join(checkoutDir, "prebuilt", "third_party", name, platform, name)