blob: 3dee38c4b1211bd584427ec61618b2f11c01c3f0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/symbolizer/command_line_options.h"
#include <lib/cmdline/args_parser.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace symbolizer {
namespace {
const char kHelpIntro[] = R"(symbolizer [<options>]
Parses log from stdin and converts symbolizer markups into human readable
stack traces using local or remote debug symbols.
const char kSymbolIndexHelp[] = R"( --symbol-index=<path>
Populates --ids-txt and --build-id-dir using the given symbol-index file,
which defaults to ~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-index. The file should be
created and maintained by the "symbol-index" host tool.)";
const char kSymbolPathHelp[] = R"( --symbol-path=<path>
-s <path>
Adds the given directory or file to the symbol search path. Multiple
-s switches can be passed to add multiple locations. When a directory
path is passed, the directory will be enumerated non-recursively to
index all ELF files. When a file is passed, it will be loaded as an ELF
file (if possible).)";
const char kBuildIdDirHelp[] = R"( --build-id-dir=<path>
Adds the given directory to the symbol search path. Multiple
--build-id-dir switches can be passed to add multiple directories.
The directory must have the same structure as a .build-id directory,
that is, each symbol file lives at xx/yyyyyyyy.debug where xx is
the first two characters of the build ID and yyyyyyyy is the rest.
However, the name of the directory doesn't need to be .build-id.)";
const char kIdsTxtHelp[] = R"( --ids-txt=<path>
Adds the given file to the symbol search path. Multiple --ids-txt
switches can be passed to add multiple files. The file, typically named
"ids.txt", serves as a mapping from build ID to symbol file path and
should contain multiple lines in the format of "<build ID> <file path>".)";
const char kSymbolCacheHelp[] = R"( --symbol-cache=<path>
Directory where we can keep a symbol cache, which defaults to
~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-cache. If a symbol server has been specified,
downloaded symbols will be stored in this directory. The directory
structure will be the same as a .build-id directory, and symbols will
be read from this location as though you had specified
const char kSymbolServerHelp[] = R"( --symbol-server=<url>
Adds the given URL to symbol servers. Symbol servers host the debug
symbols for prebuilt binaries and dynamic libraries.)";
const char kHelpHelp[] = R"( --help
Prints this help.)";
const char kVersionHelp[] = R"( --version
Prints the version.)";
const char kAuthHelp[] = R"( --auth
Starts the authentication process for symbol servers.)";
const char kOmitModuleLinesHelp[] = R"( --omit-module-lines
Omit the "[[[ELF module ...]]]" lines from the output.)";
} // namespace
Error ParseCommandLine(int argc, const char* argv[], CommandLineOptions* options) {
std::vector<std::string> params;
cmdline::ArgsParser<CommandLineOptions> parser;
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-index", 0, kSymbolIndexHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_index_files);
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-path", 's', kSymbolPathHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_paths);
parser.AddSwitch("build-id-dir", 0, kBuildIdDirHelp, &CommandLineOptions::build_id_dirs);
parser.AddSwitch("ids-txt", 0, kIdsTxtHelp, &CommandLineOptions::ids_txts);
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-cache", 0, kSymbolCacheHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_cache);
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-server", 0, kSymbolServerHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_servers);
parser.AddSwitch("auth", 0, kAuthHelp, &CommandLineOptions::auth_mode);
parser.AddSwitch("version", 'v', kVersionHelp, &CommandLineOptions::requested_version);
parser.AddSwitch("omit-module-lines", 0, kOmitModuleLinesHelp,
// Special --help switch which doesn't exist in the options structure.
bool requested_help = false;
parser.AddGeneralSwitch("help", 'h', kHelpHelp, [&requested_help]() { requested_help = true; });
auto s = parser.Parse(argc, argv, options, &params);
if (s.has_error()) {
return s.error_message();
if (requested_help || !params.empty()) {
return kHelpIntro + parser.GetHelp();
// Setup default values.
if (const char* home = std::getenv("HOME"); home) {
std::string home_str = home;
if (!options->symbol_cache) {
options->symbol_cache = home_str + "/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-cache";
if (options->symbol_index_files.empty()) {
options->symbol_index_files.push_back(home_str + "/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-index");
return Error();
} // namespace symbolizer