blob: 88e3e62199f066f8044ae52db995cb1e1cd850ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
fg ""
type keyEvent struct {
evType string
keySeq []string
type fakeFemuGrpcClient struct {
keyEvents []keyEvent
func (f *fakeFemuGrpcClient) StreamScreen(opts fg.StreamScreenOpts) (fg.Frames, error) {
numFrames := opts.NumFrames
if numFrames == 0 || numFrames > 10 {
numFrames = 10
frames := fg.Frames{}
frames.Width = 1
frames.Height = 1
pngBytes, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(png1x1Base64)
for i := uint(0); i < numFrames; i++ {
frames.Images = append(frames.Images, pngBytes)
return frames, nil
func (f *fakeFemuGrpcClient) StreamAudio(opts fg.StreamAudioOpts) (fg.AudioPayload, error) {
audio := fg.AudioPayload{}
byteSize := uint(opts.Duration.Milliseconds()) * opts.Format.SamplingRate / 1000 * opts.Format.BitsPerSample / 8
if opts.Format.Channels == "STEREO" {
byteSize = byteSize * 2
audio.Bytes = make([]byte, byteSize)
audio.LengthMs = uint(opts.Duration.Milliseconds())
return audio, nil
func (f *fakeFemuGrpcClient) KeyDown(seq []string) error {
f.keyEvents = append(f.keyEvents, keyEvent{
evType: "DOWN",
keySeq: seq,
return nil
func (f *fakeFemuGrpcClient) KeyUp(seq []string) error {
f.keyEvents = append(f.keyEvents, keyEvent{
evType: "UP",
keySeq: seq,
return nil
func (f *fakeFemuGrpcClient) KeyPress(seq []string) error {
f.keyEvents = append(f.keyEvents, keyEvent{
evType: "PRESS",
keySeq: seq,
return nil
func TestStreamScreen(t *testing.T) {
client := fakeFemuGrpcClient{}
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "client", &client)
var seededRand *rand.Rand = rand.New(
tmpDir := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/femu%v", seededRand.Int())
testCases := []struct {
name string
flags string
expectedStatus string
expectedError string
setup func()
cleanup func()
name: "num-frames and duration both missing",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-out %v/screen%%.png", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "-num-frames and -duration cannot be both zero",
name: "path is not directory",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/file/screen%%.png", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: fmt.Sprintf("path %v/file/ invalid: stat %v/file/: not a directory", tmpDir, tmpDir),
setup: func() {
os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0755)
os.Create(path.Join(tmpDir, "file"))
cleanup: func() {
os.Remove(path.Join(tmpDir, "file"))
name: "filename not containing extension",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen%%", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "filename 'screen%' doesn't contain any extension!",
name: "filename not containing %",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen.jpg", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "success",
name: "unsupported extension",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen%%.wav", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "filename 'screen%.wav' has unsupported extension: .wav. supported extensions are jpeg, jpg, gif, and png.",
name: "valid usage: jpg",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen%%.jpg", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "success",
cleanup: func() { os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) },
name: "valid usage: png",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen%%.png", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "success",
cleanup: func() { os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) },
name: "valid usage: gif",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen.gif", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "success",
cleanup: func() { os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) },
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if tc.setup != nil {
if tc.cleanup != nil {
defer tc.cleanup()
cmd := recordScreenCmd{}
f := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
err := f.Parse(strings.Split(tc.flags, " "))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("parse flags failed: %v", err)
err = cmd.ValidateArgs()
switch {
case err == nil && tc.expectedStatus == "usage error":
t.Errorf("(usage error) expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
case err != nil && tc.expectedStatus == "usage error" && tc.expectedError != err.Error():
t.Errorf("(usage error) expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
case err != nil && tc.expectedStatus != "usage error":
t.Errorf("expected: %v actual (usage error): %v", tc.expectedStatus, err)
case err != nil:
err =
if tc.expectedStatus == "failure" {
if err == nil || err.Error() != tc.expectedError {
t.Errorf("expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
if tc.expectedStatus == "success" {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected: success actual: %v", err)
func TestStreamAudio(t *testing.T) {
client := fakeFemuGrpcClient{}
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "client", &client)
var seededRand *rand.Rand = rand.New(
tmpDir := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/femu%v", seededRand.Int())
testCases := []struct {
name string
flags string
expectedStatus string
expectedError string
setup func()
cleanup func()
name: "-duration missing",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-out %v/audio.wav", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "-duration cannot be zero",
name: "path is not directory",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/file/audio.wav", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: fmt.Sprintf("path %v/file/ invalid: stat %v/file/: not a directory", tmpDir, tmpDir),
setup: func() {
os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0755)
os.Create(path.Join(tmpDir, "file"))
cleanup: func() {
os.Remove(path.Join(tmpDir, "file"))
name: "invalid args: channels",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/audio.wav -channels SURROUND", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "unsupported channel format: SURROUND",
name: "invalid args: bit depth",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/audio.wav -bit-depth 32", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "unsupported number of bits per sample: 32",
name: "invalid args: sampling rate",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/audio.wav -sampling-rate 0", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "invalid sampling rate: 0",
name: "valid usage",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("-duration 1s -out %v/screen.wav", tmpDir),
expectedStatus: "success",
cleanup: func() { os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) },
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if tc.setup != nil {
if tc.cleanup != nil {
defer tc.cleanup()
cmd := recordAudioCmd{}
f := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
err := f.Parse(strings.Split(tc.flags, " "))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("parse flags failed: %v", err)
err = cmd.ValidateArgs()
switch {
case err == nil && tc.expectedStatus == "usage error":
t.Errorf("(usage error) expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
case err != nil && tc.expectedStatus == "usage error" && tc.expectedError != err.Error():
t.Errorf("(usage error) expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
case err != nil && tc.expectedStatus != "usage error":
t.Errorf("expected: %v actual (usage error): %v", tc.expectedStatus, err)
case err != nil:
err =
if tc.expectedStatus == "failure" {
if err == nil || err.Error() != tc.expectedError {
t.Errorf("expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
if tc.expectedStatus == "success" {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected: success actual: %v", err)
func TestKeyboard(t *testing.T) {
client := fakeFemuGrpcClient{}
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "client", &client)
testCases := []struct {
name string
flags string
expectedStatus string
expectedError string
setup func()
cleanup func()
name: "invalid type",
flags: "-event OTHER Ctrl+Alt+A",
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "unknown event type: OTHER",
name: "key sequence missing",
flags: "-event PRESS",
expectedStatus: "usage error",
expectedError: "key sequence missing",
name: "key down",
flags: "-event DOWN Control+Alt+A",
expectedStatus: "success",
expectedError: "",
cleanup: func() {
if len(client.keyEvents) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("client.keyEvents is empty")
event := client.keyEvents[len(client.keyEvents)-1]
if event.evType != "DOWN" {
t.Errorf("incorrect event.evType: expected: %v actual: %v", "DOWN", event.evType)
expectedKeySeq := []string{"Control", "Alt", "A"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(event.keySeq, expectedKeySeq) {
t.Errorf("incorrect event.keySeq: expected: %v actual: %v", expectedKeySeq, event.keySeq)
name: "key up",
flags: "-event UP Alt+Shift+3",
expectedStatus: "success",
expectedError: "",
cleanup: func() {
if len(client.keyEvents) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("client.keyEvents is empty")
event := client.keyEvents[len(client.keyEvents)-1]
if event.evType != "UP" {
t.Errorf("incorrect event.evType: expected: %v actual: %v", "UP", event.evType)
expectedKeySeq := []string{"Alt", "Shift", "3"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(event.keySeq, expectedKeySeq) {
t.Errorf("incorrect event.keySeq: expected: %v actual: %v", expectedKeySeq, event.keySeq)
name: "key press",
flags: "-event PRESS Meta+Z",
expectedStatus: "success",
expectedError: "",
cleanup: func() {
if len(client.keyEvents) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("client.keyEvents is empty")
event := client.keyEvents[len(client.keyEvents)-1]
if event.evType != "PRESS" {
t.Errorf("incorrect event.evType: expected: %v actual: %v", "PRESS", event.evType)
expectedKeySeq := []string{"Meta", "Z"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(event.keySeq, expectedKeySeq) {
t.Errorf("incorrect event.keySeq: expected: %v actual: %v", expectedKeySeq, event.keySeq)
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if tc.setup != nil {
if tc.cleanup != nil {
defer tc.cleanup()
cmd := keyboardCmd{}
f := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
err := f.Parse(strings.Split(tc.flags, " "))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("parse flags failed: %v", err)
if f.Arg(0) != "" {
cmd.keySequence = strings.Split(f.Arg(0), "+")
err = cmd.ValidateArgs()
switch {
case err == nil && tc.expectedStatus == "usage error":
t.Errorf("(usage error) expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
case err != nil && tc.expectedStatus == "usage error" && tc.expectedError != err.Error():
t.Errorf("(usage error) expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
case err != nil && tc.expectedStatus != "usage error":
t.Errorf("expected: %v actual (usage error): %v", tc.expectedStatus, err)
case err != nil:
err =
if tc.expectedStatus == "failure" {
if err == nil || err.Error() != tc.expectedError {
t.Errorf("expected: %v actual: %v", tc.expectedError, err)
if tc.expectedStatus == "success" {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected: success actual: %v", err)