blob: fa1bea48507db912e73d2af06b419857fa2bc9ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const fragmentSyncRequestManagedTmpl = `
{{- define "SyncRequestManagedMethodDefinition" }}
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ResultOf::{{ .Name }}::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}> _client
{{- .Request | CommaMessagePrototype }})
{{- if gt .ResponseReceivedMaxSize 512 -}}
: bytes_(std::make_unique<::fidl::internal::AlignedBuffer<{{ template "ResponseReceivedSize" . }}>>())
{{- end }}
::fidl::internal::EncodedMessageTypes<{{ .Name }}Request>::OwnedByte _request(zx_txid_t(0)
{{- .Request | CommaParamNames -}});
{{- if .HasResponse }}
_request.GetOutgoingMessage().Call<{{ .Name }}Response>(
{{- template "ResponseReceivedByteAccess" . }},
{{ template "ResponseReceivedSize" . }});
{{- else }}
{{- end }}
status_ = _request.status();
error_ = _request.error();
{{- if .HasResponse }}
{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ResultOf::{{ .Name }}::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}> _client
{{- .Request | CommaMessagePrototype -}}
, zx_time_t _deadline)
{{- if gt .ResponseReceivedMaxSize 512 -}}
: bytes_(std::make_unique<::fidl::internal::AlignedBuffer<{{ template "ResponseReceivedSize" . }}>>())
{{- end }}
::fidl::internal::EncodedMessageTypes<{{ .Name }}Request>::OwnedByte _request(zx_txid_t(0)
{{- .Request | CommaParamNames -}});
_request.GetOutgoingMessage().Call<{{ .Name }}Response>(
{{- template "ResponseReceivedByteAccess" . }},
{{ template "ResponseReceivedSize" . }},
status_ = _request.status();
error_ = _request.error();
{{- end }}
{{- end }}