blob: f11e57a78c35a1d0f78765c51b199603851cdb59 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# Generic parts of acpi_lite.
zx_library("acpi_lite") {
sdk = "source"
sdk_headers = [
sdk_migrated = true
kernel = true
static = true
sources = [
deps = [ "$zx/system/ulib/pretty" ]
public_deps = [
# Zircon-specific parts of acpi_lite.
if (is_kernel) {
sdk_headers += [ "lib/acpi_lite/zircon.h" ]
sources += [
# TODO: These should be test-only.
deps += [ "$zx/kernel/lib/unittest" ]
if (!is_kernel) {
executable("acpi_lite_test") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
fuchsia_unittest_package("acpi-lite-test") {
deps = [ ":acpi_lite_test" ]
fuzzer("acpi_lite_fuzztest") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ ":acpi_lite" ]
fuzzer("apic_fuzztest") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ ":acpi_lite" ]
fuzzer("numa_fuzztest") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ ":acpi_lite" ]
fuzzer("debug_port_fuzztest") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ ":acpi_lite" ]
fuzzers_package("acpi-lite-fuzzer") {
cpp_fuzzers = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [